Submission of Testimony
For the Record
Raymond G. Kammer

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Administration
Department of Commerce

Before the

House Science Committee’s
Subcommittee on Technology

April 11, 2000




New technologies for Wireless Internet will have major economic ramifications and will greatly expand the availability of broadband access in the United States. The success of new technologies is closely linked to the development of interoperability standards, which define the marketplace. Successful standardization efforts are global and driven by technical superiority. NIST has taken a leadership role in advancing the global voluntary industry standardization of Wireless Internet technologies based on technical criteria. Implementation of the National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed at NIST will provide the U.S. with a means to accelerate the development of global, technically superior wireless interoperability standards.

Growth of the Wireless Internet

Predictions of explosive growth in wireless data communications have become ubiquitous. A widely-cited report1  forecasts that mobile data users will exceed fixed Internet users in Western Europe in 2003. At least one published study predicts that, by 2003, more people will be accessing the Internet via a mobile phone than a computer.2  In a December 1999 address to a meeting of high-level U.S. and E.U. government and industry officials at the Finnish Embassy in Washington, Nokia CEO Jorma Ollila predicted that, by 2003 most Internet access devices will be wireless.3  Obviously, such developments will have profound social and economic implications. The current strength of the U.S. economy is strongly related to the increasing penetration of the Internet. As the Internet goes wireless, will the U.S. maintain its leading position?


Interoperability standards, which specify how devices communicate with each other, are vital to the success of telecommunications systems. Vinton Cerf, recently said “People often take the view that standardization is the enemy of creativity. But I think that standards help make creativity possible -- by allowing for the establishment of an infrastructure, which then leads to enormous entrepreneurialism, creativity, and competitiveness.”4  The unified digital transmission standard adopted for mobile telephones in Europe is often cited as a major factor for the high rate of mobile phone usage there.5  The continental standard is also a very useful platform on which to base a large export business.

In the United States, transmission standards for certain wireless communications were for many years mandated by the Federal Communications Commission as part of the licensing process. However, since 1994, large amounts of spectrum has been licensed to private users without mandatory transmission standards. Likewise, significant blocks of spectrum have been made available on a license-exempt basis without specified standards. In some cases, industry has been slow to react to the unregulated environment, missing opportunities to create unified standards.

Wireless Internet Technologies Based on the Cellular Telephone Model

To many people, wireless communications simply means “cellular telephones.” Most such cellular systems were designed for voice communications and are not well equipped to handle data. The new third-generation (“3G”) systems under development are, for the most part, based on the cellular telephone infrastructure model: they use spectrum, base stations, and networks that are controlled by a network operator; these communicate with handheld customer terminals that may be mobile, sometimes moving at automotive speed. The 3G technologies are intended to evolve current systems toward a focus on data, opening up a wide range of mobile Internet services. The data rate goals are 144 kbit/s at automotive speeds, 384 kbit/s at pedestrian speeds, and 2 Mbit/s at fixed locations. It is not clear that all service providers will make the investments necessary to support all of these service classes; some might prefer to focus their valuable infrastructure and spectrum on their most mobile users, a rapidly growing revenue source.
Standardization of Wireless Internet Technologies on the Cellular Telephone Model

Third generation wireless has been standardized through the International Mobile Telecommunications IMT-2000 standards developed by the ITU-R (International Telecommunications Union - Radiocommunications Sector). IMT-2000 is history’s most widely publicized standardization effort. In part, this publicity reflects the contentious nature of the process. Many people are concerned that IMT-2000 foreshadows a new order in which standards disputes are the focal point of international trade disputes. This is not a foregone conclusion. Innumerable standardization efforts succeed on a regular basis without publicity or undue strife.

The ITU is the traditional body for the publication of international standards in telecommunications. It is a United Nations agency with national governments as member organizations and strong private sector participation in developing standards. Often, standards under consideration by ITU have been first developed by national technical bodies. Disagreement may arise at the international level when there is perception that the standards being advocated are actually promoting one country’s national interest.

Wireless Internet Technologies Based on Computer Network Technology

While IMT-2000 systems are extremely important, they are not the only wireless data technologies available. Three important wireless Internet technologies for the future have grown not from the cellular telephone industry but from the computer networking industry. Computer networking vendors understand that their markets do not flourish without interoperability among each other’s equipment. Therefore, the industry has banded together to develop standards on a global, technical, and generally nonpolitical basis.

In the world of computer networks, one technical organization has been virtually the sole global source of basic (hardware-oriented) networking standards. That organization is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE),6 a nonprofit technical professional society of 350,000 members. In particular, the IEEE LAN/MAN {Local/Metropolitan Area Networks} Standards Committee (generally known as “IEEE 802”) has been the source of the ubiquitous “Ethernet” standards that define local area networks and have rapidly turned new technology into readily-available commodity equipment. A hallmark of IEEE is an open, transnational consensus process that encourages technical feedback. The result is broad participation that quickly leads to technical improvement.

