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The Global Research Network on HIV Prevention in Drug-Using Populations Planning Committee Meeting

July 17-18, 2001

Sponsored by
Center on AIDS and Other Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health

Henry L. Francis, M.D.
Helen Cesari, M.Sc.
Elizabeth Y. Lambert, M.Sc.

Summary of the Planning Committee Meeting

On July 17-18, 2001, representatives from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, Health Canada, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Office of AIDS Research, and the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health participated in a Planning Committee Meeting of the Global Research Network (GRN) on HIV Prevention in Drug-Using Populations.

The Planning Committee addressed several key issues related to the 4th Annual Meeting of the GRN, held in Melbourne, Australia on October 11-12, 2001. These were (1) the agenda for the 4th Annual Meeting, including its themes and topics, as well as the identification of moderators, speakers, and discussants; (2) the collaborative publication, ÒEvidence for Action;Ó (3) the mission, functions, products, resources, administrative core, and collaborators/co-sponsors of the GRN; and (4) future directions, data maintenance, analytic utility, and organizational support and responsibility for the GRNÕs Prevention Indicators Database.

The GRN Planning Committee proposed three symposia, a workshop, and a roundtable session to the Program Committee of the 6th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) (October 5Ð10, 2001), all of which were approved. The 4th annual meeting of the GRN was integrated with the ICAAP Congress and highlighted a number of research issues related to HIV prevention among drug-using populations. These included: (1) the relationship between prevention of HIV infection and prevention of other blood-borne infections; (2) linkages among prevention, treatment, and care for both HIV and drug abuse; (3) disseminating evidence-based findings about effective HIV prevention strategies; and (4) building an infrastructure and capacity to support multinational research collaborations on HIV prevention among drug users, with a special emphasis on the Asian region.

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