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SWMRU Publications

Files in Adobe PDF format are available below for many of the publications listed. Also, reprints of these publications are available from the above address [attention Dr. Terry A. Howell] as long as reprint supplies last. Note, some reports and book chapters are not available. The latest version of the full manuscript will be sent in most cases (i.e., if an ASAE meeting paper or an abstract has been published only the final published version will be sent).

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Prior to 1976 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007| 2008

red_dotPrior to 1976 (where PDF files are available)

1963. Taylor, H.M., C.E. Van Doren, C.L. Godfrey, and J.R. Coover. Soils of the Southwestern Great Plains Field Stations. Texas A&M University, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. No. MP-669, June 1963.
Manuscript in Adobe format (15,584 kb).

1963. Taylor, H.M., C.E. Van Doren, C.L. Godfrey, and J.R. Coover, Soils of the Southwestern Great Plains Field Station. Texas Agric. Exp. Stn. Misc. Publ. MP-669. 12 pp. 1966. Hauser, V.L. Hydrology, Conservation, and Management of Runoff Water in Playas on the Southern High Plains. Conserv. Res. Rpt. 8, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. pp. 1-24.
Manuscript in Adobe format (20,202 kb).

1973. Clark, R.N., and E.A. Hiler. Plant measurements as indicators of crop water deficit. Crop Sci. Vol. 13, p. 466-469. July-August 1973.
Manuscript in Adobe format(373 kb).

1973. Goss, D.W., S.J. Smith, B.A. Stewart, and O.R. Jones. Fate of suspended sediment during basin recharge. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 9, No. 3, June 1973, pp. 668-675.
Manuscript in Adobe format (505 kb).

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1976. Allen, R.R., J.T. Musick, and A.F. Wiese. Limited tillage of furrow irrigated winter wheat. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 234-236, 241.
Manuscript in Adobe format (351 kb).

1976. Musick, J.T., L.L. New, and D.A. Dusek. Soil water depletion - yield relationships of irrigated sorhum, wheat, and soybeans. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 19, No. 3. pp. 489-493.
Manuscript in Adobe format 522 kb).

1976. Schneider, A.D. Irrigation tailwater loss and utilization equations. J. Irrig. Drain. Div., Proc. ASCE 102(IR4):461-464.
Manuscript in Adobe format (229 kb).

1976. Schneider, A.D., L.L. New, and J.T. Musick. Reducing tailwater runoff for efficient irrigation water use. Trans. ASAE 19:1093-1097.
Manuscript in Adobe format (432 kb).

1976. Unger, P.W., R.R. Allen, O.R. Jones, A.C. Mathers, and B.A. Stewart. Sunflower Research in the Souther High Plains -- A Progress Report. Prepared for the Sunflower Forum, Fargo, ND. pp. 24-29. (Proceedings)
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,039 kb).

1976. Unger, P.W. and J.J. Parker. Evaporation reduction from soil with wheat, sorghum, and cotton residues. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 40:938-942.
Manuscript in Adobe format (740 kb).

1976. Unger, P.W. Surface residue, water application, and soil texture effects on water accumulation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 40:298-300.
Manuscript in Adobe format (451 kb).

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1977. Allen, R.R., B.A. Stewart, and P.W. Unger. Conservation tillage and energy. J. Soil Water Cons. Vol. 32, No. 2, March-April, 1977. pp. 84-87.
Manuscript in Adobe format (470 kb).

1977. Eck, H.V., T. Martinez, and G.C. Wilson. Alfalfa production on a profile-modified slowly permeable soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Vol. 41, No. 6, Nov.-Dec., 1977. pp. 1181-1186. Manuscript in Adobe format (640 kb).

1977. Schneider, A.D., A.F. Wiese, and O.R. Jones. Movement of three herbicides in a fine sand aquifer. Agron. J. 69:432-436.
Manuscript in Adobe format (467 kb).

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1978. Schneider, A.D. and J.N. Luthin. Simulation of groundwater mound perching in layered media. Trans. ASAE 21(5):920-923, 930.
Manuscript in Adobe format (383 kb).

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1978. Unger, P.W. Straw mulch rate effects on soil water storage and sorghum yield. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 42:486-491.
Manuscript in Adobe format (580 kb).

1979. Allen, R.R., A.F. Wiese, and E.B. Hudspeth, Jr. Sunflower plant drying and machine harvest efficiency - Southern Plains. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 992-996.
in Adobe format (720 kb).

1979. Schneider, A.D., and R.N. Clark. Wind-Assisted Irrigation Pumping. Proc. Specialty Conference on Irrigation and Drainage in the Nineteen-Eighties, ASCE, Albuquerque, NM. pp. 115-120.
Manuscript in Adobe format (235 kb).

1979. Unger, P.W. Effects of deep tillage and profile modification on soil properties, root growth, and crop yields in the United States and Canada. Geoderma 22:275-295. (Review Article)
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,134 kb).

1979. Unger, P.W. and A.F. Wiese. Managing irrigated winter wheat residue for water storage and subsequent dryland grain sorghum production. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 43:582-588.
Manuscript in Adobe format (669 kb).

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1980. Allen, R.R., J.T. Musick, and D.A. Dusek. Limited tillage and energy use with furrow-irrigated grain sorghum. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 23, No. 2. pp. 346-350.
Manuscript in Adobe format (819 kb).

1980. Clark, R.N. Irrigation with wind power. McGraw Hill Yearbook of Sciency and Technology. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Manuscript in Adobe format (358 kb).

1980. Gilbertson, C.B., R.N. Clark, J.C. Nye, and N.P. Swanson. Runoff control for livestock feedlots - State of the art. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 1207-1212.
Manuscript in Adobe format (587 kb).

1980. Unger, P.W. Planting date effects on growth, yield, and oil of irrigated sunflower. Agron. J. 72:914-916.
Manuscript in Adobe format (267 kb).

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1981. Musick, J.T., D.A. Dusek, and A.D. Schneider. Deep tillage of irrigated Pullman clay loam - a long-term evaluation. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 24, No. 6. pp. 1515-1519.
Manuscript in Adobe format (540 kb).

1981. Allen, R.R., and L.D. Hollingsworth. Combine header performance in lodged grain sorghum. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 1426-1428, 1431.
Manuscript in Adobe format (468 kb).

1981. Clark, R.N., V. Nelson, R.E. Barieau, and E. Gilmore. Wind turbines for irrigation pumping. J. Energy, Vol. 5, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1981, pp. 104-108.
Manuscript in Adobe format (578 kb).

1981. Eck, H.V., T. Martinez, and G.C. Wilson. Tall fescue and smooth bromegrass. I. Nitrogen and water requirements. Agron. J. Vol. 73, May-Jun. pp. 446-452.
Manuscript in Adobe format (563 kb).

1981. Eck, H.V., G.C. Wilson, and T. Martinez. Tall fescue and smooth bromegrass. II. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and irrigation regimes on quality. Agron. J. Vol. 73, May-Jun. pp. 453-456. Manuscript in Adobe format (483 kb).

1981. Stewart, B.A., D.L. Grunes, A.C. Mathers, and F.P. Horn. Chemical Compositition of Winter Wheat Forage Grown Where Grass Tetany and Bloat Occur. Agron. J. 73:337-347.
Manuscript in Adobe format (883 kb).

1981. Unger, P.W. and O.R. Jones. Effect of soil water content and a growing-season straw mulch on grain sorghum. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45:129-134.
Manuscript in Adobe format (932 kb).

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1982. Allen, R.R., J.T. Musick, and L.D. Hollingsworth. Topping corn and delaying harvest for field drying. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 1529-1532.
Manuscript in Adobe format (432 kb).

1982. Koshi, P.T., J. Stubbendieck, H.V. Eck, and W.G. McCulley. Switchgrasses: Forage yield, forage quality, and water use efficiency. J. Range Manag. Vol. 35, No. 5, Sept. 1982. pp. 623-627.
Manuscript in Adobe format (480 kb).

1982. Musick, J.T. and D.A. Dusek. Skip-row planting and irrigation of graded furrows. Trans. ASAE 25(1):82-87, 92.
Manuscript in Adobe format (618 kb).

1982. Unger, P.W. Management of crops on clay soils in the tropics. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) 59:110-122. (Review Article)
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,515 kb).

1982. Unger, P.W. Surface soil physical properties after 36 years of cropping to winter wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46:796-801.
Manuscript in Adobe format (948 kb).

1982. Unger, P.W. and T.E. Thompson. Planting date effects on sunflower head and seed development. Agron. J. 74:389-395.
Manuscript in Adobe format (908 kb).

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1983. Allen, R.R., L.D. Hollingsworth, and J.D. Thomas. Sunflower planting and emergence with coated seed. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 665-668.
Manuscript in Adobe format (430 kb).

1983. Clark, R.N., and F.C. Vosper. Electrical wind assist water pumping. Third ASME Wind Energy Symposium. Book No. 100187. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 105-110.
Manuscript in Adobe format (370 kb).

1983. Schneider, A D. and O.R. Jones. Basin recharge of playa water. J. Irrig. Drain. Div., Proc. ASCE 109(IR3):309-316.
Manuscript in Adobe format (342 kb).

1983. Steiner, J.L., E.T. Kanemasu, and R.N. Clark Spray Losses and Partitioning of Water Under a Center Pivot Sprinkler System. Trans. ASAE. 26:1128-1134.
Manuscript in Adobe format (640 kb).

1983. Steiner, J.L., E.T. Kanemasu, and D. Hasza. Microclimatic and Crop Responses to Center Pivot Sprinkler and to Surface Irrigation. Irrig Sci. 4:201-214.
Manuscript in Adobe format (624 kb).

1983. Stewart, B A., J.T. Musick, and D.A. Dusek. Yield and water use efficiency of grain sorghum in a limited irrigation-dryland farming system. Agron. J. 75:629-634.
Manuscript in Adobe format (552 kb).

1983. Unger, P.W. Irrigation effect on sunflower growth, development, and water use. Field Crops Res. 7:181-194.
Manuscript in Adobe format (733 kb).

1983. Unger, P.W. Water conservation -- Southern Great Plains. pp. 35-55. In Dregne, H. E. and Willis, W. 0. (eds.) Dryland Agriculture, Agron. Monogr. 23. Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI. (Book Chapter)
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,819 kb).

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1984. Clark, R.N. Electrical generation using a vertical-axis wind turbine. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 577-580.
Manuscript in Adobe format (353 kb).

1984. Eck, H.V., and P.L. Sims. Grass species adaptability in the Southern High Plains - A 36-year assessment. J. Range Manag. Vol. 37, No. 3, May 1984. pp. 211-217.
Manuscript in Adobe format (625 kb).

1984. Eck, H.V. Irrigated corn yield response to nitrogen and water. Agron. J. Vol. 76, May-June 1984, pp. 421-428.
Manuscript in Adobe format (730 kb).

1984. Rogers, C.E., P.W. Unger, and G.L. Kreitner. Adventitious rooting in 'Hopi' sunflower: Function and anatomy. Agron. J. 76:429-434.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,809 kb).

1984. Schneider, A.D. Problem well reclaimed with second screen. The Johnson Drillers' J. 56(1):6-8. (Popular article)
Manuscript in Adobe format (240 kb).

1984. Unger, P.W. Tillage and residue effects on wheat, sorghum, and sunflower grown in rotation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:885-891.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,148 kb).

1984. Unger, P.W. Tillage effects on surface soil physical conditions and sorghum emergence. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:1423-1432.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,722 kb).

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1985. Allen, R.R. Reduced tillage - energy systems for furrow irrigated sorghum on wide beds. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1736-1740.
Manuscript in Adobe format (547 kb).

1985. Evett, S.R., and G.R. Dutt. Effect of slope and rainfall intensity on erosion from sodium dispersed, compacted earth microcatchments. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 49:202-206.
Manuscript in Adobe format (539 kb).

1985. Evett, S.R., and G.R. Dutt. Length and slope effects on runoff from sodium dispersed, compacted earth microcatchments. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 49:734-738.
Manuscript in Adobe format (549 kb).

1985. Jones, O.R., P.W. Unger, D.W. Fryrear. Agricultural technology and conservation on the Southern High Plains. J. Soil Water Cons. Vol. 40, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1985. pp. 195-198. Manuscript in Adobe format (810 kb).

1985. Musick, J.T., F.B. Pringle, and P.N. Johnson. Furrow compaction for controlling excessive irrigation water intake. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 28. No. 2. pp. 502-506.
Manuscript in Adobe format (536 kb).

1985. Vosper, F.C., and R.N. Clark. Energy production and performance of a wind-driven induction generator. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 617-621.
Manuscript in Adobe format (428 kb).

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1986. Allen, R.R., and C.R. Fenster. Subble-mulch equipment for soil and water conservation in the Great Plains. J. Soil Water Cons. Vol. 41, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1986. pp. 11-16.
in Adobe format (1,559 kb).

1986. Eck, H.V. Effects of water deficits on yield, yield components, and water use efficiency of irrigated corn. Agron. J., Vol. 78, No. 6, pp. 1035-1040.
Manuscript in Adobe format (577 kb).

1986. Eck, H.V. Profile modification and irrigation effects on yield and water use of wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., Vol. 50, No. 3, May-June 1986, pp. 724-729.
Manuscript in Adobe format (612 kb).

1986. Eck, H.V. Profile Modification and Irrigation Effects on Yield and Water Use of Wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:724-729.
Manuscript in Adobe format (610 kb).

1986. Howell, T.A., J.T. Musick, and J.A. Tolk. Canopy temperature of irrigated winter wheat. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 1692-1698.
Manuscript in Adobe format (707 kb).

1986. Musick, J.T. and F.B. Pringle. Tractor wheel compaction of wide-spaced irrigated furrows for reducing water application. Appl. Eng. Agric. 2(2):123-128.
Manuscript in Adobe format (603 kb).

1986. Schneider, A.D. and L.L. New. Engine efficiencies in irrigation pumping from wells. Trans. ASAE 29(4):1043-1046.
Manuscript in Adobe format (379 kb).