In the last few years, IEEE 802 has become extremely active in wireless data networking. It currently has efforts in three areas supporting wireless Internet:

Like Wireless LANs, Wireless PANs offer connections not to “the Internet” but to other devices or to wired access points. If one of these is connected to the Internet, then all of the devices may have access. In both cases, a service provider could provide access points in public spaces, possibly collecting a fee for use. Public WirelessLAN access points are today available in hotels and in Singapore’s Changi Airport.15 At the moment, Wireless MANs are targeted primarily at business applications. However, this is changing as new FCC rules have made lower frequencies available for two-way use. Two major consumer telephone services providers have recently obtained rights to much of this spectrum and have declared their intention to make use of it to offer broadband Internet service to residential customers.17  Noting that rural areas are often underserved by telecommunications infrastructure, many have noted the advantages of fixed wireless technologies in relatively low-density areas. As noted recently by FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani, “many observers believe that wireless technologies offer great promise as a broadband solution in smaller cities and rural areas. They note that while new wireline infrastructure in rural areas is very expensive, a wireless solution can offer a cost effective entry strategy that can be used for rapid market entry. A multitude of fixed wireless broadband services are currently being deployed or are in the planning stages. While some are more targeted to an urban environment, others provide the necessary range and technical capability for deployment in rural areas. One example is the multichannel multipoint distribution service, otherwise known as MMDS or wireless cable. It offers the potential to provide broadband access to underserved markets.”18

Even in urban areas, broadband access is available to only a small portion of the residential population, typically through cable modems or digital subscriber lines (DSL). Wireless MANs could greatly expand the range of coverage and could bring competition to markets that are currently served by broadband providers.

NIST Support for Wireless Internet Standardization

NIST has been supporting the voluntary industry standardization of Wireless Internet technologies based on technical considerations. NIST’s commitment to promoting wireless Internet standards is well illustrated by its role in the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee. A NIST staff member serves on the Executive Committee of IEEE 802 and is therefore in a position to stay informed of all the Committee’s effort and serve in a proactive capacity at the administrative level. NIST is also involved in several key Working Group roles:

National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed (N-WEST) to support Wireless Internet

NIST has historically been able to make major contributions to wireless Internet standardization by technically supporting standards-developing committees and, more recently, by proactive efforts to initiate and lead standardization projects. However, it could be doing much more if it were to apply its measurement expertise to the problem.

NIST’s Measurement and Standards Laboratories are a core strength. Measurement can play a key role in standardization by providing data to illuminate issues to be decided. Without measurement, simulations are a useful fallback, but wireless systems are too complicated for simulations to be fully reliable. Measurements from a neutral party, such as NIST, are highly influential and can steer a committee toward sound technical decisions.

NIST has developed the concept of the National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed (N-WEST)

(N-WEST) as an important facility for collaborative system-level measurements in support of wireless standardization. National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Institute for Telecommunications Sciences in Boulder Colorado, in its role of assessing the performance of new and innovative wireless communication systems, is collaborating with NIST on this important testbed activity.  N-WEST anticipates working closely with industry and academia and expects frequent visitors to participate in the measurement process. Such a project would accelerate the development of standards (and therefore the deployment of networks dependent on them), increase the technical quality of standards, and enhance the opportunity for U.S. leadership in the worldwide standardization process. It would also increase the likelihood that open standards, rather than proprietary solutions, will become the leading wireless Internet technologies.

Another projected role of N-WEST is to support the many NIST measurements of components that comprise wireless systems. In many cases, the link between component performance and system performance cannot be determined by simulation. System-level measurements tied to NIST component-level measurements can aid the industry in effectively specifying parts and can provide the data for NIST to develop new component-level measurement methods to promote commerce.

Lastly, standards are not fully effective without tests to demonstrate compliance. N-WEST hopes to lead the development of compliance test procedures that can be used in industry interoperability test laboratories.

To this point, N-WEST has been primarily targeted at Wireless MANs, but its applicability is much more general. Over 80 entities have gotten behind the idea and signed up as N-WEST Supporting Companies.21  These are industry associations, service providers, systems integrators, component suppliers, and others who wish to help to set the course for N-WEST.


NIST is making a major contribution to the successful development and deployment of Wireless Internet technologies by accelerating the process by of voluntary industry standardization and keeping it solidly focussed on technical issues. NIST’s opportunities to further this process would be enhanced by a fully functional wireless testbed.

1.  “Wireless Industry Showing us the Future for the Internet,” Telecommunications International, June 1999 <> (citing material from Wireless Internet: Applications, Technology and Player Strategies (1999-2004), The ARC Group, May 1999.)
2.   “830 Million Internet-Enabled Mobile Devices By 2005,” Biz Report, Jan. 2000> (citing material from Wireless Internet Newsletter, IGI Consulting Group, Jan. 21, 2000).
3.  European Institute Roundtable on “Spanning the Spectrum of Communications Policy,” Washington, DC, December 15, 1999 (unpublished).
4.  Fast Company, April 2000, p. 106 <>.
5.  “What is Pervasive Computing?”, IBM Corp. <>.
14.  Cahners In-Stat Group <>.
15.  “Changi Airport Offers ORINOCO High-Speed Internet Access and Wireless Networking to Passengers,” Lucent Technologies, March 22, 2000 <>.
18.  “Deploying Broadband More Broadly: Working Together to Roll-out Access in America's Small Cities and Rural Areas,” FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani, New Mexico Communications Network Symposium
Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 10, 1999 <>.
20.  “Hall of Fame Winners,” Broadband Solutions, March/April 2000, p. 78.