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First U.S. Retrofit to Passive House Standards


First U.S. Retrofit to Passive House Standards
November/December 2008 Feature
by Nabih Tahan, AIA and Christopher Polk

A Berkeley architect brings European standards home.

A San Francisco Bay Area row house is launched to a high standard of whole-house performance, comfort, and beauty.

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Thermostat Setbacks—Do They Really Work?

Thermostat Setbacks—Do They Really Work? FREE!

by Marianne Armstrong
During the heating and cooling seasons of 2002–2003, the Canadian Centre for Housing Technology (CCHT) ran a series of trials to determine actual energy savings from thermostat setback and setforward.

Do CFLs Save Whole-House Energy?

Do CFLs Save Whole-House Energy?

by Anil Parekh
If CFLs decrease cooling loads compared to incandescents, but increase heating loads, do they save energy overall?

Durable, Energy Efficient Dome Homes

Durable, Energy Efficient Dome Homes

by Carol Lanham
What if thinking outside the box meant literally getting out of the rectangular boxes that most of us call home?

Browse Issues by Year:

November/December 2008 Editorial: Heat Pump Water Heaters—Another Prius in the Basement?
Alan Meier
It was good news to learn that Energy Star has finally annou...

September/October 2008 Editorial: Libertarian Paternalism and Saving Energy
Alan Meier
 Remember the old TV show “Father Knows Best&rdqu...

July/August 2008 Editorial: Juneau Saves Electricity in a Hurry
Alan Meier
What do you do when the price of electricity suddenly jumps ...

May/June 2008 Editorial: Who Is Going to Build the Zero Energy Home?
Alan Meier
You could easily have overlooked a quiet change in recent st...

One Part Perspiration, Five Parts Inspiration
Jim Gunshinan
ACI trains home performance professionals through national a...

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