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NAIS Email Notification System (NENS) Help File

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The NAIS Email Notification System allows you to receive notifications on NASA acquisition opportunities posted on the NASA Acquisition Internet Service (NAIS). You can register to receive email notifications that enable you to track acquisitions and their updates from the point of advance notice (synopsis) through solicitation closing. You can establish subscriptions by product / service class, NASA center, a combination of the two, and by specific acquisition number.

NAIS does not collect contact information from its users. Additionally, we make every attempt to keep our services as simple to use as possible.

Begin using NENS by following four easy steps:

1. Creating a User Profile
Since your user profile is the key to subscribing to the NAIS Email Notification System (NENS), creating this profile is the first thing you should do after entering the system. Your profile can be thought of as your user account for NENS.

To create your profile, select the "Create User Profile" option from the menu bar. On the subsequent screen, enter your email address; that is, the email address where you wish to receive notifications. Nothing else is required.

Your email address is added to the system and your user profile is created in an inactive state. This profile will have to be activated before you can subscribe to receive any acquisition notices.

2. Activating a User Profile
After your user profile has been created, NENS will automatically send a message to the email address you provided containing instructions for activating your user profile. Activating the profile will require that you access NENS using a special link and provide the Profile ID and PIN specified in the email. Once your profile is activated, you may create custom subscriptions for tracking acquisitions.

The requirement to activate a profile provides extra security to our NENS users. This process prevents others from registering your email address and/or making changes in NENS without your knowledge.

If you don't receive the email message with the activation instructions within 24 hours, chances are that you mis-typed your email address. Try creating your user profile again being sure to check for spelling errors. If you receive an error that the account already exists and still have not received activation instructions, contact our Technical Support for assistance.

3. Creating Subscriptions
Once you have activated your profile, you can create custom subscriptions to track acquisition postings of interest. Subscriptions can be created allowing you to receive notifications associated with an individual acquisition. It is also possible to subscribe to receive notifications associated with all acquisitions by individual NASA center, by individual product/service classifications, or by a combination. Additionally, you may subscribe to receive notifications associated with acquisitions by individual NASA center and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. Tailoring the subscriptions you create allows you to customize which notifications you receive.

To create a subscription, select the "Create Subscription" option from the menu bar then follow the steps below:
Step 1 - Enter the email address associated with your user profile, then click "Continue".
Step 2 - Choose the type of subscription you wish to create; by individual acquisition or by NASA center/class code combination. Click "Continue" to proceed.
Step 3 - The actions you follow in this step are dependent upon your choice in Step 2.

Individual Acquisition - If you chose tracking by individual acquisition in the previous step, you will be prompted to enter the Acquisition Number for the acquisition you wish to track. (The Acquisition Number is available from the NASA Business Opportunities library and can be found by selecting the "Business Opportunities" tab at the top of the page.) You may enter all or any part of the number; the system will retrieve all acquisition numbers that contain the data entered. Click "Continue" to proceed. NENS will generate a list of matching acquisitions identifying the complete acquisition number and title for each. Select one acquisition using the radio button in the leftmost column then click "Continue". NENS will send you an email with instructions for activating your subscription; each subscription must be activated before you will begin to receive notices.

NASA Center/Class Code Combination -- If you chose tracking by NASA center/class code combination in the previous step, you will be prompted to choose the desired NASA center and/or class code of interest from the list. If you are unclear about which classification to select that best matches the commodities and services you supply, visit for definitions and examples. Use caution when selecting "All" from either the center or class code list since that selection will generate large volumes of email to your address. After you make your selections, click "Continue" to complete the process. NENS will send you an email with instructions for activating your subscription; each subscription must be activated before you will begin to receive notices.

NASA Center/NAICS Code Combination -- If you chose tracking by NASA center/NAICS code combination in the previous step, you will be prompted to choose the desired NASA center and NAICS code of interest from the list. If you are unclear about which code to select that best matches the commodities and services you supply, visit for definitions and examples. Please note that the ability for NASA's buyers to assign a NAICS Codes to an acquisition is OPTIONAL. Therefore, choosing ALL NASA Centers and ALL NAICS Codes is NOT a subscription for ALL notices posted. If you want a subscription for every notice that NASA posts, please choose the NASA Center/Class Code Combination type subscription and pick ALL centers and ALL classification codes. After you make your selections, click "Continue" to complete the process. NENS will send you an email with instructions for activating your subscription; each subscription must be activated before you will begin to receive notices.

4. Activating a Subscription
After you complete the subscription process above, NENS will send an email message to the address in your user profile. This message contains instructions for completing the subscription activation process. Activating the subscription will require that you access NENS using a special link and provide the Subscription ID and PIN specified in the email. If you have difficulties completing the process as instructed, contact our Technical Support for assistance.

NENS provides the following options for the maintenance of user profiles and subscriptions:

1. Updating a User Profile
Whenever your email address changes, you must update your NENS user profile. Select the "Update User Profile" option from the menu bar, enter the email address currently on file in the NENS system, then click "Continue". A message will be sent to you at that address with the information required to change your email address. Changing your address will require that you access NENS using a special link and provide the Profile ID and PIN specified in the email. You will be prompted to enter the new address that should be used for your notifications. Note: If you can no longer receive email at your "old" email address, you must contact Technical Support for assistance in updating your profile.

2. Deleting a User Profile
This feature enables you to delete your profile and terminate all subscriptions associated with the profile. This will discontinue ALL notifications. Select the "Delete User Profile" option from the menu bar, enter the email address associated with your profile, then click "Continue". NENS will send an email to that address with instructions for completing the deletion of your profile. Deleting your profile will require that you access NENS using a special link and provide the Profile ID and PIN specified in the email. Note: You will continue to receive acquisition notices until you complete all steps in the process.

3. Subscription Report
Requesting a subscription report allows you to receive a listing of all your current subscriptions. First, select the "Subscription Report" option from the menu bar. You will be prompted to enter the email address from your profile; then click "Continue". NENS will email a report to you listing your subscriptions by subscription ID and the status (active or inactive) of each (notifications are not sent to subscriptions marked as inactive). Note: The subscription ID is required to delete a subscription.

4. Deleting Subscriptions
To delete any of your subscriptions, select the "Delete Subscription" option from the menu bar. You will be prompted to enter the email address that goes with your profile and the ID of the subscription you would like to delete. (The Subscription ID is available from a Subscription Report.) Once you enter the requested data and select "Continue", NENS will email the instructions required to complete the deletion. Note: You will continue to receive email notifications of acquisition postings associated with that subscription until you confirm the delete request.