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Fits a model to data, primarily for instances when the explanatory as well as the
response variables have significant errors. Minimizes the sum of the squares of
the weighted orthogonal distances between each data point and the curve
described by the model equation. Can also be used to solve the ordinary least
squares problem, where all the errors are attributed to the observations of the
dependent variable.
Classes  :  K1a1a3 . Unconstrained linear least squares approximation on
                   univariate data (curve fitting)
            K1b1a2 . Unconstrained nonlinear least squares approximation by
                   smooth functions, user provides first derivatives
            L8a4 .   Simple linear errors in variables regression
            L8c5 .   Measurement error models
            L8e1 .   Nonlinear least squares regression (i.e., y = F(X,b))
            L8e5 .   Nonlinear measurement error models
Type     : Fortran subroutine in ODRPACK package.
Access   : Some uses prohibited. Portable.
Precision: Single.
Details  : Data-1 Data-2 Data-3 Dependencies-1 Dependencies-2 Example-1
           Example-2 Example-3 Source Test
Sites    : (1) NETLIB

Implementation of SODR from ODRPACK on NETLIB

NETLIB:    Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
           Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Precision: Single. (Double: DODR)
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Dependencies-: echo 'send s_mprec0 from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Test         : echo 'send s_test from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Source       : echo 'send s_odr from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Dependencies-: echo 'send s_lpkbls from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Example-2    : echo 'send s_drive2 from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Data-2       : echo 'send data2.dat from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Example-1    : echo 'send s_drive1 from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Data-3       : echo 'send data3.dat from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Example-3    : echo 'send s_drive3 from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Data-1       : echo 'send data1.dat from odrpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov

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