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Hyundai Introduces New 1.6-Liter Diesel

16 September 2008

The 1.6-liter U2 diesel. Click to enlarge.

The Powertrain R&D Center of Hyundai Motor Company has completed development of a new, more fuel efficient and cleaner diesel engine for compact passenger vehicles (C-segment and below). The 1.6-liter (1,582cc) U2 is an inline four-cylinder engine which utilizes a second-generation common rail diesel injection system and supports a fuel consumption rating of 4.7 L/100km (50 mpg US).

The first car to have the U2 engine installed will be the successor model of the Getz, the i20 sub-compact. The i20, due to be launched in Europe towards the end of 2008, will be produced at Hyundai Motor Co.’s Indian subsidiary in Chennai.

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Modeling a Free-Piston Engine Genset for Hybrid Applications

16 September 2008

Cross-section of the FPLA. Click to enlarge.

Researchers from Shanghai Jiaotong University in China have developed a new and more accurate computer model of the alternator component of the free-piston linear alternator (FPLA)—a two-stroke, free-piston engine combined with a linear alternator to generate electricity, with potential application in a hybrid electric vehicle. A paper on their work is scheduled for the 17 Sept. issue of the journal Energy & Fuels.

The free-piston engine offers a number of benefits, including optimization of the combustion process through variable compression ratios, making multifuel operation possible; reducing frictional losses because of fewer moving parts; and allowing homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) to be more easily achieved. A linear alternator can use the linear piston force without requiring additional mechanical components necessary in a rotary configuration.

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New Study Says High Grain Prices Are Likely Here to Stay

15 September 2008

Good and Irwin suggest that the market is entering its third period of sustained increases in grain prices. Click to enlarge.

An ethanol-influenced spike in grain prices will likely hold, yielding the first sustained increase for corn, wheat and soybean prices in more than three decades, according to new research by two University of Illinois farm economists.

Corn could average $4.60 a bushel in Illinois, nearly double the average $2.42 a bushel from 1973 to 2006, said Darrel Good and Scott Irwin, professors of agriculture and consumer economics. Price swings stemming from weather or other market variables could send corn as high as $6.70 a bushel or down to $3, based on a review of market data dating back to the mid-1900s, according to the report “The New Era of Corn, Soybean and Wheat Prices.”

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Reaction Design Launches Model Fuels Consortium II

15 September 2008

Reaction Design announced the establishment of Model Fuels Consortium II (MFC-II). (Earlier post.) The MFC is a collaboration of engine companies, energy companies and research laboratories, led by Reaction Design, which is developing model fuels to support the development of cleaner-burning, more efficient engines and fuels by enabling accurate simulation results.

The goal of MFC-II is to create software models and tools that let engine designers predict and control soot particle size and number. Nano-particles are increasingly being linked to various medical conditions from asthma to pulmonary fibrosis. New and proposed regulations would limit the number and size of these particles that an engine can produce.

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Fiat to Show New Natural Gas and Electric Light Commercial Vehicles at Hanover

15 September 2008

Two new Fiat natural gas light commercial vehicles will make their debut at the Hanover International Motor Show (25 September to 2 October): the Ducato and Fiorino Natural Power models. Fiat held a 47% share of new natural gas commercial vehicles in Europe in 2007 (66.8% in Italy); in the 1B segment, with Doblò Natural Power in particular, Fiat has a 45% market share in Europe.

In addition, Fiat will introduce a lithium-ion battery-electric version of the new Fiorino, produced by Micro-Vett in cooperation with Centro Ricerche Fiat (Fiat Research Centre).

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Peugeot Sport Shows Hybrid 908 HDi FAP Demonstrator with KERS System

14 September 2008

The 908 HY hybrid system has three core elements: (1) 60 kW motor-generator; (2) Li-ion battery pack; (3) power converter. Click to enlarge.

Peugeot Sport used the final round of the 2008 Le Mans Series at Silverstone to unveil a hybrid 908 HDi FAP equipped with a kinetic energy recovery system (KERS). The 908 HY will provide a preview of what Peugeot’s next endurance racing challenger could resemble, although its use will depend on the regulations that will govern LMP1 cars from 2009.

