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Human Health Medium-Specific
Screening Levels

Attached is the December 2007 EPA Region 6 internet version of Risk-Based Human Health Screening Values. The screening values below can be downloaded in Excel or PDF. The Excel spreadsheet contains screening values and the physical and chemical parameters that were utilized to derive the screening values. Portable Document Files (PDF) can also be downloaded which provide the background and derivation of the screening values. Get a free copy of the PDF Reader Exit EPA

Disclaimer for attached table

The USEPA Region 6 Human Health Medium-Specific Screening Levels address common human health exposure pathways. They do not consider all potential human health exposure pathways nor address ecological concerns. The comparison of preliminary investigation data against risk-based media concentrations provides for an initial evaluation for the relative environmental concern for a site or set of environmental data.

The table was not generated to represent action levels or cleanup levels but rather as a technical tool. The responsibility of their use and relevance to site-specific circumstances becomes the responsibility of the person recommending their use and the user of the table.

EPA Region 6 recommends the use of the Regional Table currently found on the Region 3 website at http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/risk/human/rb-concentration_table/index.htm.   The Regional Table is the work of Regions 3, 6, and 9 and represents a consistent approach in developing screening values.  These values represent the best and latest scientific thought in evaluating risks from certain exposure pathways.

We will replace the December 2007 Human Health Medium-Specific Screening Levels found on this website with the Regional Table in December 2008.  We are leaving the December 2007 table on the Region 6 website for those finishing projects or have protocols in place that use these values. We encourage users of the table to switch to the Regional Table as soon as possible, but no later than December 2008.

Internet Organization of Document

Changes Made From Previous Table (PDF format - 11 kb) (revised 12/4/07)

Background on Region 6 Screening Values (PDF format - 197 kb) (revised 12/4/07)

Following tables were revised on 03/08/08 to include inhalation RfD values and replaced screening values for 2- and 3-methylphenol:

Screening Values Table (PDF format - 121 kb) (revised 03/08/08)
Screening Values Table (xls - 535 kb)(revised 03/08/08)

Screening Values Table Printable Version (PDF format - 114 kb) (revised 03/08/08)

Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet (Excel format - 1254 kb)(revised 03/08/08)


(Please note that if your Browser does not give you the option to download the above .xls files, then you may need to right click on the link, and left click on "save target as" for ie5+ or "save link as" for Netscape 4+.)



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