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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil
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Locate Certified Abatement Firms

Include any criteria that you would like to use to limit the search results. For example, you could select a state where a firm is located, the jurisdictions in which they are certified, or enter the name of a specific firm to find out if it is certified. The more criteria you add the more restrictive your search and the fewer results will be returned. If you do not select any search criteria, a list of all certified firms will be provided.

    Note: This locator only identifies certified firms in jurisdictions where EPA administers the lead-based paint training and certification program. For assistance identifying firms in one of EPA's 43 authorized programs (38 States, 3 Tribes, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C.) contact the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (5323). We also provide helpful links to the websites of the authorized programs on our training and certification page.
Firm Name:

Located In:
(Hold down the shift or control
key to select multiple states.)
Zip Code:

Certified to Perform Abatement Work In:
(Hold down the shift or control key
to select multiple jurisdictions.)

Locate Accredited Training Programs



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