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Asperger Syndrome
What is Asperger syndrome?
Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder, a group of conditions that include autism and other disorders with similar symptoms, such as problems with language and communication, and repetitive or restrictive patterns of thoughts and behavior.

People with Asperger syndrome have autism-like problems in areas of social interaction and communication, but have normal intelligence and verbal skills.  Asperger syndrome is usually thought to be the mildest of the autism spectrum disorders.

What are the symptoms of Asperger syndrome?
One of the most distinct symptoms of Asperger syndrome is having an obsessive interest in a single object or topic—so much so that the person ignores other objects, topics, or thoughts.

Unlike some children with autism spectrum disorders, children with Asperger syndrome tend to have good vocabularies and grammar skills.  But they usually have other language problems, such as being very literal and having trouble understanding non-verbal communications, such as body language.

Other symptoms of Asperger syndrome may include:
  • Obsessive or repetitive routines and rituals
  • Motor-skill problems, such as clumsy or uncoordinated movements and delays in motor skills
  • Social-skill problems, especially related to communicating with others
  • Sensitivity to sensory information, such as light, sound, texture, and taste
What is the treatment for Asperger syndrome?
There is no cure for Asperger syndrome, but people with Asperger syndrome can live full and happy lives, especially with early treatment intervention.

Treatment for Asperger syndrome can include educational and social skills training.  It may also include behavioral therapy and medication for related conditions.  For more information, see the What are the treatments for autism? section of the NICHD autism health topic.

Where can I get more information about Asperger Syndrome?