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Official Seal of the Federal Maritime Comission
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Commissioner Joseph E. Brennan

Commissioner Joseph E. Brennan

Counsel: Steven D. Najarian

Phone: (202) 523-5723

COMMISSIONER JOSEPH E. BRENNAN, of Portland, Maine, comes to the Commission to continue a distinguished career of public service. After serving in the U.S. Army, he graduated from Boston College and the University of Maine School of Law. He became a representative in the Maine House in 1965. Mr. Brennan went on to serve as District Attorney for Cumberland County in Maine, as a Maine State Senator, and as the State's Attorney General. He was elected Governor of the State of Maine in 1979, a position he held until 1987, and also served as Chairman of the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers. He subsequently served in the U.S. House of Representatives until 1991, and then entered private practice as an attorney in Washington, D.C.

  • (9/12/2008)  Commissioner Brennan Dissents from Commission Vote to Delay San Pedro Ports Agreement and Clean Trucks Program
  • (5/25/2007)  Commissioner Brennan Votes Against Addendum to 2003 Settlement Agreement with Transpacific Stabilization Agreement Member Lines
  • (10/11/2006)  Commissioner Brennan Issues Statement to the Antitrust Modernization Commission
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