1986. Steiner, J.L. Dryland Grain Sorghum Water Use, Light Interception, and Growth Responses to Planting Geometry. Agron. J. 78:720-726.
Manuscript in Adobe format (548 kb).

1986. Unger, P.W. Growth and development of irrigated sunflower in the Texas High Plains. Agron. J. 78:507-515.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,276 kb).

1986. Unger, P.W. Sunflower development in the Texas High Plains: Environmental effects. Texas Agric. Exp. Stn. Misc. Publ. MP-1598. 36 pp. (Technical Report)
Manuscript in Adobe format (2,663 kb).

1986. Unger, P.W., J.L. Steiner, and O.R. Jones. Response of conservation tillage sorghum to growing season precipitation. Soil Tillage Res. 7:291-300.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,249 kb).

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1987. Burton, R.L., O.R. Jones, J.D. Burd, G.A. Wicks, and E.G. Krenzer, Jr. Damage by Greenbug (Homoptera: Aphididae) to Grain Sorghum as Affected by Tillage, Surface Residues, and Canopy. J. Econ. Entomol. 80:792-798.
Manuscript in Adobe format (793 kb).

1987. Dusek, D.A, T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, and K.S. Copeland. Buhsland weighing lysimeter data aquisition systems for evapotranspiration research. ASAE Meeting Paper no. 87-2506. International Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Dec. 15-18. Chicago.
Manuscript in Adobe format (903 kb).

1987. Eck, H.V., A.C. Mathers, and J.T. Musick. Plant water stress at various growth stages and growth and yield of soybeans Soil Field Crops Res. Vol. 17. pp. 1-16.
Manuscript in Adobe format (771 kb).

1987. Eck, H.V. Characteristics of exposed subsoil - At exposure and 23 years later. Agron. J. Vol. 79, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1987, pp. 1067-1073.
Manuscript in Adobe format (656 kb).

1987. Howell, T.A., L.H. Ziska, R.L. McCormick, L.M. Burtch, and B.B. Fischer. Response of sugarbeets to irrigation frequency and cutoff on a clay loam soil. Irrig. Sci., Vol. 8, pp. 1-11. Manuscript in Adobe format (494 kb).

1987. Howell, T.A., M. Meron, K.R. Davis, C.J. Phene, and H. Yamada. Water management of trickle and furrow irrigated narrow row cotton in the San Joaquin Valley. Appl. Engr. Agric. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 222-227.
Manuscript in Adobe format (584 kb).

1987. Jones, O.R., and R.N. Clark. Effects of furrow dikes on water conservation and dryland crop yields. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Vol. 51, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1987, pp. 1307-1314.
Manuscript in Adobe format (766 kb).

1987. Musick, J.T., and J.D. Walker. Irrigation practices for reduced water application - Texas High Plains. Appl. Engineer. Agric. Vol. 3. No. 2. pp. 190-195.
Manuscript in Adobe format (741 kb).

1987. Musick, J.T., J.D. Walker, A.D. Schneider, and F.B. Pringle. Seasonal evaluation of surge flow irrigation for corn. Appl. Engineer. Agric. Vol. 3. No. 2. pp. 247-251.
Manuscript in Adobe format (556 kb).

1987. Steiner, J.L. Modeling Agroclimatic Systems: Guidelines and Perspectives. ICRISAT. pp. C.E. 341-351.
Manuscript in Adobe format (724 kb).

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1988. Allen, R.R. Performance of three wheat seeders in conservation tillage residue. Appl. Engr. Agric. Vol. 4, No. 3. pp. 191-196.
in Adobe format (745 kb).

1988. Allen, R.R. Straw recovery as affected by wheat harvest method. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 31, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1988, pp. 1656-1659.
Manuscript in Adobe format (408 kb).

1988. Eck, H.V. Winter wheat response to nitrogen and irrigation. Agron. J., Vol. 80, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1988, pp. 902-908.
Manuscript in Adobe format (730 kb).

1988. Graham, P.L., J.L. Steiner,. and A.F. Wiese. Light Absorption and Competition in Mixed Sorghum-Pigweed Communities. Agron J. 80(3):415-418.
Manuscript in Adobe format (430 kb).

1988. Musick, J.T., F.B. Pringle, and J.D. Walker. Sprinkler and furrow irrigation trends - Texas High Plains. Appl. Engineer. Agric. Vol. 4. No.1. pp. 46-52.
Manuscript in Adobe format (740 kb).

1988. New, L.L. and A.D. Schneider. Irrigation pumping plant efficiencies--High Plains and Trans-Pecos areas of Texas. Texas Agric. Exp. Stn. Misc. Publ. No. 1643. 6 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (434 kb).

1988. Schneider, A.D., T.H. Marek, L.L. Ebeling, T.A. Howell, and J.L. Steiner. Hydraulic pulldown procedure for collecting large soil monoliths. Trans. ASAE 31(4):1092-1097. 1988.
Manuscript in Adobe format (578 kb).

1988. Schneider, A D. and O.R. Jones. Ground water recharge through excavated basins. Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engr. Int. Symp. on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water. pp. 292-301.
Manuscript in Adobe format (411 kb).

1988. Steiner, J.L., J.C. Day, R.I. Papendick, R.E. Meyer, and A.R. Bertrand. Improving and Sustaining Productivity in Dryland Regions of Developing Countries. Advances in Soil Science. 8:79-122.
Manuscript in Adobe format (2,155 kb).

1988. Unger, P.W. Grain and Forage Sorghum Production with No-Tillage on Dryland. Agron. J. 80(2):193-197.
Manuscript in Adobe format (784 kb).

1988. Unger, P.W. Residue management effects on soil temperature. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52:1777-1782.
Manuscript in Adobe format (949 kb).

1988. Vosper, F.C., and R.N. Clark. Autonomous wind-generated electricity for induction motors. J. Solar Energy Engr. Vol. 110, August 1988. pp. 198-201.
Manuscript in Adobe format (319 kb).

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1989. Howell, T.A., K.S. Copeland, A.D. Schneider, and D.A. Dusek. Sprinkler irrigation management for corn - Southern High Plains. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 32, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1989, pp. 147-154, 160.
Manuscript in Adobe format (898 kb).

1989. Steiner, J.L. Tillage and Surface Residue Effects on Evaporation from Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53:911-916.
Manuscript in Adobe format (652 kb).

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1990. Allen, R.R., and J.T. Musick. Effect of tillage and preplant irrigation on sorghum production. Appl. Engr. Agric. Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 611-618.
Manuscript in Adobe format (627 kb).

1990. Eck, H.V., S.R. Winter, and S.J. Smith. Sugarbeet yield and quality in relation to residual beef feedlot waste. Agron. J., Vol. 82, No. 2, Mar.-April 1990, pp. 250-254.
Manuscript in Adobe format (523 kb).

1990. Howell, T.A. Relationships between crop production and transpiration, evapotranspiration, and irrigation. Chapter 14. pp. 391-434 In Irrigation of Agricultural Crops - Agronomy Monograph no. 30. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.
Manuscript in Adobe format (2,299 kb).

1990. Howell, T.A. Grain, dry matter yield relationships for winter wheat and grain sorghum - Southern High Plains. Agron. J., Vol. 82, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1990, pp. 914-918.
Manuscript in Adobe format (508 kb).

1990. Howell, T.A., Wind profile parameter estimation using MathCAD. Agron. J., Vol. 82, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1990, pp. 1027-1030.
Manuscript in Adobe format (317 kb).

1990. Howell, T.A., and J.A. Tolk. Calibration of soil heat flux transducers. Theor. Appl. Climatol. Vol. 42. pp. 263-272.
Manuscript in Adobe format (646 kb).

1990. Musick, J.T. Wheat. Chapter 20 pp. 597-638 In Irrigation of Agricultural Crops - Agronomy Monograph no. 30. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.
Manuscript in Adobe format (2,421 kb).

1990. Musick, J.T., F.B. Pringle, W.L. Harman, and B.A. Stewart. Long-term irrigation trends - Texas High Plains. Appl. Engineer. Agric. Vol. 6. No. 6. pp. 717-724.
Manuscript in Adobe format (857 kb).

1990. Musick, J.T., and F.R. Lamm. Preplant irrigation in the central and southern High Plains - A review. Trans. ASAE, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1990, pp. 1834-1842.
Manuscript in Adobe format (938 kb).

1990. Schneider, A.D. and L.L. New. Power measurement in U-Joint drive shafts on irrigation pumping plants. Trans. ASAE 33(1):86-88.
Manuscript in Adobe format (424 kb).

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1991. Clark, R.N. Design and initial performance of a 500-kW vertical axis wind turbine. Trans ASAE, Vol. 34, No. 3, May-June 1991, pp. 985-991.
Manuscript in Adobe format (588 kb).

1991. Howell, T.A., A.D. Schneider, and M.E. Jensen. History of lysimeter design and use for evapotranspiration measurements. Pp. 1-9 In R.G. Allen, T.A. Howell, W.O. Pruitt, I.A. Walter, and M.E. Jensen (eds.) Lysimeters for Evapotranspiration and Environmental Measurements. Proc. International Symp. Lysimetry. American Soc. Civil Engineers. New York, New York.
Manuscript in Adobe format (485 kb).

1991. Phene, C.J., G.J. Hoffman, T.A. Howell, D.A. Clark, R.M. Mead, R.S. Johnson, and L.E. Williams. Automated lysimeter for irrigation and drainage control. Pp. 28-36 In R.G. Allen, T.A. Howell, W.O. Pruitt, I.A. Walter, and M.E. Jensen (eds.) Lysimeters for Evapotranspiration and Environmental Measurements. Proc. International Symp. Lysimetry. American Soc. Civil Engineers. New York, New York.
Manuscript in Adobe format (328 kb).

1991. Schneider, A.D., and T.A. Howell. Large, monolithic, weighing lysimeters. Pp. 37-45 In R.G. Allen, T.A. Howell, W.O. Pruitt, I.A. Walter, and M.E. Jensen (eds.) Lysimeters for Evapotranspiration and Environmental Measurements. Proc. International Symp. Lysimetry. American Soc. Civil Engineers. New York, New York.
Manuscript in Adobe format (369 kb).

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1992. Allen, R. R. and Musick, J. T. Furrow traffic and ripping for control of irrigation intake. Appl. Eng. Agric. 8(2):243-248.
Manuscript in Adobe format (493 kb).

1992. Allen, R. R. and Schneider, A. D. Furrow water intake reduction with surge irrigation or traffic compaction. Appl. Eng. Agric. 8(4):455-460.
Manuscript in Adobe format (512 kb).

1992. Brar, G.S., J.L. Steiner, P.W. Unger, and S.S. Prihar. Modeling sorghum seedling establishment from soil wetness and temperature of drying seed zones. Agron. J. 84:905-910.
Manuscript in Adobe format (499 kb).

1992. Durar, A. A., Steiner, J. L., Evett, S. R., and Skidmore, E. L. Measured and simulated surface soil drying. Agron. Abstr. p. 323.

1992. Dusek, D. A. and Musick, J. T. Deficit irrigation of winter wheat: Southern Plains. ASAE Paper No. 92-2608.

1992. Eck, H.V., and O.R. Jones. Soil nitrogen status as affected by tillage, crops, and crop sequences. Agron. J., Vol. 84, No. 4, July-Aug. 1992, pp. 660-668.
Manuscript in Adobe format (780 kb).

1992. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., and Tolk, J. A. Measured and modeled soil and plant evaporation. pp. 9-10. In Proc. of Symposium on Sap Flow Measurements, Dynamax, Inc., Houston, TX.

1992. Evett, S. R., Steiner, J. L., Howell, T. A., and Durar, A. A. Water and energy balance of bare soil: comparison of simulation models and weighing lysimeter data. Agron. Abstr. p. 15.

1992. Howell, T. A. Evapotranspiration and irrigation capacity. In Proc. 1992 Central Plains Irrigation Short Course & Equipment Exposition. Kansas Cooperative Extension Service, Manhattan, KS. pp. 10-13.
Manuscript in Adobe format (277 kb).

1992. Musick, J. T. and Stewart, B. A. Irrigation Technologies. pp. 110-144. Ch. 6. In D. E. Kromm and S. E. White (eds.) Groundwater in the Great Plains . Kansas Univ. Press.

1992. Musick, J. T. Projected crop response to climate change: Southern Plains. ASAE Paper No. 92-2603.

1992. Richardson, A. J., Wiegand, C. L., Wanjura, D. F., Dusek, D., and Steiner, J. L. Multisite analyses of spectral-biophysical data for sorghum. Remote Sensing Environ. 41:71-82.
Manuscript in Adobe format (781 kb).

1992. Tolk, J. A. Corn aerodynamic and canopy surface resistances and their role in sprinkler irrigation efficiency. Ph.D. Dissertation. Texas Tech. Univ. 150 pp.

1992. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., and Steiner, J. L. Aerodynamic characteristics of corn as determined by energy balance techniques. Agron. Abstr. p. 23-24.

1992. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., and Steiner, J. L. Canopy and plant surface resistances of maize. Proc. of Symp. on Sap Flow Measurements. Dynamax, Inc., Houston, TX. pp. 27-28.

1992. Tunick, A., Howell, T. A., and Steiner, J. L. REBAL '92 - A cooperative radiation and energy balance field study for imagery and E.M. propagation. In Proc. 1992 Battlefield Atmospherics Conference. Battlefield Environment Directorate, U.S. Army Research Lab., White Sands Missile Range, NM. pp. 165-174.
Manuscript in Adobe format (574 kb).

1992. Unger, P.W. Ridge height and furrow blocking effects on water use and grain yield. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:1609-1614.
Manuscript in Adobe format (528 kb).

1992. Winter, S. R. and Musick, J. T. Grazing termination date. Proc. Total Forage Management Symp., Amarillo, TX. AREC SP 92-1:46-48.

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1993. Allen, R. R. and Musick, J. T. Planting date, water management, and maturity length relations for irrigated grain sorghum. Trans. ASAE 36(4):1123-1129.
Manuscript in Adobe format (611 kb).

