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Found 125 studies with search of:   Open Studies | "Alcoholism"

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1 Recruiting Sertraline Pharmacotherapy for Alcoholism Subtypes
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Alcohol Drinking;   Alcohol Dependence
Interventions: Drug: sertraline;   Drug: Placebo
2 Recruiting Treatment for Alcoholism and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Naltrexone)
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Alcohol Dependence;   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Interventions: Behavioral: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy;   Drug: Naltrexone;   Drug: Placebo
3 Recruiting Gabapentin Treatment of Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Alcohol Abuse;   Alcohol Dependence
Interventions: Drug: Gabapentin;   Behavioral: Standardized behavioral therapy;   Other: placebo
4 Recruiting Zonisamide vs. Placebo in the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Alcohol Abuse;   Alcohol Dependence
Interventions: Drug: zonisamide;   Drug: Placebo
5 Recruiting Alcoholism Assessment and Treatment
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Alcohol Dependence;   Alcohol Drinking Related Problems
6 Recruiting Alcohol Dependency Study: Combining Medication Treatment for Alcoholism
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: ondansetron;   Drug: topiramate;   Behavioral: cognitive behavioral
7 Recruiting Alcoholism: Emotion and Thinking
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Procedure: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI);   Behavioral: Interviews, cognitive tests, and emotional measurements
8 Recruiting Antabuse in Severe Alcoholism: an Open Controlled Study
Condition: Alcoholism
Intervention: Drug: antabuse (disulfiram)
9 Recruiting Simultaneous Measurement of EEG and fMRI in Patients With Alcoholism
Condition: Alcoholism
10 Recruiting Facilitation of NMDA Receptor Function in Patients With Schizophrenia and co-Morbid Alcoholism
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Schizophrenia
Intervention: Drug: Glycine
11 Recruiting N-Acetylcysteine in Alcohol Dependence
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: N-acetylcysteine;   Drug: Placebo
12 Recruiting NMDA Dysregulation in Individuals With a Family Vulnerability to Alcoholism
Condition: Alcoholism
Intervention: Drug: Ketamine, Thiopental
13 Not yet recruiting Study of the Medication Prazosin for Alcohol Dependence
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: Prazosin medication;   Drug: Placebo medication
14 Recruiting Acamprosate to Reduce Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal
Conditions: Alcohol-Related Disorders;   Alcohol Dependence;   Alcoholism;   Healthy Volunteer;   HV
Interventions: Procedure: NMR-spectroscopy;   Drug: Oral acamprosate
15 Recruiting The Effect of Naltrexone on Alcohol Craving and on Brain Activity During Alcohol Infusion
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Alcoholism
Intervention: Drug: Naltrexone
16 Recruiting Cannabinoid Receptor Function & Alcoholism
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: THC;   Drug: Placebo
17 Recruiting Intravenous Alcohol Administration Using BrAc Method in Healthy Subjects With and Without a Family History of Alcoholism
Condition: Alcoholism
Intervention: Drug: 0.1 and 0.04 ethanol doses - IV
18 Recruiting Adjunctive Topiramate for Treatment of Alcohol Dependence in Patients With Bipolar Disorder
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Manic Disorder;   Manic-Depressive;   Alcoholism;   Alcohol Abuse
Interventions: Drug: Topiramate;   Other: Placebo
19 Recruiting Trial of Seroquel SR for Alcohol Dependence and Comorbid Anxiety
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Anxiety Disorders;   Generalized Anxiety Disorder;   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder;   Panic Disorder;   Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Seroquel XR
20 Recruiting Medication Development in Alcoholism: Acamprosate Versus Naltrexone
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: Acamprosate;   Drug: Naltrexone;   Drug: Placebo
21 Recruiting Alcohol and Gender Effects on Stress Circuit Function
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Stress;   Alcohol Dependence
Interventions: Drug: Citalopram;   Other: Placebo
22 Recruiting GABRA2 and the Pharmacokinetics of Risk for Alcoholism (GPRA)
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: Alcohol 6%;   Drug: Placebo
23 Recruiting Pharmacological Treatment for Alcoholism
Condition: Alcohol Dependence
Interventions: Drug: Ondansetron;   Behavioral: Group behavioral therapy
24 Recruiting Using Telephone Technology to Prevent Relapse After Alcoholism Treatment
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Behavioral: Daily monitoring of alcohol & drug use, & therapy skills;   Device: Alcohol Therapeutic Interactive Voice Response System
25 Recruiting Addiction Health Evaluation And Disease Management (AHEAD) Study
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Alcoholism;   Drug Dependence