The 908 HDi is based on a 5.5-liter V12 diesel engine that produces more 515 kW (700 bhp) of power and a torque output greater than 1,200 Nm. The 908 HDi FAP made its race debut in 2007. The hybrid system featured on the 908 HY demonstrator comprises three key elements:

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Permafrost Organic Carbon Content Double Prior Estimates

14 September 2008

Conceptual diagram of the effect of permafrost thawing on climate. Decomposition in oxic soils releases primarily CO2, whereas anoxic decomposition produces both CH4 and CO2, but at a lower total emission rate. Fire releases mostly CO2, but also some CH4. Click to enlarge. Credit: BioScience

An international, three-year study involving collaboration between scientists from Australia, Russia, the US, the UK, Canada and Europe has estimated that the amount of frozen organic carbon locked away in the world’s permafrost regions—a major potential source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)—is 1,672 petagrams (1,672 billion metric tons). This is more than double prior estimates of the world’s high-latitude carbon inventory, and more than twice the size of the current atmospheric carbon pool.

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EIA: PHEV40s Could Come Close to Matching Energy and Emissions Benefits of Fuel Cell Vehicles

13 September 2008

Full fuel cycle CO2 emissions for PHEV40s and FCVs with 2x (top) and 3x (bottom) baseline fuel economy, under different H2 production scenarios. Click to enlarge.

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has published an analysis of the impacts on US energy import dependence and emission reductions resulting from the commercialization of advanced hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in the transportation and distributed generation markets.

Among its findings, the report concludes that successful deployment of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) is dependent on several concurrent R&D successes and investments within the next 25 years. At the same time, other promising technologies such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) offer opportunities for major reductions in petroleum use and CO2 emissions from light-duty vehicles (LDVs).

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DARPA Soliciting Research Proposals for Zero CO2, Lower-Water CTL Technologies

13 September 2008

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) soliciting research proposals for new technologies for the conversion of coal to liquid (CTL) hydrocarbon fuels that are more environmentally friendly and cost-competitive with petroleum-based fuels. Specifically, DARPA is looking for processes that generate no CO2 and that consume about half the water of current technology.

The Coal to Liquids (CTL) program is designed to explore aggressive, short-term, feasibility demonstrations of innovative concepts that would enable the DoD to effectively and economically exploit US coal reserves as part of an overall strategy to ensure a secure future energy supply for the military without the environmental or economic downsides of current direct or indirect coal liquefaction technologies.

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Researchers Explore New Class of Second-Generation Biofuels for Diesel Engines: Cyclic Oxygenates

12 September 2008

Smoke opacity versus cetane number plotted for various 9 wt% fuel oxygen blends at three different EGR levels. Click to enlarge. Credit: ACS

Dutch researchers led by a team from Eindhoven University of Technology suggest that low-cetane C6 cyclic oxygenates—which could be derived from biomass—could perform well as cellulosic diesel blending fuels. A paper on their work was published online 10 September in the journal Energy & Fuels.

The heavy-duty diesel industry is facing a challenge in maintaining fuel economy while meeting more stringent emissions legislation (such as EPA 2010 and Euro 6), the team noted.

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India Sets Target of 20% Biofuels by 2017

12 September 2008

India’s Cabinet approved implementation of the National Biofuel Policy that sets an indicative target of 20% ethanol and biodiesel in transportation fuel by 2017.

The country currently sells 5% ethanol blended gasoline (E5) and has a number of pilot projects underway with biodiesel. The ethanol component is due to double next month to 10% (E10), but availability of sugarcane for ethanol feedstock may hinder achieving that deadline.

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US Congress Passes $8 Billion Highway Trust Fund Bill

12 September 2008

The US House of Representatives voted 376-29 to give final approval to a measure that would immediately appropriate US$8.017 billion of general revenue to the Highway Trust Fund, sending the bill to President Bush for his expected signature.

The House originally passed the bill, HR 6532, on July 23. Senators approved it by voice vote Wednesday evening, amending the legislation to make it effective upon the president's signature rather than on Sept. 30. The House today concurred with the Senate amendment and sent the bill to the White House.

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