1993. Allen, R. R. and Musick, J. T. Planting date, hybrid maturity, and irrigation water management for grain sorghum. Proc. 18th Biennial Grain Sorghum Res. & Util. Conf., Feb. 28-Mar. 2, Lubbock, TX. p. 77.

1993. Allen, R. R. and Musick, J. T. Furrow irrigated winter wheat with runoff control. ASAE Paper No. 93-2035, Spokane, WA, June 22, 1993.

1993. Dusek, D. A., Howell, T. A., and Steiner, J. L. Evaluation of electronic temperature/relative humidity sensors. pp. 993-999. In R.G. Allen and C.M.U. Neale (eds.) Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, Integrated Perspectives. Proc. ASCE, Park City, UT.
Manuscript in Adobe format (366 kb).

1993. Evett, S. R. and Lascano, R. J. ENWATBAL.BAS: A mechanistic evapotranspiration model written in compiled BASIC. Agron. J. 85(3):763-772.
Manuscript in Adobe format (172 kb).

1993. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., and Cresap, J. L. Evapotranspiration by soil water balance using TDR and neutron scattering. pp. 914-921. In R. G. Allen and C.M.U. Neale (eds.) Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, Integrated Perspectives. Am. Soc. Civil Engr., New York, NY. (reviewed proceedings)
Manuscript in Adobe format (375 kb).

1993. Howell, T. A. Irrigation water requirements. Texas Water Development Board. 28 p. (handout)

1993. Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., Evett, S. R., Schneider, A. D., Copeland, K. S., Dusek, D. A., and Tunick, A. Radiation balance and soil water evaporation of bare Pullman clay loam soil. pp. 922-929. In R. G. Allen and C.M.U. Neale (eds.) Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, Integrated Perspectives. Am. Soc. Civil Engr., New York, NY.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (934 kb).

1993. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. Reducing sprinkler water losses. In Proc. Central Plains Irrigation Short Course & Equipment Exposition. Sterling, CO, Feb. 2-3. pp. 43-46.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (233 kb).

1993. Schneider, A. D. and T. A. Howell. Sprinkler application methods and sprinkler system capacity. ASAE Paper No. 93-2053. 9 p.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (503 kb).

1993. Schneider, A. D., Ayars, J. E., and Phene, C. J. Combining monolithic and repacked soil tanks for high water table lysimeters. ASAE Paper No. 93-2552. 15 p.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (824 kb).

1993. Schneider, A. D., Howell, T. A., and Steiner, J. L. An evapotranspiration research facility using monolithic lysimeters from three soils. Appl. Engr. Agric. 9(2):227-232.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (682 kb).

1993. Steiner, J. L. and Howell, T. A. Meteorological approaches for predicting irrigation needs. pp. 77-102. In S.D. Singh (ed.) Arid Land Irrigation and Ecological Management . Scientific Pub., Jodhpur, India.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (1,599 kb).

1993. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., and Steiner, J. L. Estimated net interception losses during and after sprinkler irrigation events. Agron. Abstr. p. 19.

1993. Unger, P.W. Paratill effects on loosening of a Torrertic Paleustoll. Soil Tillage Res. 26:1-9.
Manuscript in Adobe format (920 kb).

1993. Unger, P.W., and E.L. Skidmore. Conservation tillage in the southern United States Great Plains. pp. 329-356. In M. R. Carter (ed.) Conservation Tillage in Temperate Agroecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,635 kb).

1993. Wiese, A. F., Unger, P. W., Jones, O. R., Musick, J. T., Allen, R. R., Harman, W. L., and Eck, H. V. Conservation tillage research, Bushland, TX, 1938-1992. p. 20. Proc. Southwestern and Rocky Mtn. Div., AAAS, May 23-27. 1993, Albuquerque, NM.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (35 kb).

1993. Winter, S. R. and Musick, J. T. Wheat planting date effects on soil water extraction and grain yield. Agron. J. 85(4):912-916.

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1994. Allen, R. R. and Musick, J. T. Graded furrow irrigation of winter wheat with blocked ends. Appl. Eng. Agric. 10(5):687-692.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (526 kb).

1994. Allen, R. R., Musick, J. T., and Schneider, A. D. Deep plowing restrictive layer soils to improve irrigation infiltration. ASAE Paper No. 94-2516. 18 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (320 kb).

1994. Clark, R. N. and Vick, B. D. Wind turbine centrifugal water pump testing for watering livestock. ASAE Paper No. 94-4530, 13 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (321 kb).

1994. Clark, R. N. Performance of small wind-electric systems for water pumping. Proc. Windpower '94. AWEA, May 10-13, 1994, pp. 627-634.
Manuscript in Adobe format (243 kb).

1994. Clark, R. N. Photovoltaic water pumping for livestock in the Southern Plains. ASAE Paper No. 94-4529, 10 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (227 kb).

1994. Clark, R. N. Wind-electric water pumping systems for rural domestic and livestock water. 5th European Wind Energy Association Conference and Exhibition (EWEC), Oct. 10-14, 1994, Thessaloniki, Macedonia, GREECE.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1195 kb).

1994. Durar, A. A., Evett, S. R., Steiner, J. L., and Skidmore, E. L. Soil hydraulic inputs of the HYDROLOGY submodel of WEPS. Agron. Abstr. p. 353.

1994. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., and Steiner, J. L. Neutron scattering and capacitance type soil moisture gages: A field comparison. Agron. Abstr. p. 246.

1994. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., Copeland, K. S., and Dusek, D. A. Energy and water balance modeling of winter wheat. ASAE Paper No. 94-2022. 12 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (232 kb).

1994. Evett, S. R., Matthias, A. D., and Warrick, A. W. Energy balance model of spatially variable evaporation from bare soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58(6):1604-1611.
Manuscript in Adobe format (205 kb).

1994. Evett, S. R. TDR-Temperature arrays for analysis of field soil thermal properties. pp. 320-327. In Proc. Symp. on TDR in Environment Infrastructure and Mining Application, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL.
Manuscript in Adobe format (147 kb).

1994. Green, H. J., Clark, R. N., Brothers, C., and Saulnier, B. Wind/hybrid power system test facilities in the United States and Canada. Prod. Windpower '94. AWEA, May 10-13, 1994, pp. 647-656.
Manuscript in Adobe format (346 kb).

1994. Howell, T. A. Book review of "Irrigated Forage Production. Developments in Crop Science Volume 24." Agric. Water Mgmt. 26:305-306.
Manuscript in Adobe format (63 kb).

1994. Howell, T. A. Irrigation engineering, evapotranspiration. pp. 591-600. In C.J. Arntzen (Ed.-in-Chief) Encyclopedia of Agricultural Science , Vol. 2. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA.
Manuscript in Adobe format (413 kb).

1994. Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., Evett, S. R., and Stewart, B. A. Water conservation with improved irrigation methods and management. Project Review. 37 p. (handout)
Manuscript in Adobe format (688 kb).

1994. Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., Schneider, A. D., Evett, S. R., and Tolk, J. A. Evapotranspiration of irrigated winter wheat, sorghum, and corn. ASAE Paper No. 94-2081. 33 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1818 kb).

1994. Howell, T. A., Yazar, A., Schneider, A. D., Dusek, D. A., and Copeland, K. S. LEPA irrigation management for corn. ASAE Paper No. 94-2098. 23 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (658 kb).

1994. Molla, S. and Clark, R. N. Analysis of two mechanical wind pumping systems. Proc. Windpower '94. AWEA, May 10-13, 1994, pp. 261-268.
Manuscript in Adobe format (191 kb).

1994. Musick, J. T. and Winter, S. R. Effect of wheat planting date on soil water extraction, growth, and yield. pp. 144-157. Proc. Intensive Wheat Mgmt. Conf.
Manuscript in Adobe format (326 kb).

1994. Musick, J. T. Irrigated corn yield response to water deficits and plant density. Agron. Abstr. Southern Br. p. 6.

1994. Musick, J.T., O.R. Jones, B.A. Stewart, and D.A. Dusek. Water-yield relationships for irrigated and dryland wheat in the U.S. Southern Plains. Agron. J. Vol. 86. No. 6. pp. 980-986.
Manuscript in Adobe format (842 kb).

1994. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. Methods, amounts and timing of sprinkler irrigation for winter wheat. ASAE Paper No. 94-2590. 10 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (284 kb).

1994. Schneider, A. D., Steiner, J. L., and Howell, T. A. Pulldown forces for collecting large soil monoliths. Trans. ASAE 37(3):831-835.
Manuscript in Adobe format (434 kb).

1994. Thompson, A. L., Martin, D. L., Norman, J. M., Gilley, J. R., and Howell, T.A. Modeling water losses for moving sprinkler systems. ASAE Paper No. 94-2174. 21 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (351 kb).

1994. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., and Evett, S. R. Growth, water use, and yield of grain sorghum on soils with different hydraulic characteristics. Agron. Abstr. p. 23.

1994. Tunick, A., Rachele, H., Hansen, F. B., Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., Schneider, A. D., and Evett, S. T. REBAL '92 - a cooperative radiation and energy balance field study for imagery and electromagnetic propagation. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 75(3):421-430.
Manuscript in Adobe format 1,913 kb).

1994. Unger, P.W. Controlled traffic effects on soil density, penetration resistance, and hydraulic conductivity. pp. 1-6. In H. E. Jensen, P. Schjonning, S. A. Mikkelsen, and K. B. Madsen (eds.) Proc. 13th ISTRO Conf., Soil Tillage for Crop Production and Protection of the environment, July 24-29, Aalborg, Denmark. The Royal Veterinary and Agric. Univ. and The Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Manuscript in Adobe format (??? kb).

1994. Unger, P.W. Impacts of tillage practices on water use efficiency. pp. 55-57. In SWCS White Paper -- Farming for a Better Environment. Soil and Water Conserv. Soc., Ankeny, IA.
Manuscript in Adobe format (199 kb).

1994. Unger, P.W. Residue Management - What Does the Future Hold?. pp. 425-432. In P. W. Unger (ed.) Managing Agricultural Residues. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton.
Manuscript in Adobe format (553 kb).

1994. Unger, P.W. Residue production and uses -- An introduction to managing agricultural residues. pp. 1-6. In P. W. Unger (ed.) Managing Agricultural Residues. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton.
Manuscript in Adobe format (??? kb).

1994. Unger, P.W., O.R. Jones, and H.H. Schomberg. Innovative crop residue management systems for the U. S. Southern Great Plains. Agronomy (Trends in Agric. Sci.) 2:49-61.
Manuscript in Adobe format (884 kb).

1994. Xue, Q., Musick, J. T., and Zhu, Z. Water deficit effects on soil and plant water relations of winter wheat. Agron. Abstr. p. 173.

1994. Zhu, Z., Xue, Q., and Musick, J. T. Water deficit effects on winter wheat growth and yield. Agron. Abstr. p. 373.

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1995. Allen, R. R. and Musick, J. T. Furrow irrigation intake with multiple traffic and increased axle mass. ASAE Paper No. 95-2418, Chicago, IL. June 18-23, 1995.
Manuscript in Adobe format (317 kb).

1995. Allen, R. R., Musick, J. T., and Schneider, A. D. Residual deep plowing effects on irrigation intake for Pullman clay loam. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 59(5):1424-1429.
Manuscript in Adobe format (744 kb).

1995. Durar, A. A., Steiner, J. L., Evett, S. R., and Skidmore, E. L. Measured and simulated surface soil drying. Agron. J. 87(2):235-244.
Manuscript in Adobe format (891 kb).

1995. Evett, S. R. and Steiner, J. L. Precision of neutron scattering and capacitance type soil water content gauges from field calibration. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 59(4):961-968.
Manuscript in Adobe format (218 kb).

1995. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., and Schneider, A. D. Energy and water balances for surface and subsurface drip irrigated corn. pp. 135-140. In F. R. Lamm (ed.) Microirrigation for a Changing World: Conserving Resources/Preserving the Environment. Proc. Fifth International Microirrigation Congress. Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI.
Manuscript in Adobe format (97 kb).

1995. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., and Tolk, J. A. Crop coefficient based evapotranspiration estimates compared with mechanistic model results. pp. 1585-1589. In W. H. Espey, Jr. and P. G. Comps (eds.) Vol. 2, Water Resources Engineering. Am. Soc. Civil. Engr., New York, NY.
Manuscript in Adobe format (84 kb).

1995. Evett, S. R., Peters, F. H., Jones, O. R., and Unger, P. W. Dryland soil hydraulic properties affected by tillage and crop rotation. Agron. Abstr. p. 197.

1995. Evett, S. R., Warrick, A. W., and Matthias, A. D. Wall material and capping effects on microlysimeter temperatures and evaporation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 59(2):329-336.
Manuscript in Adobe format (165 kb).

1995. Howell, T. A. and Dusek, D. A. Comparison of vapor-pressure-deficit calculation methods Southern High Plains. J. Irrig. and Drain. Engr. (ASCE) 121(2):191-198.
Manuscript in Adobe format (294 kb).

1995. Howell, T. A., Johnson, K., and Dusek, D. A. Use of the SCS-Scheduler program Southern High Plains. pp. 109-113, 264-266. In L. Ahuja, J. Leppert, K. Rojas, and E. Seely (eds.) Proc. Workshop on Computer Applications in Water Management. Great Plains Agricultural Council and Water Resources Research Institute, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
Manuscript in Adobe format (210 kb).

1995. Howell, T. A., Jones, O. R., Reddell, D. L., and Schneider, A. D. Influence of irrigation method, tillage, and crop residues on infiltration and interrill erosion on a Pullman soil. pp. 133-136. In Vol. III: Practices, Systems & Adoption. Conference Proc. of the Clean Water Clean Environment 21st Century. Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI.
Manuscript in Adobe format (130 kb).

1995. Howell, T. A., Moustafa, A.T.A., Abou-Zeid, W., Schneider, A. D., and Evett, S. R. Water conservation with improved irrigation methods and management. Final Report, USDA-ARS, Conservation and Production Research Laboratory Report No. CPRL-95-10, Bushland, TX.

