Statement of

Raymond G. Kammer

before the House Committee on Science

Subcommittee on Technology

February 11, 1999

Chairwoman Morella, Members of the Subcommittee, I’m very pleased to be back before you to report on the work of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and to discuss our plans for the future.

Commerce and technology are perhaps the two greatest forces shaping the world we live in. Global commerce has linked us all in a complex, world-wide economic ecology, one that is constantly reshaping itself to meet the rapidly accelerating pace of technological change. Leading economists estimate that technology accounts for at least 50 percent of the economic growth in this and other industrialized nations. I’d be hard pressed to think of a more exciting place to be in government today than at NIST, an agency that stands right at the intersection of commerce and technology.

When I appeared before you a year ago, I outlined five principal challenges -- goals -- that I saw as crucial for NIST to meet as we enter the 21st century. This morning I’d like to briefly update you on our progress in meeting those goals and our plans for the next fiscal year.

Measurement and Standards Laboratories

First on the list was to ensure world leadership by NIST's Measurement and Standards Laboratories.

This is the sort of challenge that will always be important, and never will go away. The NIST laboratories are the ultimate U.S. reference point for measurements:


A couple of examples will underscore the breadth and importance of this work.




I’m in no danger of running out of examples, and could go on at some length in this vein. Economic impact studies of NIST’s laboratory programs show high rates of return and important benefits to industry.

A year ago I challenged the NIST staff to address directly:



One result of this challenge was the "Best in the World" Staff Workshop series. Twelve workshops already have been held examining how specific NIST laboratory programs from time and frequency to fire-suppressant performance measure up against the best to be found anywhere in the world. We’ve identified potential opportunities for improvement, and are reviewing possible actions.

If this sounds to you like "benchmarking," by the way, it is. It is one example of how we have begun formally incorporating the Baldrige quality criteria in the management of NIST programs, another tool in our drive to ensure that we support U.S. industry and business with the best national standards program in the world.

And the NIST laboratories continue to produce world-class work. A few examples from this past year include:



In addition to world-class work, another measure of the quality of the NIST laboratories is our world-class staff. This past year saw two particularly noteworthy honors:


Plumbing and air-conditioning ducts are less romantic than new states of matter, but when an aging infrastructure starts interfering with our research, we can no longer ignore it. The great majority of our laboratory, office, and support buildings in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and Boulder, Colorado, are 30 to 45 years old and are deteriorating at an accelerating rate. NIST has designed a master facilities plan to guide the replacement, renovation, or repair of these buildings so that NIST can continue to provide U.S. industry and science with the best possible measurement system.

We will reach a significant milestone in this effort next month with the completion of the new Advanced Chemical Sciences Laboratory. This $75 million laboratory provides state-of-the-art facilities for the most demanding measurements in today’s chemistry and biotechnology research. The new ACSL will rank with the best such facilities in the world and give us a badly needed physical platform to meet industry’s needs for precision chemical measurements in microelectronics, genetic engineering, pharmaceuticals, environmental technology, and many other areas.

The ACSL construction project came in on-time and on-budget, the type of project management you can expect from NIST.

Our budget request for FY 2000 includes three items to support the NIST laboratories in providing world-class services for the nation. They include an increase in our facilities budget to enable us to begin construction on badly needed laboratory facilities and new initiatives in critical infrastructure protection and science and math teacher training.

While it is a major step forward, completion of the ACSL by no means solves our infrastructure problems. Our budget request for facilities funding directly addresses these pressing needs:


Our economy and armed forces have become ever more reliant on sophisticated information technology. As the world’s strongest power the United States is a natural target of computer attacks, both by organized forces and malicious vandals. Successful attacks on key information and communications systems -- or simple failures due to natural disasters or other events -- could damage and undermine the nation's entire economy.

Most existing computer and communications systems are vulnerable. If safeguards are added, they can be expensive and -- sometimes -- of questionable effectiveness. Cost-effective technology, measurements, and test methods are needed to help avert catastrophic failures of critical infrastructures due to terrorism, war, or human error and to reduce the fraud, waste, and abuse perpetrated through low-level attacks on the computer and communications infrastructure.

The President has called for a national effort to improve the security of critical infrastructures, and the President's FY 2000 budget has made critical infrastructure protection a major priority. DOC is designated as lead agency for the information and communications sector. NIST also has a legislated mandate for computer security.

Our budget request for $3 million for Critical Infrastructure Protection will enable NIST to develop needed measurements, test methods, and standards to help ensure the reliability, trustworthiness, and survivability of information technology systems supporting critical national infrastructures.

This initiative focuses on efforts in security technology, system survivability, high-confidence systems, security for supervisory systems, and security for federal systems:





Education is, for NIST, not so much a standards issue as an infrastructure issue, and one of the most critical. Science and technology are mainstays of U.S. economic competitiveness.