Intervention: Behavioral: Chronic Disease Management for substance abuse
26 Recruiting Treatment With Acamprosate in Patients With Schizophrenia and Comorbid Alcoholism
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Schizophrenia
Intervention: Drug: acamprosate
27 Recruiting Stress, Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Dysfunction, and Relapse in Alcoholism
Condition: Alcohol Dependence
28 Recruiting GABA Mechanisms Underlying the Vulnerability to Alcohol Dependence
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: Thiopental;   Drug: Placebo
29 Recruiting Varenicline (Chantix™) for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: varenicline;   Drug: placebo
30 Recruiting Modafinil and Naltrexone to Reduce Cocaine and Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: Alcohol-Related Disorders;   Alcoholism;   Cocaine-Related Disorders
Interventions: Drug: Naltrexone;   Drug: Modafinil;   Drug: Placebo
31 Not yet recruiting Trial Investigating the Efficacy and Safety of Org 25935 in Relapse Prevention in Subjects With Alcohol Dependence
Condition: Alcoholism
Interventions: Drug: Org 25935;   Drug: Placebo
32 Recruiting The Stress-Hormone System in Alcohol-Dependent Subjects
Condition: Alcoholism
33 Recruiting An Exploratory Study of Naltrexone Plus Aripiprazole for Alcohol Dependence
Condition: Alcohol Dependence
Interventions: Drug: Placebo;   Drug: Naltrexone;   Drug: Naltrexone + Aripiprazole
34 Not yet recruiting Disulfiram Combined With Lorazapam for Alcohol Dependence and Anxiety Disorder
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Anxiety Disorder
Intervention: Drug: disulfiram plus lorazepam
35 Recruiting Study of the Effectiveness of Quetiapine for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependency
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Alcohol Abuse
Interventions: Drug: Quetiapine fumarate;   Other: Placebo
36 Recruiting Quetiapine for Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Alcohol Dependence
Intervention: Drug: Quetiapine
37 Recruiting Mecamylamine for the Treatment of Patients With Depression and Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Depression
Intervention: Drug: Mecamylamine
38 Recruiting Topiramate for Treatment of Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder and Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Borderline Personality Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Topiramate
39 Recruiting Neurocognitive Functioning Following The PROMETA® Treatment Protocol In Subjects With Alcohol Dependence
Condition: Alcohol Dependence
Intervention: Drug: Prometa Treatment Program
40 Recruiting Couples-Based Behavioral Psychotherapy for Male Patients With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: PTSD;   Alcohol Dependence
Intervention: Behavioral: Couples-based behavioral psychotherapy
41 Recruiting Extended-Release Naltrexone for Alcohol Dependence in Primary Care
Condition: Alcohol Dependence
Intervention: Drug: Extended release injectable naltrexone (Vivitrol)
42 Not yet recruiting Injectable Naltrexone Treatment of Alcohol Dependence in Serious Mental Illness (SMI)
Conditions: Schizophrenia;   Schizoaffective Disorder;   Bipolar Disorder;   Alcohol Dependence
Intervention: Drug: long-lasting injectable naltrexone
43 Not yet recruiting The Use of Anticonvulsants for Treatment of Patients With Alcohol Dependence and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Intervention: Drug: lamotrigine and topiramate
44 Recruiting Study of Campral (Acamprosate) for Alcohol Dependence in a Family Medicine Clinic
Condition: Alcohol Dependence
Intervention: Drug: Acamprosate (Campral)
45 Not yet recruiting Prazosin for Treatment of Patients With Alcohol Dependence (AD) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic
Intervention: Drug: Prazosin
46 Recruiting A Modified Version of Cognitive Processing Therapy for Treatment of Patients Diagnosed With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Alcohol Dependence or Alcohol Abuse
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   PTSD
Intervention: Other: modified CPT-C
47 Recruiting Screening Evaluation for Studies of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Conditions: Alcoholic Intoxication;   Alcoholism;   Healthy
48 Recruiting Acamprosate Added to Escitalopram and Behavioral Treatment for Comorbid Depression and Alcoholism
Conditions: Major Depressive Disorder;   Alcohol Abuse;   Alcohol Dependence
Interventions: Drug: acamprosate;   Drug: escitalopram;   Behavioral: Medical management;   Drug: Placebo
49 Recruiting Effectiveness of Sertraline in Treating Pathological Gamblers With a Diagnosis of Alcohol Dependence - 1
Conditions: Alcoholism;   Gambling
Interventions: Drug: Sertraline;   Behavioral: Relapse Prevention Therapy
50 Recruiting The Safety and Efficacy of Eszopiclone in the Treatment of Insomnia in Patients With Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: Insomnia;   Alcohol Dependence
Interventions: Drug: Eszopiclone;   Drug: Matching Placebo

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