1995. Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., and Stewart, B. A. Subsurface and surface microirrigation of corn U.S. Southern High Plains. pp. 375-381. In F. R. Lamm (ed.) Microirrigation for a Changing World: Conserving Resources/Preserving the Environment. Proc. Fifth International Microirrigation Congress. Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (251 kb)

1995. Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., Dusek, D. A., Marek, T. H., and Steiner, J. L. Calibration and scale performance of Bushland weighing lysimeters. Trans. ASAE 38(4):1019-1024.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (294 kb)

1995. Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., Schneider, A. D., and Evett, S R. Evapotranspiration of irrigated winter wheat Southern High Plains. Trans. ASAE 38(3):745-759.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (1295 kb)

1995. Howell, T. A., Tolk, J. A., Schneider, A. D., and Evett, S. R. Water use and water use efficiency of two different maturity corn hybrids. Agron. Abstr. p. 21.

1995. Howell, T. A., Yazar, A., Schneider, A. D., Dusek, D. A., and Copeland, K. S. Yield and water use efficiency of corn in response to LEPA irrigation. Trans. ASAE 38(6):1737-1747.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (1139 kb)

1995. Lamm, F. R., Clark, G. A., Yitayew, M., Schoneman, R. A., Mead, R. M., and Schneider, A. D. Installation issues for SDI systems. Proc. Irrig. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 1995. pp. 29-36.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (264 kb)

1995. Langdale, G. W., Allen, R. R., and Hill, P. R. The evolution and purpose of tillage systems: Range of systems and extent of use. p. 3. In Farming for a Better Environment. SWCS White Paper.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (58 kb)

1995. Lascano, R. J., Baumhardt, R. L., Hicks, S. K., Evett, S. R., Heilman, J. L., and Van Bavel, C.H.M. Real time measurement of cotton water use with an integrated system. Agron. Abstr. p. 15.

1995. Musick, J. T. General guidelines for deficit irrigation management. 1995 Central Plains Irrigation Short Course, Garden City, KS, Feb. 7-8, 1995.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (393 kb)

1995. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. Grain sorghum response to sprinkler application methods and system capacity. Trans. ASAE 38(6):1693-1697.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (750 kb)

1995. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. LEPA and spray irrigation in the Southern High Plains. pp. 1718-1722. In W. H. Espey, Jr. and P. G. Combs (eds.) Vol. 2, Water Resources Engineering. Am. Soc. Civil. Engr., New York, NY.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (255 kb)

1995. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. Reducing sprinkler water losses. In Proc. 1995 Central Plains Irrigation Short Course & Equipment Exposition. Kansas Cooperative Extension Service, Manhattan, KS. pp. 60-63.

1995. Thompson, A. L., Martin, D. L., Norman, J. M., and Howell, T. A. Irrigation scheduling effects on water loss partitioning from sprinkler irrigation. ASAE Paper No. 95-2417.

1995. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., Evett, S. R., and Schneider, A. D. Evapotranspiration, growth, and yield of a short season corn variety. Agron. Abstr. p. 18.

1995. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., and Krieg, D. R. Aerodynamic characteristics of corn as determined by energy balance techniques. Agron. J. 87(4):464-473.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (437 kb)

1995. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., Krieg, D. R., and Schneider, A. D. Role of transpiration suppression by evaporation of intercepted water in improving irrigation efficiency. Irrig. Sci. 16:89-95.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (334 kb)

1995. Unger, P.W. Residue management for continuous winter wheat production with limited irrigation. J. Soil Water Conserv. 50:317-320.
Manuscript in Adobe format (455 kb).

1995. Unger, P.W. Soil organic matter and water stable aggregate effects on water infiltration. Soil Sci. (Trends in Agric. Sci.) 3:9-16.
Manuscript in Adobe format (363 kb).

1995. Unger, P.W., and F. B. Pringle. True versus natural texture of selected soils. Soil Sci. (Trends in Agric. Sci.) 3:1-7.
Manuscript in Adobe format (358 kb).

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1996. Allen, R. R. and Musick, J. T. Permanent ridge-till sorghum with furrow irrigation. ASAE Paper No. 96-2101, Phoenix, AZ. July 14-18, 1996.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (312 kb)

1996. Dusek, D. A. and Howell, T. A. Effects of instrument shelters on air temperature and humidity measurements. pp. 491-496. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (237 kb)

1996. Evett, S. R. Book Review: "Crop-water-simulation models in practice." Agric. Water Mgmt. J. 33(1):83-84.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (142 kb)

1996. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., Upchurch, D. R., and Wanjura, D. F. Canopy temperature based automatic irrigation control. pp. 207-213. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (60 kb)

1996. Howell, T. A., Evett, S. R., Tolk, J. A., Schneider, A. D., and Steiner, J. L. Evapotranspiration of corn - Southern High Plains. pp. 158-166. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (344 kb)

1996. Howell, T. A. Irrigation scheduling research and its impact on water use. pp. 21-33. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (183 kb)

1996. Klocke, N. L., Todd, R. W., and Schneekloth, J. P. Soil water evaporation in irrigated corn. Appl. Engr. Agric. 12:301-306.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (260 kb)

1996. Lascano, R. J., Baumhardt, R. L., Hicks, S. K., Evett, S. R., and Heilman, J. L. Daily measurement and calculation of crop water use. pp. 225-230. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (1238 kb)

1996. Marek, T., Howell, T., New, L., Bean, B., Dusek, D., and Michels, G. J., Jr. Texas north plains PET network. pp. 710-715. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (277 kb)

1996. Ritchie, J. T., Howell, T. A., Meyer, W. S., and Wright, J. L. Sources of biased errors in evaluating evapotranspiration equations. pp. 147-157. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (580 kb)

1996. Schneider, A. D., Ayars, J. E., and Phene, C. J. Combining monolithic and repacked soil tanks for lysimeters from high water table sites. Appl. Eng. Agric. 12(6):649-654.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (1060 kb)

1996. Schneider, A. D., Howell, T. A., Moustafa, A.T.A., Evett, S. R., and Abou-Zeid, W. A weighing lysimeter for developing countries. pp. 289-294. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (229 kb)

1996. Schomberg, H. H., Steiner, J. L., Evett, S. R., and Moulin, A. P. Climatic influence on residue decomposition prediction in the wind erosion prediction system. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 54:5-16
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (2124 kb)

1996. Thompson, A. L., Martin, D. L., Norman, J. M., and Howell, T. A. Scheduling effects on evapotranspiration with overhead and below canopy application. pp. 182-188. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (453 kb)

1996. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., and Krieg, D. R. Corn canopy resistance determined from whole plant transpiration. pp. 347-351. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.) Proc. International Conference. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe PDF format (175 kb)

1996. Unger, P.W. Dryland No-Tillage Winter Wheat Response to Planter Type. J. Prod. Agric. 9(2):256-260.
Manuscript in Adobe format (493 kb).

1996. Unger, P.W. Soil bulk density, penetration resistance, and hydraulic conductivity under controlled traffic conditions. Soil Tillage Res. 37:67-75.
Manuscript in Adobe format (626 kb).

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1997. Allen, R. R., and Musick, J. T. Tillage method and depth effects on furrow irrigation infiltration. Appl. Engr. Agric. 13(6):737-742.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (512 kb)

1997. Allen, R. R. and Musick, J. T. Furrow irrigation infiltration with multiple traffic and increased axle mass. Appl. Engr. Agric. 13(1):49-53.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (452 kb)

1997. Allen, R. R., and Musick, J. T. Permanent ridge-till sorghum with furrow irrigation. Appl. Engr. Agric. 13(6):731-736.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (490 kb)

1997. Burt, C. M., Clemmens, A. J., Strelkoff, T. S., Solomon, K. H., Bliesner, R. D., Hardy, L. A., Howell, T. A., and Eisenhauer, D. E. Irrigation performance measures: Efficiency and Uniformity. J. Irrig. Drainage Engr. Nov./Dec. 1997. 123(6):423-442.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (2,507 kb)

1997. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., Tolk, J. A., and Schneider, A. D. Alfalfa evapotranspiration compared with reference ET. Agron. Abstr. p. 20.

1997. Evett, S. R., Peters, F. H., Jones, O. R., and Unger, P. W. Soil characteristic curves from tension infiltrometer and laboratory data. p. 54. Program and Abstracts of the Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media, USDA-ARS, U. S. Salinity Lab., and Univ. of Calif., Dept. of Soil & Environ. Sci., Riverside.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (66 kb)

1997. Howell, T. A. and Evett, S. R. Evapotranspiration of irrigated fescue grass compared with computed reference ET. Agron. Abstr. p. 20.

1997. Howell, T. A. Footprints of a profession are created by its publications. Resource Magazine 4(5):17.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (211 kb)

1997. Howell, T. A. Reflections on living with dystonia. DAN Disability Awareness Newsletter, USDA-REE, Summer Issue, 2 p. (Employee Newsletter)
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (151 kb)

1997. Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., and Evett, S. R. Subsurface and surface microirrigation of corn Southern High Plains. Trans. ASAE 40(3):635-641.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (684 kb)

1997. Getachew Alemu, P.W. Unger, and O.R. Jones. Tillage and cropping system effects on selected conditions of a soil cropped to grain sorghum for twelve years. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 28(1&2):63-71.
Manuscript in Adobe format (431 kb).

1997. Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., Schneider, A. D., Evett, S. R., and Tolk, J. A. Seasonal and maximum daily evapotranspiration of irrigated winter wheat, sorghum, and corn Southern High Plains. Trans. ASAE 40(3):623-634.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (1171 kb)

1997. Lamm, F. R., Clark, G. A., Yitayew, M., Schoneman, R. A., Mead, R. M., and Schneider, A. D. Installation issues for SDI systems. ASAE Paper No. 97-2074. 6 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (538 kb)

1997. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. LEPA and LESA fight it out. Irrig. Business and Technology Magazine 5(3):20-22.
Manuscript in Adobe format (234 kb).

1997. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. Methods, amounts, and timing of sprinkler irrigation for winter wheat. Trans. ASAE 40(1):137-142.
Manuscript in Adobe format (623 kb).

1997. Thompson, A. L., Martin, D. L., Norman, J. M., Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., Gilley, J. R., and Schneider, A. D. Testing of a water loss distribution model for moving sprinkler systems. Trans. ASAE 40(1):81-88.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (727 kb)

1997. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., and Evett, S. R. Corn water use and yield response to growing season mulch and soil differences. Agron. Abstr. p. 13.

1997. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., Steiner, J. L., and Evett, S. R. Grain sorghum growth, water use, and yield in contrasting soils. Agric. Water Mgmt. 35:29-42.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1059 kb).

1997. Unger, P.W., A.N. Sharpley, J.L. Steiner, R.I. Papendick, and W.M. Edwards. Soil management research for water conservation and quality. Chapter 5. In: F. J. Pierce and W. W. Frye (eds.) Research contribution to fifty years of soil and water conservation in the United States. Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, Iowa. [Cited January 1997; available from].
Manuscript in Adobe format (2,917 kb).

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1998. Baumhardt, R. L., Lascano, R. J., and Evett, S. R. Laboratory calibration and evaluation of multisensor capacitance soil water probes. Agron. Abstr. p 176.

1998. Evett, S. R. Coaxial multiplexer for time domain reflectometry measurement of soil water content and bulk electrical conductivity. Trans. ASAE 41(2):361-369.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (413 kb).

1998. Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., Todd, R. W., Schneider, A. D., and Tolk, J. A. Evapotranspiration of irrigated alfalfa in a semi-arid environment. ASAE Paper No. 98-2123.
Manuscript in Adobe format (739 kb).

1998. Evett, S. R. The TACQ program for automatic measurement of water content and bulk electrical conductivity using time domain reflectometry. ASAE Paper No. 98-3182. 30 p.
Manuscript in Adobe Pdf format (226 kb).

1998. Howell, T. A. and Tolk, J. A. Water use efficiency of corn U. S. Southern High Plains. Agron. Abstr. p. 14.

1998. Howell, T. A., Evett, S. R., Schneider, A. D., Todd, R. W., and Tolk, J. A. Evapotranspiration of irrigated fescue grass in a semi-arid environment. ASAE Paper No. 98-2117. 21 p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (292 kb).

1998. Howell, T. A. Using the PET network to improve irrigation water management. In Proc. The Great Plains Symposium 1998: The Ogallala Aquifer, March 10-12, 1998. pp. 38-45.
Manuscript in Adobe format (80 kb).

1998. Howell, Terry A., Tolk, Judy A., Schneider, Arland D., and Evett, Steven R. Evapotranspiration, yield, and water use efficiency of corn hybrids differing in maturity. Agron. J. 90(1):3-9.
Manuscript in Adobe format (719 kb).

1998. Howell, Terry, Marek, Thomas, New, Leon, and Dusek, Don. Weather network defends Texas water tables. Irrig.Business & Technology VI(6):16-20.
Manuscript in Adobe format (391 kb).

1998. Marek, Thomas H., New, L. Leon, Howell, Terry A., Dusek, Don, Fipps, Guy, and Sweeten, John. Potential evapotranspiration networks in Texas: Design, coverage and operation. In Proc. 25th Water Conf. for Texas. Water Planning Strategies for Senate Bill 1, Texas Water Resources Institute and Texas A&M University System. pp. 115-124.
Manuscript in Adobe format (650 kb).

1998. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. LEPA and spray irrigation of corn Southern High Plains. Trans. ASAE 41(5):1391-1396.
Manuscript in Adobe format (588 kb).

1998. Schneider, A.D., Howell, T. A., Moustafa, A.T.A., Evett, S. R., and Abou-Zeid. W. S. A simplified weighing lysimeter for monolithic or reconstructed soils. Appl. Eng. Agric. 14(3):267-273.
Manuscript in Adobe format (3,610 kb).

1998. Steiner, J. L., Franzluebbers, A. J., Risse, L. M., Moore, Jr., P. A., Francis, C. A., Scheyer, J., Flora, C. B., Janke, R. R., Deutsch, W. G., Gasteyer, S., Tolk, J. A., and Upshaw, W. Investigating ecosystem dynamics at a watershed level. J. Soil and Water Cons. 55(4):305-306. SWCS White Paper.
Manuscript in Adobe format (234 kb).

