Global Logon   Instructions
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Global Logon Instructions

The primary purpose of Global Logon is to establish a single logon, unique to each NAIS user, which will enable access to all applications. Global Logon will eliminate the need to log onto each application individually.

First Time Users
1. Access Global Logon at (VPO will eventually provide a direct link to Global Logon.).
2. Do not try to enter a logon yet. Select "Create Account".
3. Complete the user profile form. HINT: utilize your personal user id for logging onto your office desktop system.
4. Select "Preview", reviews your profile data, and then select "Submit".
5. If your Global Logon account was approved, skip to Step 7.
6. If your Global Logon account was not approved, contact NAIS Support for further instruction.
7. Enter your new Global Logon user id and password, and then select "Logon".
8. Select "Request Application Access".
9. Check the boxes associated with each application that you desire to utilize. (You will have to do this only once for each application). In some cases, you will receive an email directing you to a location to provide additional profile information relevant to the application you checked. In that case, complete the additional profile page.
10. Once the user registration process is completed, your center's super user(s) will be notified by email that you have requested access to a new application. Once the super user authorizes your application access, you will receive a confirmation by email. If you don't receive email confirmation within a day, please contact a super user or NAIS center manager. Super users and center managers are identified at

Current Global Logon Users
1. If you have previously created a Global Logon account and you need to simply gain access to a new NAIS application, go to Global Logon and enter your existing Global Logon user id and password; then select "Logon". Do NOT create a new account.
2. After you're logged on, select "Request Application Access".
3. Check the box associated with the new application that you desire to utilize. ( You will have to do this only once for each application). In some cases, you will receive an email directing you to a location to provide additional profile information relevant to the application you checked. In that case, complete the additional profile page.
4. Once the user registration process is completed, your center's super user(s) will be notified by email that you have requested access to a new application. Once the super user authorizes your application access, you will receive a confirmation by email. If you don't receive email confirmation within a day, please contact a super user or NAIS center manager.

Global Logon Account Maintenance
1. In compliance with agency policy (NPR 2810 ), Global Logon passwords will expire every 60 days for all users except for those users with access to an MSN application type, their passwords will expire every 30 days. When a password is expired, the user will be required to change their passwords to new ones, also, users are not allowed to re-use the previous 10 passwords. To change your password in Global Logon, sign on and select "Update Account". Enter your new password and select "Preview" and then "Submit".
2. If you forget your user id or password, select "Trouble Logging On". From there you can re-establish your user id and/or password.

Application Access (Please review before submitting request)

  • Consolidated Contracting Initiative (CCI)
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) NASA contract specialists and contracting officers
    (2) those NASA Headquarters representatives responsible for managing the CCI system.

  • Electronic Posting System (EPS)
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) NASA buyers, contract specialists, and contracting officers
    (2) those contractor representatives authorized by the CO to create and/or post acquisition
    opportunities on the NAIS business opportunities portal

  • NASA Procurement Data Store (NPDS)
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) NASA buyers, contract specialists, and contracting officers
    (2) those contractor representatives authorized by the CO to utilize the Queries/Reports

  • Procurement Master Data Dictionary (PMDD)
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) NASA contract specialists and contracting officers
    (2) those NASA Headquarters representatives responsible for managing the PMDD system
    (3) other Government Employees authorized by the Contracting Officer

  • Past Performance Database (PPDB)
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) NASA contract specialists and contracting officers
    (2) those NASA Headquarters representatives responsible for managing the PPDB system
    (3) other Government Employees authorized by the Contracting Officer

  • Program/Project Online Library and Resource Information System (POLARIS)
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) POLARIS system administrators

  • Subcontract Reporting System - SF294
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) NASA representatives responsible for managing NASA's subcontract reporting system

  • Subcontract Reporting System - SF295
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) NASA Headquarters representatives responsible for managing NASA's subcontract reporting system

  • Virtual Procurement Office - VPO
    To be accessed by only:
    (1) NASA buyers, contract specialists, and contracting officers
    (2) those contractor representatives authorized by the CO to utilize VPO

General Information
Logging on with multiple browsers with the same user id is not supported. Global Logon will only recognize the last logon as valid. Previously launched browsers will assume the user has logged out.

Owner: Ron Crider | Technical Support | NASA Safety Reporting System
Section 508 Compliant | Last revised: August 8, 2008 by VLD