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GIS Downloads

We offer a wide range of downloadable GIS Layers:

GCMRC mile thumbnail


This coverage contains points representing whole miles in the GCMRC river mile system. The points fall along the centerline of the Colorado River from Glen Canyon Dam to the headwaters of Lake Mead.
GCMRC tenth mile thumbnail


This coverage contains points representing tenth of miles in the GCMRC river mile system. The points fall along the centerline of the Colorado River from Glen Canyon Dam to the headwaters of Lake Mead. The points were generated from exported nodes from the "centerline" tenth_mile route.
GCMRC tenth kilometer thumbnail


This coverage contains points representing hectometers (100 meter intervals) from the Glen Canyon Dam. The points fall along the centerline of the Colorado River from Glen Canyon Dam to the headwaters of Lake Mead. The points were generated from exported events from the "cl_hectometer" hectom route.
Long-term monitoring reaches thumbnail


Integrated Long Term Monitoring Reaches were developed by the GCMRC and its cooperators to focus interdisciplinary research in limited reaches for the synergistic advantages of coordinated research and for cost savings. The reaches were developed and revised by the GCMRC GIS after multiple reviews by the staff and cooperators. These reach boundaries are approximate and should be used for planning purposes only.
quarter-quarterquad (qqq) tiles thumbnail


This is a GIS Index Layer for the Digital Imagery and Digital Elevation Data acquired along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon since May 2002. This region coverage should be used to locate specific quarter-quarterquad (qqq) tiles of RGB, CIR, DSM, and Band Separates.