1998. Todd, R. W., Evett, S. R., and Howell, T. A. Latent heat flux of irrigated alfalfa measured by weighing lysimeter and Bowen ratio-energy balance ASAE Paper No. 98-2119. 19 p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (140 kb).

1998. Todd, R. W., Evett, S. R., Howell, T. A., and Tolk, J. A. Canopy surface and stomatal resistances of alfalfa in a semi-arid, advective environment. Agron. Abstr. p. 20.

1998. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., and Evett, S. R. Evapotranspiration and yield of corn grown on three High Plains soils. Agron. J. 90(4):447-454.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1063 kb).

1998. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., and Evett, S. R. Soil type effects on crop soil water extraction and water stress. Agron. Abstr. p. 15.

1998. Unger, P.W., and F.B. Pringle. Olton soils: Distribution, importance, variability, and management. Bull. B-1727. Texas Agric. Exp. Stn., College Station, TX.
Manuscript in Adobe format (4,106 kb).

1998. Unger, P.W., and M.F. Vigil. Cover crop effects on soil water relationships. J. Soil Water Conserv. 53:200-207.
Manuscript in Adobe format (861 kb).

1998. Unger, P.W., O.R. Jones, J.D. McClenagan, and B.A. Stewart. Aggregation of soil cropped to dryland wheat and grain sorghum. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62:1659-1666. 1998.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,030 kb).

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1999. Evett, S. R. Energy and water balances at soil-plant-atmosphere interfaces. Chapter 5. pp. A-129 to A-184. In Malcolm E. Sumner (ed.) Handbook of Soil Science . CRC Press. 52 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,870 kb).

1999. Evett, S. R., F. H. Peters, O. R. Jones, and P. W. Unger. Soil hydraulic conductivity and retention curves from tension infiltrometer and laboratory data. pp. 541-551. In M. Th. van Genuchten, F. J. Leij , and L. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media .University of California, Riverside.
Manuscript in Adobe format (304 kb).

1999. Howell, Terry A., Marek, Thomas, and New, Leon. Weather station networks Data helps improve irrigated agriculture. Resource Magazine Oct. pp. 7-8.
Manuscript in Adobe format (543 kb).

1999. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. Surface runoff from LEPA and spray irrigation of a slowly-permeable soil. ASAE Paper No. 99-2054. 16 p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (855 kb).

1999. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. LEPA and spray irrigation for grain crops. J. Irrig. Drain. Engr. 125(4):167-172.
Manuscript in Adobe format (645 kb).

1999. Schneider, Arland D. Efficiency of LEPA and spray irrigation. Proc. Water Resources into the New Millennium: Past Accomplishments, New Challenges. ASCE, Seattle, WA. p. 151.

1999. Steiner, J.L., H.H. Schomberg, P.W. Unger, and J. Cresap. Crop residue decomposition in no-tillage small-grain fields. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:1817-1824.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,734 kb).

1999. Tolk, J. A., Howell, T. A., and Evett, S. R. Effect of mulch, irrigation, and soil type on water use and yield of maize. Soil & Tillage Res. 50:137-147.
Manuscript in Adobe format (936 kb).

1999. Unger, P. W. Conversion of conservation reserve program (CRP) grassland for dryland crops in a semiarid region. Agron. J. 91:753-760.
Manuscript in Adobe format (916 kb).

1999. Unger, P.W. Erosion potential of a Torrertic Paleustoll after converting Conservation Reserve Program grassland to cropland. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:1795-1801.
Manuscript in Adobe format (784 kb).

1999. Unger,P.W., and T.A. Howell. Agricultural Water Conservation - A Global Perspective. J. Crop Production 2:1-36.
Manuscript in Adobe format (3,473 kb).

1999. Yazar, A., Howell, T. A., Dusek, D. A., and Copeland, K. S. Evaluation of crop water stress index for LEPA irrigated corn. Irrig. Sci. 18:171-180.
Manuscript in Adobe format (914 kb).

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2000. Barnes, E.M., Clarke, T.R., Richards, S.E., Colaizzi, P.D., Haberland, J., Kostrzewski, M., Waller, P., Choi, C., Riley, E., Thompson, T., Lascano, R.J., Li, H., and Moran, M.S. 2000. Coincident detection of crop water stress, nitrogen status, and canopy density using ground-based multispectral data. In Proc. 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Resource Management, Bloomington, Minn., July 16-19, 2000, CD-ROM. P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust, and W.E. Larson, eds. Madison, Wisc.: ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
Manuscript in Adobe format (146 kb).

2000. Baumhardt, R. L. and Jones, O. R. Residue management and paratillage effects on rain infiltration. Proc. 15th Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, July 2-7, 2000, Ft. Worth, TX. pp. 1-9.
Manuscript in Adobe format (586 kb).

2000. Baumhardt, R.L., R.J. Lascano, and S.R. Evett. Soil material, temperature, and salinity effects on calibration of multisensor capacitance probes. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 64(6)1940-1946. Nov.-Dec. 2000.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,475 kb).

2000. Baumhardt, R. L. and Unger, P. W. Long-term dryland grain sorghum and winter wheat production using stubble-mulch and no-tillage residue management. Proc. China International Conference on Dryland and Water-Saving Farming (November 21-23, 2000, Beijing, P.R. China) pp. 199-204.
Manuscript in Adobe format (380 kb).

2000. Elliott, R. L., Hubbard, K. G., Brusberg, M. D., Hattendorf, M. J., Howell, T. A., Marek, T. H., and Snyder, R. L. The role of automated weather networks in providing evapotranspiration estimates. In R. G. Evans, B. L. Benham, and T. P. Trooien (eds.), Proc. 4th Decennial Symposium, National Irrigation Symposium, Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI. pp.243-250.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,033 kb).

2000. Evett, S.R. Nuclear Gauge Module I, Design, Theory, and Operation. Pp. NGMI-1 to NGMI-23 In Nuclear Gauge Train-the-Trainer Course, USDA-Radiation Safety Staff, Beltsville, MA.
Manuscript in Adobe format (938 kb).

2000. Evett, S.R. Some Aspects of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR), Neutron Scattering, and Capacitance Methods of Soil Water Content Measurement. Pp. 5-49 In Comparison of soil water measurement using the neutron scattering, time domain reflectometry and capacitance methods. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, IAEA-TECDOC-1137.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,267 kb).

2000. Evett, S.R. The TACQ Program for Automatic Time Domain Reflectometry Measurements: I. Design and Operating Characteristics. Trans. ASAE vol. 43(6):1939-1946.
Manuscript in Adobe format (218 kb).

2000. Evett, S.R. The TACQ Program for Automatic Time Domain Reflectometry Measurements: II. Waveform Interpretation Methods. Trans. ASAE vol. 43(6):1947-1956.
Manuscript in Adobe format (299 kb).

2000. Evett, S.R. Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) System Manual. USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Research Laboratory.
See manual in eight chapters

2000. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, and A.D. Schneider. Energy and water balances for surface and subsurface drip irrigated corn. International Water and Irrigation Journal, 20(4):18-22. 2000. Pp. 10-14 In Revista Internacional de Aqua y Riego (spanish language version).
Manuscript in Adobe format (426 kb).
Manuscript in Spanish in Adobe format (451 kb).

2000. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, D.R. Upchurch, and D.F. Wanjura. Automatic drip irrigation of corn and soybean. Pp. 401-408 In Robert G. Evans, Brian L. Benham, and Todd P. Trooien (ed) Proceedings of the 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, Nov. 14-16, Phoenix, AZ. (Reviewed proceedings)
Manuscript in Adobe format (106 kb).

2000. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, R.W. Todd, A.D. Schneider, and J.A. Tolk. Alfalfa reference ET measurement and prediction. Pp. 266-272 In Robert G. Evans, Brian L. Benham, and Todd P. Trooien (ed) Proceedings of the 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, Nov. 14-16, Phoenix, AZ.
Manuscript in Adobe format (117 kb).

2000. Howell, Terry. Drops of life in the history of irrigation. Irrigation J. 50(1):8-10, 13-15. (Popular Article)
Manuscript in Adobe format (726 kb).

2000. Howell, T. A. Discussion of "Adjusting temperature parameters to reflect well-watered conditions." J. of Irrig. and Drain. Engr. (ASCE) 126(5):340-342.

2000. Howell, T. A. Irrigation's role in enhancing water use efficiency. In R. G. Evans, B. L. Benham, and T. P. Trooien (eds.), Proc. 4th Decennial Symposium, National Irrigation Symposium, Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI. pp. 66-80. (Invited keynote paper)
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,347 kb).

2000. Howell, T.A., S.R. Evett, A.D. Schneider, D.A. Dusek, and K.S. Copeland. Irrigated fescue grass ET compared with calculated reference grass ET. Pp. 228-242 In Robert G. Evans, Brian L. Benham, and Todd P. Trooien (ed) Proceedings of the 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, Nov. 14-16, Phoenix, AZ.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,606 kb).

2000. Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., and Dusek, D. Effects of furrow diking on corn response to limited and full sprinkler irrigation. In P. Dyke (ed.), Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, 2-7 July 2000, Ft. Worth, TX, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Temple, TX. [on CD-ROM]. 15 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,079 kb).

2000. Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., and Dusek, D. A. Effects of furrow diking on corn response to limited and full sprinkler irrigation. ASAE Paper No. 00-2022. 18 pp.

2000. Miao, Y., C.A. Robinson, B.A. Stewart, and S.R. Evett. Comparison of soil spatial variability in crop and rangeland. On CD-ROM In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Resource Management, July 16-19, 2000, Bloomington, MN, USA. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI, USA.
Manuscript in Adobe format (160 kb).

2000. Schneider, A. D. Efficiency and uniformity of the LEPA and spray sprinkler methods: A review. Trans. ASAE 43(4):937-944.
Manuscript in Adobe format (826 kb).

2000. Schneider, A. D., Buchleiter, G. W., and Kincaid, D. C. LEPA irrigation developments. In R. G. Evans, B. L. Benham, and T. P. Trooien (eds.), Proc. 4th Decennial Symposium, National Irrigation Symposium, Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI. pp. 89-96.
Manuscript in Adobe format (919 kb).

2000. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. Surface runoff due to LEPA and spray irrigation of a slowly permeable soil. Trans. ASAE 43(5):1089-1095.
Manuscript in Adobe format (672 kb).

2000. Schwartz, R. C., Juo, A.S.R., and McInnes, K. J. Estimating parameters for a dual-porosity model to describe non-equilibrium, reactive transport in a fine-textured soil. J. Hydrol. 229:149-167.
Manuscript in Adobe format (2.22 Mb).

2000. Schwartz, R.C., P.W. Unger, and S.R. Evett. Land Use Effects on Soil Hydraulic Properties. Pp. 1-10 In Proceedings of the ISTRO-2000 Conference, 15th Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, July 2-7, 2000, Ft. Worth, Texas.
Manuscript in Adobe format (215 kb).

2000. Steiner, J.L., H.H. Schomberg, P.W. Unger, and J. Cresap. Biomass and residue cover relationships of fresh and decomposing small grain residue. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:2109-2114.
Manuscript in Adobe format (994 kb).

2000. Todd, R.W., S.R. Evett, and T.A. Howell. The Bowen ratio-energy balance method for estimating latent heat flux of irrigated alfalfa evaluated in a semi-arid, advective environment. Agric. Forest Meteorol. 103(2000):335-348.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,772 kb).

2000. Todd, R.W., S.R. Evett, T.A. Howell, and N.L. Klocke. Soil temperature and water evaporation of small steel and plastic lysimeters replaced daily. Soil Sci. vol. 165, no. 11, pp. 890-895.
Manuscript in Adobe format (457 kb).

2000. Tolk, J. A. and Howell, T. A. Measured and predicted evapotranspiration of grain sorghum grown with full and limited irrigation in three high plains soils. In R. G. Evans, B. L. Benham, and T. P. Trooien (eds.), Proc. 4th Decennial Symposium, National Irrigation Symposium, Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI. pp. 554-560.
Manuscript in Adobe format (725 kb).

2000. Unger, P.W. Nitrates in soil after long-term management for dryland grain sorghum and winter wheat. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 31(17-18):2925-2937.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,152 kb).

2000. Vick, B.D., R.N. Clark, and S.R. Evett. Wind-powered drip irrigation systems for fruit trees. ASAE Paper No. 004030. Presented at the 2000 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, July 9-12, 2000. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA. 15 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,030 kb).

2000. Walter, I. A., Allen, R. G., Elliott, R., Jensen, M. E., Itenfisu, D., Mecham, B., Howell, T. A., Snyder, R., Brown, P., Echings, S., Spofford, T., Hattendorf, M., Cuenca, R. H., Wright, J. L., and Martin, D. ASCE's standardized reference evapotranspiration equation. In R. G. Evans, B. L. Benham, and T. P. Trooien (eds.), Proc. 4th Decennial Symposium, National Irrigation Symposium, Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI. pp. 209-215.
Manuscript in Adobe format (476 kb).

2000. Walter, I. A., Allen, R. G., Elliott, R., Jensen, M. E., Itenfisu, D., Mecham, B., Howell, T. A., Snyder, R., Brown, P., Echings, P., Spofford, T., Hattendorf, M., Cuenca, R. H., Wright, J. L., and Martin, D. ASCE's standardized reference evapotranspiration equation. In M. Flug and D. Frevert (eds.), Science and Engineering Technology for the New Millennium, Proceedings of the Watershed Management 2000 Conference, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (ASCE), Reston, VA. [on CD-ROM]. 10 pp.

2000. Wright, J. L., Allen, R. G., and Howell, T. A. Conversion between evapotranspiration references and methods. In R. G. Evans, B. L. Benham, and T. P. Trooien (eds.), Proc. 4th Decennial Symposium, National Irrigation Symposium, Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI. pp. 251-259.
Manuscript in Adobe format (653 kb).

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2001. Baumhardt, R. L. Residue management effects on infiltration into semi-arid drylands. 24th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. Oklahoma Agric. Exp. Stn. Misc. Publ. No. 151, 9 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (744 kb).

