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Labor Markets

In his opening remarks at the April 28, 2008 labor migration conference in Yerevan, USAID/Armenia Program Officer James Carlson highlighted the important role NGOs play in assisting migrants and shaping migration policy, particularly by raising awareness.Armenia Works to Address Labor Migration Issues

On April 29, 2008, Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) in cooperation with the Armenian non-governmental organization (NGO) Zinvori Mair convened a two-day conference in Yerevan on labor migration from Armenia to Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Labor Markets

Praskovia puts the finishing touches on a handmade souvenir during a craft making class organized by The Izmail Entrepreneurship Support Fund. Sales of handmade souvenirs such as these will help Praskovia to support herself.Entrepreneurship Support Fund Builds Souvenir Businesses

Praskovia Tanova, disabled from birth, had few job prospects in her hometown of Bolgrad in southern Ukraine. Craft-making had been her lifelong hobby, but she had never considered it a viable career option... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Labor Markets

Kubra Aliyeva, a USAID Community Connections Handicraft Production and Marketing exchange participant, exhibits Azerbaijani carpet in Kansas CityCommunity Connections Alumna Opens Trade School in Baku

Kubra Aliyeva, an entrepreneur and arts scholar, opened a vocational school and architecture, design and handicrafts business in Baku, Azerbaijan after returning home from a USAID Community Connections Handicraft Production and Marketing Exchange trip... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Labor Markets

Vakha and his students outside Aslanbek's factory in Urus-Martan. The young men were able to practice their skills and are now finding they are in high demand throughout the district as reconstruction expands in ChechnyaMarketable Skills Give Young Chechen Men a Future

For the community of Urus-Martan, Chechnya, unemployment is a grave issue. Unemployment rates in the republic have reached nearly 80 percent following two successive wars... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Labor Markets

The Master electro-gas welding apprenticeship is among the most popular job training programs offered by CDIApprentice Program Teaches Unemployed Youth Marketable Skills

On June 16, unemployed youth in the community of Halmion, in southern Kyrgyzstan, received Category III status in electro-gas welding as part of the USAID-funded Collaborative Development Initiative (CDI) project, implemented by Mercy Corps... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Labor Markets

The newly certified accounting practitionersNumber of Certified Accountants Grows in Turkmenistan

In a ceremony on March 10, the Union of Accountants of Turkmenistan conferred Certified Accounting Practitioner (CAP) status to twenty-four new accountants, bringing the number of these certified professionals in the country to 90... Read More ...

Related Items: Turkmenistan, Labor Markets

Students played an important role in organizing Macedonia's first PACE eventUSAID Initiative Matches Macedonian Grads with Employers

Matching university graduates with professional employment opportunities that require a baccalaureate or higher degree is the goal of a new initiative established by Macedonia’s South East European University (SEEU) with support from USAID... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Labor Markets

Thirty-seven young people completed the USAID-supported apprenticeship programYoung Apprentices Learn Marketable Skills

In December, 37 young people from Jalalabat area in south Kyrgyzstan completed vocational courses administered by USAID and the Mercy Corps Collaborative Development Initiative project... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Labor Markets

A group of newly certified accountants, trained with assistance from the USAID programTurkmen Accounting Association Gains Full Council Membership

In early July, the Turkmen Union of Accountants upgraded its status to full membership with the Eurasian Council of Certified Accountants and Auditors (ECCAA)... Read More ...

Related Items: Turkmenistan, Labor Markets

Newly certified accounting practitioners are proud to display a proof of their qualification, received through the USAID-supported programUSAID-supported Accounting Exams Continue Enjoying Popularity in the Region

Nearly 3,000 men and women took Certified Accounting Practitioner or Certified International Professional Accountant level exams in 21 cities across Central Asia earlier this month... Read More ...

Related Items: Central Asian Republics, Labor Markets

Djahan Saparmuradova is one of the many accountants trained by USAID's project in TurkmenistanTurkmenistan’s Best Accountants Lauded

In a June 19th ceremony, the Union of Accountants of Turkmenistan recognized the best trainers and accountants of the past year. The union is the country’s first independent, professional accounting association... Read More ...

Related Items: Turkmenistan, Labor Markets

USAID Helps Georgian State TV Create Security Net For Excessed Workers

In 2004, the Georgian State TV Company was forced to dramatically downsize their work force, laying off about half of their employees. In a country already suffering from high unemployment... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Labor Markets

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Wed, 03 Sep 2008 11:55:42 -0500