2001. Evett, S.R. Exploits and Endeavors in Soil Water Management and Conservation Using Nuclear Techniques. In Proc. International Symposium on Nuclear Techniques in Integrated Plant Nutrient, Water and Soil Management. Vienna, Austria, 16-20 October 2000 International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. (CDROM)
Manuscript in Adobe format (634 kb).

2001. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, D.F. Wanjura, and D.R. Upchurch. Water use efficiency regulated by automatic drip irrigation control. Pp. 49-56 In 2001 Proceedings. International Irrigation Show. Oct. 31 - Nov. 7, San Antonio, Texas. The Irrigation Association, Falls Church, VA. (Proceedings)
Manuscript in Adobe format (69 kb).

2001. Howell, T. A. Enhancing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture. Agron. J. 93(2):281-289.
Manuscript in Adobe format (887 kb).

2001. Howell, T.A., S.R. Evett, and J.A. Tolk. Irrigation systems and management to meet future food/fiber needs and to enhance water use efficiency. Pp. 10-14 In Proceedings of the INIFAP-ARS Joint Meeting: A Framework for Cooperation. Nov. 6-7, 2001, Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas, MEXICO and Weslaco, Texas, USA
Manuscript in Adobe format (168 kb).

2001. Schneider, A. D. and Howell, T. A. Scheduling Deficit Wheat Irrigation with Data from an Evapotranspiration Network. Trans. ASAE 44(6):1617-1623.
Manuscript in Adobe format (658 kb).

2001. Schneider, A.D., T.A. Howell, and S.R. Evett. Comparison of SDI, LEPA and spray irrigation efficiency. Paper no. 012019. Presented at the ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sacramento, CA, July 29-Aug. 1. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA.
Manuscript in Adobe format (360 kb).

2001. Tolk, J. A. and Howell, T. A. Measured and simulated evapotranspiration of grain sorghum grown with full and limited irrigation in three high plains soils. Trans. ASAE 44(6)1553-1558.
Manuscript in Adobe format (561 kb).

2001. Unger, P.W. Alternative and opportunity dryland crops and related soil conditions in the southern Great Plains. Agron. J. 93(1):216-226.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,471 kb).

2001. Unger, P. W. and Baumhardt, R. L. Crop residue management increases dryland grain sorghum yields in a semiarid region. In D. E. Stott, R. H. Mohtar and G. C. Steinhardt (eds.) Sustaining the Global Farm. 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting, Purdue University. and USDA-ARS National Erosion Research Laboratory, May 24-29, 1999. p. 277-282.
Manuscript in Adobe format (514 kb).

2001. Unger, P. W. and Baumhardt, R. L. Historical development of conservation tillage in the Southern Great Plains. 24th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. Oklahoma Agric. Exp. Stn. Misc. Publ. No. 151, 16 pp.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1633 kb).

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2002. Ahuja, L.R., Ma, L., Howell, T.A. Whole system integration and modeling: Essential to agricultural science and technology in the 21st century. Ahuja, L.R., Ma, L., Howell, T.A., editors. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. Agricultural Systems Models in Field Research and Technology Transfer. 2002. p. 1-7.
Manuscript in Adobe format (122 kb).

2002. Baumhardt, R. L. and Jones, O. R. Residue management and paratillage effects on some soil properties and rain infiltration. Soil & Tillage Research 65:19-27.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,078 kb).

2002. Baumhardt, R .L., Schwartz, R .C.,and Todd, R. W. Effects of taller wheat residue after stripper header harvest on wind run, irradiant energy interception, and evaporation. Van Santen, E, editor. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. Alabama Agriculture Experiment Station Special Report No. 1. 2002. p. 386-391.
Manuscript in Adobe format (450 kb).

2002. Evett, S.R. Water and Energy Balances at Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interfaces. Pp. 127-188 In Arthur A. Warrick (ed.) The Soil Physics Companion. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
Manuscript in Adobe format (3,373 kb).

2002. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, D.F. Wanjura, and D.R. Upchurch. Automatic drip irrigation control regulates water use efficiency. International Water and Irrigation, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 32-37.
Manuscript in Adobe format (337 kb).

2002. Evett, S.R., N. Ibragimov, B. Kamilov, Y. Esanbekov, M. Sarimsakov, J. Shadmanov, R. Mirhashimov, R. Musaev, T. Radjabov, and B. Muhammadiev. Soil moisture neutron probe calibration and use in five soils of Uzbekistan. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand, Transactions, pp. 839-1 - 839-10. (CD-ROM)
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,550 kb).

2002. Evett, S.R., B.B. Ruthardt, S.T. Kottkamp, T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, and J.A. Tolk. Accuracy and Precision of Soil Water Measurements by Neutron, Capacitance, and TDR Methods. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand, Transactions, pp. 318-1 - 318-8. (CD-ROM)
Manuscript in Adobe format (223 kb).

2002. Evett, Steven, Jean-Paul Laurent, Peter Cepuder, and Clifford Hignett. Neutron Scattering, Capacitance, and TDR Soil Water Content Measurements Compared on Four Continents. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand, Transactions, pp. 1021-1 - 1021-10. (CD-ROM)
Manuscript in Adobe format (301 kb).

2002. Hignett, C., and S.R. Evett. Neutron Thermalization. Section In Jacob H. Dane and G. Clarke Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4 - Physical Methods. pp. 501-521.
Manuscript in Adobe format (882 kb)

2002. Howell, T.A. Irrigation Efficiency. Lal, R. Editor. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. 2002. P. 736-741.
Manuscript in Adobe format (134 kb).

2002. Howell, T. A. Irrigation system efficiencies. In. Proc. of the Central Plains Irrigation Short Course & Exposition, Colorado State University, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska, and Central Plains Irrigation Assn., Lamar, CO. pp. 80-92.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,134 kb).

2002. Howell, T.A., S.R. Evett, J.A. Tolk, and A.D. Schneider. Evapotranspiration of full-, deficit-irrigated and dryland cotton on the northern Texas High Plains. In C.M Burt and S.S. Anderson (eds.) Proceedings 2002 USCID/EWRI Conference. Energy, Climate, Environment and Water - Issues and Opportunities for Irrigation and Drainage. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. pp. 321-339.
Manuscript in Adobe format(690 kb).

2002. Howell, T. A., Schneider, A. D., and Dusek, D. A. Effects of Furrow Diking on Corn Response to Limited and Full Sprinkler Irrigation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:222-227.
Manuscript in Adobe format (585 kb).

2002. Kamilov, B., N. Ibragimov, S. Evett, and L. Heng. Use of neutron probe for investigations of winter wheat irrigation scheduling in automorphic and semi-hydromorphic soils of Uzbekistan. Pp. 225-229 In Proc. International Workshop on Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Wheat Production in Rotation with Cotton in Limited Water Resource Areas, October 13-18, 2002, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 2002.
Manuscript in Adobe format (136 kb).

2002. Piccinni, G., Marek, T., Jett, M., Schneider, A.D., Dusek, D.A., Howell, T.A. Construction of three weighing lysimeters for the determination of crop coefficients for improving water use efficiency and managing irrigation of row and vegetable crops in the Winter Garden. Uvalde Research and Extension Center publication UREC-02-019. 2002. 2 p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (209 kb).

2002. Schwartz, R. C., Baumhardt, R. L., and Dao, T. H. Tillage and beef cattle manure effects on soil nitrogen in a dryland rotation. Proc. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conf., March 5-6, 2002, Denver CO. pp. 66-71.
Manuscript in Adobe format(73 kb).

2002. Schwartz, R.C., and S.R. Evett. Estimating hydraulic properties of a fine-textured soil using a disc infiltrometer. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 66(5):1409-1423.
Manuscript in Adobe format (492 kb).

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2003. Allen, R.G., Walter, I.A., Elliott, R., Itenfisu, D., Brown, P., Jensen, M.E., Mecham, B., Howell, T.A., Snyder, R., Eching, S., Spofford, T., Hattendorf, M., Martin, D., Cuenca, R.H., Wright, J.L., The ASCE Standardized Reference Evapotranspiration Equation. In Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage. Water for a Sustainable World - Limited Supplies and Expanding Demand. May 12-15, 2003, Phoenix, Arizona. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. Pp. 593-602.
Manuscript in Adobe format (596 kb).

2003. Baumhardtt, R.L. Dust Bowl Era. In B.A. Stewart and Terry A. Howell (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp. 187-191.
Manuscript in Adobe format (473 kb).

2003. Colaizzi, Paul D.; Edward M. Barnes; Thomas R. Clarke; Christopher Y. Choi, and Peter M. Waller. Estimating Soil Moisture Under Low Frequency Surface Irrigation Using Crop Water Stress Index. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 1, pp. 27-35. February 1, 2003.
Manuscript in Adobe format (157 kb).

2003. Colaizzi, Paul D.; Edward M. Barnes; Thomas R. Clarke; Christopher Y. Choi; Peter M. Waller; J. Haberland; and Michael Kostrzewski. Water Stress Detection Under High Frequency Sprinkler Irrigation with Water Deficit Index. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 1, pp. 36-43.
Manuscript in Adobe format (241 kb).

2003. Colaizzi, P.D., A.D. Schneider, T.A. Howell, and S.R. Evett. Comparison of SDI, LEPA, and spray efficiency for grain sorghum. Paper Number: 032139. 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sponsored by American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27 30 July 2003.
Manuscript in Adobe Format (313 kb).

2003. Enciso, J. M., B. L. Unruh, P. D. Colaizzi, W. L. Multer. Cotton response to subsurface drip irrigation frequency under deficit irrigation. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Vol. 19(5): 555-558.
Manuscript in Adobe format (40 kb).

2003. Evett, S.R. Measuring soil water by time domain reflectometry. In B.A. Stewart and Terry A. Howell (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp. 894-898.
Manuscript in Adobe format (223 kb).

2003. Evett, S.R. Measuring soil water by neutron thermalization. In B.A. Stewart and Terry A. Howell (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp. 889-893.
Manuscript in Adobe format (181 kb).

2003. Evett, S.R., D. Carman, and D.A. Bucks. Expansion of irrigation in the mid south united states: water allocation and research issues. In Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage. Water for a Sustainable World - Limited Supplies and Expanding Demand. May 12-15, 2003, Phoenix, Arizona. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. Pp. 247-260.
Manuscript in Adobe format (276 kb).

2003. S.R. Evett, J.A. Tolk, and T.A. Howell. Sensors for Soil Profile Water Content Measurement: Accuracy, Axial Response and Temperature Dependence. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 09944.
Manuscript in Adobe format (20 kb).

2003. S.R. Evett, J.A. Tolk, and T.A. Howell. A depth control stand for improved accuracy with the neutron probe. Vadose Zone Journal. Vol. 2. pp. 642-649.
Manuscript in Adobe format (245 kb).

2003. Howell, T.A. Irrigation Efficiency. In B.A. Stewart and Terry A. Howell (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp. 467-472.
Manuscript in Adobe format (406 kb).

2003. Howell, T.A., J.A. Tolk, S.R. Evett, R.L. Baumardt. Cotton and Sorghum Rotation Under Deficit Furrow Irrigation. Paper Number: 032134. 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sponsored by American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27- 30 July 2003
Manuscript in Adobe format (164 kb).

2003. Ibragimov, Nazirbay; Evett, Steve; Esanbekov, Yusupbek; Kamilov, Bakhtiyor; and Heng, Lee. Cotton and Winter Wheat Irrigation Scheduling Improvements in Uzbekistan. In "Understanding & Addressing Conservation and Recycled Water Irrigation", Proceedings of the International Irrigation Association Technical Conference. Pp. 26-34. November 2003. (CD-ROM)
Manuscript in Adobe format (181 kb).

2003. Irmak, S., Irmak, A., Jones, J.W., Howell, T.A., Jacobs, J.M., Allen, R.G., Hoogenboom, G. Predicting daily net radiation using minimum climatological data. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 2003. V. 129(4). P. 256-269.
Manuscript in Adobe format (344 kb).

2003. Jones, O.R., and R.L. Baumhardt. Furrow Dikes. In B.A. Stewart and Terry A. Howell (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp. 317-320.
Manuscript in Adobe format (202 kb).

2003. Kamilov, Bakhtiyor; Ibragimov, Nazirbay; Esanbekov, Yusupbek; Evett, Steven; and Heng, Lee. Irrigation Scheduling Study of Drip Irrigated Cotton by use of Soil Moisture Neutron Probe. In Proceedings of the National Workshop "Developing Cotton and Winter Wheat Agrotechnologies", December 24 and 25, 2002, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,112 kb).

2003. Kamilov, Bakhtiyor; Ibragimov, Nazirbay; Esanbekov, Yusupbek; Evett, Steven; and Heng, Lee. Drip Irrigated Cotton: Irrigation Scheduling Study by use of Soil Moisture Neutron Probe. International Water and Irrigation. Vol. 23. No. 1. pp. 38-41.
Manuscript in Adobe format (541 kb).

2003. Kostrzewski, M., Waller, P., Guertin, P., Haberland, J., Colaizzi, P., Barnes, E., Thompson, T., Clarke, T., Riley, E., Choi, C. Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Water and Nitrogen Stress. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 46(1): 29-38.
Manuscript in Adobe format (559 kb).

2003. Schneider, A.D. Rainfall Shelters. In B.A. Stewart and Terry A. Howell (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp. 777-779.
Manuscript in Adobe format (131 kb).

2003. R.C. Schwartz and S.R. Evett. Conjunctive Use of Tension Infiltrometry and Time-Domain Reflectometry for Inverse Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Properties. Vadose Zone Journal Vol. 2. pp. 530-538.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,378 kb).

2003. Schwartz, R.C., S.R. Evett, and P.W. Unger. Soil Hydraulic Properties of Cropland Compared with Reestablished and Native Grassland. Geoderma. Vol. 117. Pp. 47-60.
Manuscript in Adobe format (753 kb).

2003. Stewart, B.A., and T.A. Howell. (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker , Inc. New York. 950 pages. ISBN: 0-8247-4241-9.

2003. Tolk, J.A. Soils, Permanent Wilting Points. In B.A. Stewart and Terry A. Howell (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp. 927-929.
Manuscript in Adobe format (123 kb).

2003. Tolk, J.A. Plant Available Soil Water. In B.A. Stewart and Terry A. Howell (editors). Encyclopedia of Water Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp. 669-672.
Manuscript in Adobe format (169 kb).

2003. Tolk, J.A., Howell, T.A. Water use efficiencies of grain sorghum grown in three USA southern Great Plains soils. Agricultural Water Management. V. 59. P. 97-111.
Manuscript in Adobe format (230 kb).

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2004. P. D. Colaizzi. S. R. Evett, T. A. Howell. Irrigation Methods and Capacities for Cotton in the Northern High Plains. Rainwater, K.A. and Zobeck, T.M. (eds.) High Plains Groundwater Resources: Challenges and Opportunities, Conference Proceedings, Texas Tech University Water Resources Center, Lubbock, TX. Dec. 7-9, 2004. pp. 154-163.
Manuscript in Adobe format (223 kb).

2004. Colaizzi, P.D., S. R. Evett, T. A. Howell, and J.A. Tolk. Comparison of aerodynamic and radiometric surface temperature using precision weighing lysimeters. Wei Gao and David R. Shaw (eds.) Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5544. International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Washington, USA. pp. 215-229
Manuscript in Adobe format (487 kb).

2004. Colaizzi, P.D., A. D. Schneider, S. R. Evett, and T. A. Howell. Comparison of SDI, LEPA, and spray irrigation performance for grain sorghum. Trans. ASAE Vol. 47(5): 1477-1492.
Manuscript in Adobe format (209 kb).

2004. Colaizzi, P.D., S. R. Evett, and T. A. Howell. Comparison of SDI, LEPA, and spray irrigation performance for cotton in the North Texas High Plains. CD-ROM. Irrigation Association Annual Meeting, 14-16 Nov, Tampa, FL. 2004.
Manuscript in Adobe format (220 kb).

2004. Colaizzi, P.D., S. R. Evett, and T. A. Howell. Irrigation capacities and methods for cotton in the Northern High Plains. In Proc. 2004 High Plains Groundwater Resources Conference, Soil and Water Conservation Society of America, 7-9 Dec, Lubbock, TX. 2004.
Manuscript in Adobe format (163 kb).

2004. Howell, T.A. Sprinkler package water loss comparisons. Proceedings of the Central Plains Irrigation Short Course and Exposition. p. 53-68.
Manuscript in Adobe format (277 kb).

2004. Howell, T.A., and S.R. Evett. The Penman-Monteith Method. Section 3 in Evapotranspiration: Determination of Consumptive Use in Water Rights Proceedings. Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc. Denver, CO.
Manuscript in Adobe format (220 kb).

2004. Howell, T.A., S.R. Evett, J.A. Tolk, and A.D. Schneider. Evapotranspiration of full-, deficit-irrigated, and dryland cotton on the Nort6hern Texas High Plains. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE) 130(4):277-285.
Manuscript in Adobe format (209 kb).

2004. Peters, R.T., and S.R. Evett. Comparison of Scaled Canopy Temperatures with Measured Results under Center Pivot Irrigation. In: Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Irrigation Show of the International Association, Nov 14-16, 2004, Tampa, Florida. 2004 (CDROM).
Manuscript in Adobe format (144 kb).

2004. Peters, R.T., and S.R. Evett. Modeling diurnal canopy temperature dynamics using one-time-of-day measurements and a reference temperature curve. Agron. J. Vol. 96, No. 6, pp.1553-1561.
Manuscript in Adobe format (478 kb).

2004. Peters, R.T., and S.R. Evett. Complete center pivot automation using the temperature-time threshold method of automatic irrigation scheduling. In: Proceedings of the ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting. Dynamic Partnerships for an Environmentally Safe and Healthy World, August 1-4, 2004, Ottawa Canada. 2004 CDROM.
Manuscript in Adobe format (214 kb).

2004. Peters, R.T. Comparison of Scaled Canopy Temperatures with Measured Results under Center Pivot Irrigation. In: Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Irrigation Show of the International Association, Nov 14-16, 2004, Tampa, Florida. 2004 CDROM.
Manuscript in Adobe format ( kb).

2004. van Donk, Simon, E.W. Tollner, J.L. Steiner, and S.R. Evett. Soil temperature under a dormant bermudagrass mulch: Simulation and measurement. Transactions of the ASAE.
Vol. 47(1) 91-98. 2004.
Manuscript in Adobe format (185 kb).

2004. Ziegler, A.D., T.W. Giambelluca, L.T. Tran, T.T. Vana, M.A. Nullet, J. Fox, T.D. Vien, J. Pinthong, J.F. Maxwell, and S.R. Evett. Hydrological consequences of landscape fragmentation in mountainous northern Vietnam: evidence of accelerated overland flow generation. J. Hydrology, Vol. 287, pp. 124-146.
Manuscript in Adobe format(869 kb).

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2005. Colaizzi, P.D., S.R. Evett, and T.A. Howell. Comparison of Spray, LEPA, and SDI for Cotton and Grain Sorghum in the Texas Panhandle. Proc. 2005 Central Plains Irrigation Conference, Sterling, Colorado, Feb 16-17. pp. 123-136.
Manuscript in Adobe format (106 kb).

2005. P.D. Colaizzi, S.R. Evett, T.A. Howell, and J.A. Tolk.
Lysimetric evaluation of single- and two-source energy balance models for alfalfa, grain sorghum, and cotton in the Southern High Plains.
Proc. World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Anchorage, AK, May 15-19, 2005. EWRI. ASCE (CD-ROM)
Manuscript in Adobe format (365 kb)

2005. Encisco, J.M., P. D. Colaizzi, W. L. Multer. Economic Analysis of subsurface drip irrigation lateral spacing and installation depth for cotton. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 48(1) : 197-204.
Manuscript in Adobe format (160 kb).

2005. Evett, S.R., P.D. Colaizzi, and T.A. Howell. Drip and Evaporation. Proc. 2005 Central Plains Irrigation Conference, Sterling, Colorado, Feb 16-17. pp. 33-39.
Manuscript in Adobe format (123 kb).

2005. Evett, S.R., and G. W. Parkin. Advances in Soil Water Content Sensing: The Continuing Maturation of Technology and Theory. Vadose Zone J 2005 4: 986-991. Special Section: Soil Water Sensing. doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0099
Manuscript in Adobe format (228kb).

2005. Evett, S.R., J.A. Tolk, and T.A. Howell. TDR laboratory calibration in travel time, bulk electrical conductivity, and effective frequency. Vadose Zone Journal 4:1020-1029 (2005). Special Section: Soil Water Sensing. doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0046
Manuscript in Adobe format (77kb).


2005. Evett, S.R. International Soil Moisture Sensor Comparison. In Irrigation Insights No. 1, Second Edition, SOIL WATER MONITORING, P.
Charlesworth (ed.). Land & Water Australia, Braddon, Australia. Pp. 68-71.
Manuscript in Adobe format (2MB)


2005. Gowda, P. H., and D. J. Mulla. Scale effects of STATSGO Vs.
SSURGO soil databases on water quality predictions. Proc. Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and Emerging TMDL Conf., ASABE, March 5 9, 2005, Atlanta, GA. pp 579 587.
Manuscript in Adobe format (136 KB)


2005. Gowda, P. H., and D. J. Mulla. 2005. Environmental benefits
of precision farming A modeling case study. Paper No. 05-1042,
ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, Tampa, FL. 8p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (167 KB)

2005. Howell, T.A., and S.R. Evett. Pathways to Effective Applications. Proc. 2005 Central Plains Irrigation Conference, Sterling, Colorado, Feb 16-17. pp. 84-98.
Manuscript in Adobe format (139 kb).

2005. Irmak, S., T.A. Howell, R.G. Allen, J.O. Payero, and D.L.
Martin. Standardized ASCE Penman-Monteith:
Impact of sum-of-hourly vs. 24-hour timestep computations at reference weather station sites. Trans. ASAE Vol. 48(3)1063-1077 .
Manuscript in Adobe format (139 kb).

2005. Nangia, V., P. H. Gowda, D. J. Mulla and G. Sands. Field scale application of a water quality modeling approach for alternative agronomic practices. 2005. Proc. Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and Emerging TMDL Conf., ASABE, March 5 9, 2005, Atlanta, GA. pp 364 371.
Manuscript in Adobe format (220 kb).

2005. Nangia, V., P. H. Gowda, D. J. Mulla and G. Sands. Modeling water quality for nitrate losses in response to changes in tile drain spacing or depth. Paper No. 05-2022, ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, Tampa, FL. 12p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (298 kb).

2005. Nangia, V., P. H. Gowda, D. J. Mulla and K. Kuehner. 2005.
Evaluation of water quality trends due to long term climatic variability and changes in landscape management. Paper No. 05-2226, ASAE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, Tampa, FL. 12p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (185 kb).

2005. Peters, R.T., and S. R. Evett. Using low-cost GPS receivers for determining field position of mechanized irrigation systems. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol. 21(5): 841-845. Manuscript in Adobe format (99 kb).


2005. Peters, R.T., and S.R. Evett. Mechanized irrigation system positioning using two inexpensive GPS receivers. Proceedings of the ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting. July 17-20, 2005, Tampa, Florida. CDROM.
Manuscript in Adobe format (98 kb).


2005. Petrolia, D. R., P. H. Gowda, and D. J. Mulla. Agricultural Drainage and Gulf of Hypoxia: Economic targeting of farmland to reduce nitrogen loads in a Minnesota watershed. Selected paper 132985, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 24-27, Providence, MA. 22p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (94 kb).


2005. Petrolia, D. R., P. H. Gowda, and D. J. Mulla. Targeting agricultural drainage to reduce nitrogen losses in a Minnesota watershed. Staff Paper P05-2, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
Manuscript in Adobe format (160 kb).


2005. Tolk, J.A., T.A. Howell, and S.R. Evett. An evapotranspiration research facility for soil-plant-environment interactions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol. 21(6): 993-998.
Manuscript in Adobe format (778 KB).

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2006. Allen, R.G., W.O. Pruitt, J.L. Wright, T.A. Howell, F. Ventura, R. Snyder, D. Itenfisu, P. Steduto, J. Berengena, J.B. Yrisarry, M. Smith, L.S. Pereira, D. Raes, A. Perrier, I. Alves, I. Walter, R. Elliott. A recommendation on standardized surface resistance for hourly calculation of reference ETo by the FAO56 Penman-Monteith method. Agricultural Water Management 81:1–22. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2005.03.007
Manuscript in Adobe format (593 KB)


2006. Colaizzi, P. D., F. R Lamm, T. A. Howell, and S. R. Evett. Crop production comparison under various irrigation systems. In: Proc.
Central Plains Irrigation Conference, Colby, KS., Feb. 21-22. pp. 189-207.
Manuscript in Adobe format (144 KB)


2006. Colaizzi, P. D., S.R. Evett, and T. A. Howell. Cotton production with SDI, LEPA, and spray irrigation in a thermally limited environment. International Water and Irrigation. 26(1)10-12,14.
Manuscript in Adobe format (882 KB)


2006. Colaizzi, P. D., S.R. Evett, and T. A. Howell. Crop emergence with alternative SDI designs in a Pullman clay loam soil. Proc. 28th Annual Southern Conservation Systems Conference, Amarillo TX, June 26-28, 2006. 16-24.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1 MB)


2006. Colaizzi, P. D., S.R. Evett, and T. A. Howell. SDI bed design comparison for soybean emergence and yield. Presented at the 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, 9 - 12 July 2006. ASABE Paper No. 062279. St.
Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Manuscript in Adobe format (756 KB)


2006. Colaizzi, P. D., S.R. Evett, T. A. Howell, J.A. Tolk, and F.
Li. Evaluation of a two-source energy balance model in an advective environment. Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
May 21-24, 2006, Omaha, NE. EWRI, ASCE (CD-ROM)
Manuscript in Adobe format (3 MB)


2006. Colaizzi, P.D., P.H. Gowda, T.H. Marek, and D.O. Porter. Reducing Ogallala withdrawals by changing cropping and irrigation practices in the Texas High Plains. Proc. USCID Water Management Conf. Ground Water and Surface Water Under Stress: Competition, Interaction, Solutions. 25-28 October 2006, Boise, Idaho. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Denver, CO. pp. 113-126.
Manuscript in Adobe format (211 KB)


2006. Colaizzi, P. D., S.R. Evett, and T. A. Howell. Near-surface soil water and temperature for SDI, LEPA, and spray irrigation. Proc. Tech. Conf. 27th Annual International Irrigation Show, San Antonio, TX, 5-7 November, 2006. Irrigation Association.
Manuscript in Adobe format (211 KB)


2006. Colaizzi, P. D., S.R. Evett, T. A. Howell, and J.A. Tolk. Comparison of five models to scale daily evapotranspiration from one-time-of-day measurements. Trans. ASAE 49(5):1409-1417
Manuscript in Adobe format (217 KB)


2006. Esparza, A. M., P. H. Gowda, R. L. Baumhardt, and C. A.
Robinson. Climatic risk to cotton production in the southern high plains region. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress sponsored by Environmental & Water Resources Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers, May 21-25, 2006, Omaha, NE, 10p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (396 KB)


2006. Evett, S.R., R.T. Peters, and T. A. Howell. Controlling water use efficiency with irrigation automation: Cases from drip and center pivot irrigation of corn and soybean. Proc. 28th Annual Southern Conservation Systems Conference, Amarillo TX, June 26-28, 2006. 57-66.
Manuscript in Adobe format (980 KB)


2006. Evett, S.R., J.A. Tolk, and T.A. Howell.
Soil profile water content determination: Sensor accuracy, axial response, calibration, temperature dependence, and precision. Vadose Zone J. 5:894–907.
Manuscript in Adobe format (510 KB)


2006. Evett, S.R., J.A. Tolk, and T.A. Howell. Response to "Comments on 'TDR Laboratory Calibration in Travel Time, Bulk Electrical Conductivity, and Effective Frequency'". Vadose Zone J.
2006 5: 1073-1075.
Manuscript in Adobe format (133 KB)


2006. Evett, S.R., J.A. Tolk, and T.A. Howell.
ERRATUM: TDR laboratory calibration in travel time, bulk electrical conductivity, and effective frequency. Vadose Zone J. (2006)5:513. Special
Section: Soil Water Sensing. doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0046
Manuscript in Adobe format (66 KB)


2006. Evett, S.R., B.B. Ruthardt, and K.S. Copeland. External full-time vacuum lysimeter drainage system. Appl. Engr. Agric. 22(6): 875-880
Manuscript in Adobe format (507 KB)


2006. Gowda, P. H., R. T. Peters, and T. A. Howell. Mapping contrasting tillage practices in the Texas Panhandle with Landsat TM data. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress sponsored by Environmental & Water Resources Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers, May 21-25, 2006, Omaha, NE, 10p.
Manuscript in Adobe format (730 KB)


2006. Gowda, P., A. Esparza, R.L. Baumhardt, P. Colaizzi, and T. Howell. Evaluating cotton yield potential in the Ogallala aquifer region.  Proc. USCID Water Management Conf. Ground Water and Surface Water Under Stress: Competition, Interaction, Solutions. 25-28 October 2006, Boise , Idaho . U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Denver, CO. pp. 127-137
Manuscript in Adobe format (297 KB)


2006. Howell, T.A. Water Losses Associated with Center Pivot Nozzle
Packages. In Proc. 2006 Central Plains Irrigation Conference, Colby,
Kansas, Feb 21-22. pp. 11-24.
Manuscript in Adobe format (283 KB)


2006. Howell, T.A. Challenges in increasing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture. In International Symposium on Water and Land Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture, Adana, Turkey, 4 -
8 April, 2006. (CD-ROM)
Manuscript in Adobe format (163 KB)


2006. Marek, T., G. Piccinni, A. Schneider, T. Howell, M. Jett, D. Dusek. Weighing Lysimeters for the Determination of Crop Water Requirements and Crop Coefficients. Appl. Engr. Agric. 22(6):851-856
Manuscript in Adobe format (296 KB)


2006. Peters, R.T., and S.R. Evett. Center-Pivot Automation: Using
crop canopy temperature to eliminate irrigation guesswork. In
Resource: Engineering and Technology for a Sustainable World. Vol. 13
No.2 March 2006. pp. 9-10.
Manuscript in Adobe format (283 KB)


2006. Peters, R.T., and S.R. Evett. A fully automated center pivot using crop canopy temperature: Preliminary results. Proc. USCID Water Management Conf. Ground Water and Surface Water Under Stress: Competition, Interaction, Solutions. 25-28 October 2006, Boise, Idaho. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Denver, CO. pp. 139-148.
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2006. Petrolia, D. R. and P. H. Gowda. 2006. Missing the Boat:
Midwest farm drainage and Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia. Review of Agricultural Economics, 28(2):240-253.
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2006. Tolk, J.A., T.A. Howell, and S.R. Evett. Nighttime evapotranspiration from alfalfa and cotton in a semiarid climate. Agron. J. 98:730–736. doi:10.2134/agronj2005.0276.
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2007. Agam, N., W.P. Kustas, M.C. Anderson, F. Li and P.D. Colaizzi. Utility of thermal sharpening over Texas high plains irrigated agricultural fields. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 112, D19110, doi:10.1029/2007JD008407,
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2007. Balota, M., Payne, W.A., Evett, S.R. and Lazar, M.D. Canopy temperature depression sampling to assess grain yield and genotypic differentiation in winter wheat. Crop Sci. 47(4):1518-1529.
Manuscript in Adobe format (1,035 kb).


2007. Chávez, J.L., P.H. Gowda, T.A. Howell and K.S. Copeland. Evaluating three evapotranspiration mapping algorithms with lysimetric data in the semi-arid Texas High Plains. Conf. Proc. 28th Annual International Irrigation Show December 9-11, 2007, San Diego Convention Center. Irrigation Association. pp. 268-283.
Manuscript in Adobe format (310 kb).


2007. Enciso-Medina, J., P. D. Colaizzi, W. L. Multer, and C. R. Stichler. Cotton resonse to phosphorus fertigation using subsurface drip irrigation. Applied Engineer. Agric. Vol. 23(3):299-304.
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2007. Esparza, A.M., P.H. Gowda, R.L. Baumhardt, T.H. Marek, and T.A. Howell. Heat unit availability for cotton production in the Ogallala Aquifer Region of the United States . Journal of Cotton Science, 11(3):110-117.
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2007. Evett, S.R., J.A. Tolk, and T.A. Howell. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, and J.A. Tolk. 2007. Comparison of soil water sensing methods for irrigation management and research. Pp. 1-19 In: Proc. Central Plains Irrig. Conf. 27-28 Feb. 2007, Kearney, NE.
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2007. Evett, S.R. Soil water and monitoring technology. p. 25-84. In R.J. Lascano and R.E. Sojka (ed.) Irrigation of agricultural crops. Agron. Monogr. 30, 2nd ed. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison , WI . 2007.
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2007. Evett, S., Ibragimov, N., Kamilov, B., Esanbekov, Y., Sarimsakov, M., Shadmanov, J., Mirhashimov, R., Musaev, R., Radjabov, T. and Muhammadiev, B. Neutron moisture meter calibration in six soils of Uzbekistan affected by carbonate content. Vadose Zone J. 6:406-412.
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2007. Farahani, H. J., T. A. Howell, W. J. Shuttleworth, and W. C. Bausch.  2007.  Evapotranspiration: Progress in measurement and modeling in agriculture.  Trans. ASABE Vol. 50(5): 1627-1638.
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2007. Gowda, P. H., B. J. Dalzell, and D. J. Mulla . 2007. Model based nitrate TMDLs for two agricultural watersheds of southeastern Minnesota . Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 43(1):254-263.
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2007. Gowda, P.H., J.L. Chavez, P.D. Colaizzi, T.A. Howell, R.C. Schwartz, and T.H. Marek. 2007. Relationship between LAI and Landsat TM spectral vegetation indices in the Texas Panhandle. Paper No. 072013, ASABE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis , MN . 8p.
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2007. Gowda, P.H., J.L. Chavez, P.D. Colaizzi, S.R. Evett, T.A. Howell, and J.A. Tolk. ET mapping for agricultural water management: Present status and challenges. Irrigation Science, 15p, DOI 10.1007/s00271-007-0088-6.
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2007. Gowda, P.H. R.L. Baumhardt, A.M. Esparza, T.H. Marek, and T.A. Howell. 2007. Suitability of cotton as an alternative crop in the Ogallala Aquifer Region. Agron. J. 99:1397-1403.
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2007. Gowda, P.H, J.L. Chavez, P.D. Colaizzi, S.R. Evett, T.A. Howell, and J.A. Tolk. 2007. Remote sensing based energy balance algorithms for mapping ET: Current status and future challenges, Transactions of the ASABE, 50(5):1639-1644.
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2007. Howell, T.A., J.A. Tolk, S.R. Evett, K.S. Copeland and D.A. Dusek. Evapotranspiration of Deficit Irrigated Sorghum. Proc. World Environmental and Water Resour. Congr. 2007: Restoring Our Natural Habitat. May 15-19, 2007, Tampa , Florida . American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
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2007. Howell, T.A., J.A. Tolk, S.R. Evett, K.S. Copeland and D.A. Dusek. Evapotranspiration of deficit irrigated sorghum and winter wheat. Pp. 223-239 In The Role of Irrigation and Drainage in a Sustainable Future, USCID Fourth International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, Sacramento , California , October 3-6, 2007. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Denver , Colorado USA.
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2007. Howell, T.A. and F.R. Lamm. Is Irrigation Real or Am I Imagining It?. Conf. Proc. 28th Annual International Irrigation Show December 9-11, 2007, San Diego Convention Center. Irrigation Association. pp. 284-291.
Manuscript in Adobe format (164 kb).


2007. Ibragimov, Nazirbay, Steven R. Evett, Yusupbek Esanbekov,Bakhtiyor S. Kamilov, Lutfullo Mirzaev, and John P.A. Lamers. Water use efficiency of irrigated cotton in Uzbekistan under drip and furrow irrigation. Agric. Water Manage. 90(2007):112-120.
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2007. J.L. Chavez , P.H. Gowda, T.A. Howell, T.H. Marek, and L.L. New. Evapotranspiration mapping using METRIC for a region with highly advective conditions. In proceedings of the 2007 Annual International ASABE Meeting, Centennial Celebration. Paper No. 072146. June 17-20, 2007. Minneapolis , MN .
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2007. J.L. Chavez , P.H. Gowda, T.A. Howell, R. Griffin, S. Rivera, and C.M.U. Neale. A simple empirical stream flow prediction model for Ungauged watersheds. In proceedings of the 2007 Annual International ASABE Meeting, Centennial Celebration. Paper No. 072003. June 17-20, 2007. Minneapolis , MN .
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2007. J.L. Chavez , P.H. Gowda, T.A. Howell, T.H. Marek, and L.L. New. Mapping evapotranspiration in the Texas Panhandle. In Proceedings of the 2007 Texas Experiment Station Field Day Handout. Pp. 23-31, May 24, 2007. Etter , TX .
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2007. Kustas, W.P., N. Agam, M.C. Anderson, F. Li and P.D. Colaizzi. Potential errors in the application of thermal-based energy balance models with coarse resolution data. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology IX, edited by Christopher M. U. Neale, Manfred Owe, Guido D'Urso, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6742, 674208, (2007) · 0277-786X/07/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.737776
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2007. Lamm, F.R., T.A. Howell, and J.P. Bordovsky. Ensuring equal opportunity sprinkler irrigation. Conf. Proc. 28th Annual International Irrigation Show December 9-11, 2007, San Diego Convention Center. Irrigation Association. pp. 147-153.
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2007. Lascano, R.J. and S.R. Evett. Experimental verification of a recursive method to calculate evapotranspiration. Conf. Proc. 28th Annual International Irrigation Show December 9-11, 2007, San Diego Convention Center. Irrigation Association. pp. 687-705.
Manuscript in Adobe format (698 kb).


2007. O'Shaughnessy, S.A. and S.R. Evett. IRT wireless interface for automatic irrigation scheduling of a center pivot system. Conf. Proc. 28th Annual International Irrigation Show December 9-11, 2007, San Diego Convention Center. Irrigation Association. pp. 176-186.
Manuscript in Adobe format (133 kb).


2007. Peters, R.T. and S.R. Evett Spatial and temporal analysis of crop stress using multiple canopy temperature maps created with an array of center-pivot-mounted infrared thermometers. Transactions of the ASABE. 50(3):919-927.
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2007. Petrolia, D.R., and P.H. Gowda. 2006. An analysis of the role of tile-drained farmland under alternative nitrogen abatement policies.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 31(3):580-594.
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2007. Piccinni, G., J. Ko, A. Wentz, D. Leskovar, T. Marek and T. Howell. Determination of crop coefficients (Kc) for irrigation management of crops. Conf. Proc. 28th Annual International Irrigation Show December 9-11, 2007, San Diego Convention Center. Irrigation Association. pp. 706-719.
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2008  Baumhardt, R.L., Jones, O.R., and Schwartz, R.C. Long-Term Effects of Profile-Modifying Deep Plowing on Soil Properties and Crop Yield. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 72:677-682.
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2008. Chávez, J.L., P.H. Gowda, T.A. Howell, C.M.U. Neale, and K.S. Copeland. Estimating seasonal ET from multispectral airborne imagery: An evaluation of interpolation-extrapolation techniques. In proceedings of the 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Paper No. 083637, June 29-July 2, 2008, Providence, RI.
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2008. Colaizzi, P. D., P. H. Gowda, T. H. Marek, and D. O. Porter. Irrigation in the Texas High Plains: A brief history and potential reductions in demand. Irrig. and Drain. DOI: 10.1002/ird.418.
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2008. Evett, S.R., L.K. Heng, P. Moutonnet and M.L. Nguyen (eds.). Field Estimation of Soil Water Content: A Practical Guide to Methods, Instrumentation, and Sensor Technology. IAEA-TCS-30. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna , Austria . ISSN 1018–5518.
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2008. Gowda, P.H, T.A. Howell, S.R. Evett, J.L. Chavez, and L. New. Remote sensing of contrasting tillage practices in the Texas Panhandle. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(12):3477-3487. DOI: 10.1080/01431160701581810.
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2008. Gowda, P.H, J.L. Chavez, P.D. Colaizzi, S.R. Evett, T.A. Howell, and J.A. Tolk. 2008. ET mapping for agricultural water management: Present status and challenges. Irrigation Science, 26(3):223-237. DOI:10.1007/s00271-007-0088-6.
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2008. Howell, T.A., S.R. Evett, J.A. Tolk, K.S. Copeland, P.D. Colaizzi, and P.H. Gowda. Evapotranspiration of Corn and Forage Sorghum for Silage. Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Ahupua'a, May 12-16, 2008, Honolulu , Hawaii . American Soceity of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute.
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2008. Marek, T., D. Porter, T. Howell, P. Gowda, P. Colaizzi, S. Amosson and F. Bretz. Cotton production potential and water conservation impact using the regional irrigation demand model of northern Texas . Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Ahupua'a, May 12-16, 2008, Honolulu , Hawaii . American Soceity of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute.
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2008. Mazahrih, Naem Th., Nedal Katbeh-Bader, Steven R. Evett, James E. Ayars, and Thomas J. Trout. Field calibration accuracy and utility of four down-hole water content sensors Vadose Zone J. 2008 7: 992-1000.
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2008. Nangia, V., P.H. Gowda, D.J. Mulla, and G.R. Sands. 2008. Water quality modeling of fertilizer management impacts on nitrate losses in tile drains at the field scale. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37:296-307. doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0224.
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2008. O"Shaughnessy, Susan A., and Steven R. Evett. Integration of Wireless Sensor Networks into Moving Irrigation Systems for Automatic Irrigation Scheduling. Paper No.: 083452. 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, Rhode Island, June 29 – July 2, 2008. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
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