However the lack of technically skilled workers is limiting growth in some sectors, and the problem is expected to worsen in the next decade. Recent international studies of science and math performance show U.S. high school students ranking near the bottom of industrialized nations, and fewer U.S. students are choosing careers in science and technology, a trend which must be reversed. The nation needs to substantially improve science, math, and technical education for all its citizens to maintain economic growth and competitiveness.

Although education is, of course, not our primary mission, educational programs have a long tradition at NIST. This is not purely altruistic -- the future quality of the Institute depends on a continuing supply of bright, well-trained, motivated scientists and engineers. When we inspire students to pursue careers in science and engineering, when we inspire graduate students to consider problems in measurement science, we invest in our own future as an institution.

NIST’s educational programs touch every level of the education system. They include:




Most of these programs are aimed at the student. But one very important way of improving science and math education is to enhance the training and development of science and math teachers. We are directed to do this under PL 105-309.

In FY 2000 we are requesting $500,000 to begin a highly leveraged program to enhance the professional development of science and math teachers in the K-12 schools nationwide. Among the approaches to be explored through this initiative, called the Teacher Science and Technology Enhancement Program (TSTEP) are:



Because the proposed funding is modest relative to the scope of the challenge, NIST will actively seek collaborations with other federal agencies, national education organizations, and the private sector for greatest leverage of federal funds.

International Standards

The second challenge I reported to you last year was to ensure that measurement capabilities and standards are in place to support full U.S. participation in global markets.

This committee is well aware of the importance of trade to the U.S. economy. Exports account for a third of the growth of the economy. In 1997, total U.S. exports amounted to $960 billion, supporting one in five U.S. manufacturing jobs and accounting for 2 million new jobs in the past four years. Export-related firms create new jobs, increasing employment 20 percent faster than companies that do not export, are less likely to fail, pay higher wages (15 percent higher, on average) and generally provide better benefits. And yet, while world trade has been increasing by 15 percent annually, total U.S. exports have risen only 9 percent, and exports to the European Union are growing at less than 5 percent annually.

Why? In part this is because local or regional technical standards are adopted that serve as barriers to U.S. exports. Advancing local or regional technical standards as international standards to secure a trade advantage for one’s own products is a well-recognized gambit, and some of our overseas competitors play the game far more aggressively than we do. The Federal Republic of Germany, for instance, has invested $40 million in metrology and standards projects in South America. They spend more in Brazil alone than NIST’s entire budget for foreign metrology issues.

Of course we have to recognize the significant differences in our systems. In contrast to the centralized, federal standards system in Germany, for instance, the United States relies on -- and has been served well by -- a decentralized, voluntary, consensus-based system largely managed by the private sector. It is a system that has promoted innovation and technical excellence, but it is highly fragmented, making it difficult to contend with unified, well-organized challenges from abroad.

NIST has long experience in working with all elements of the complex U.S. standards community, with NIST scientists and engineers serving on and providing technical assistance to hundreds of individual standards bodies. We also work internationally to assure compatibility of our national measurement standards -- fundamental measures like the second and the meter -- with our international counterparts.

This past year we inaugurated a new and innovative service to advance and harmonize measurement capabilities throughout the Americas, furthering hemispheric goals of free trade and increased scientific cooperation.

SIMnet -- SIM for Sistema Interamericano de Metrologiá -- is an Internet-based, interactive system intended to support real-time comparisons of measurements performed at laboratories throughout the Americas. Launched last December for two years of pilot testing, SIMnet replaces complex and time-consuming "round robin" exchanges of equipment and personnel between nations with a network of personal computers, videoconferencing technology and software for data sharing and remote control of equipment. Over SIMnet metrology scientists can work collaboratively and remotely. Scientists in participating countries will be able to observe staff in another nation as they perform a measurement comparison. Remote observers will be able to share customized measurement software, review data as they are collected, ask questions, serve as consultants to the measurement institute performing the comparison, and even operate equipment located at their distant colleagues’ laboratories.

SIMnet will help create a flexible, nimble and accurate measurement system shared throughout the Americas, a system essential to the envisioned Free Trade Area of the Americas. The pilot SIMnet program will focus on electrical measurements needed for many products and processes. Countries participating in the pilot include Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and the United States.

While SIMnet stands as a significant advance, much work remains to be done. Comparisons of U.S. national measurement standards with those of other nations are essential to ensure that American products are not rejected simply because of disagreements over the methods used to perform a measurement or test.

We are requesting $2 million in our FY 2000 budget for a coordinated effort to remove or avert technical barriers to trade by increasing worldwide recognition of U.S. measurements and standards and streamlining the domestic standards development process.

NIST has for years maintained a certain level of international intercomparisons in traditional measurement standards, such as physical, electrical, and radiometric measurements. But as new technologies emerge and national economies grow, the number and frequency of such comparisons are rising, requiring NIST to expand its activities in these areas. In addition, new technologies and industries are demanding the development of new and improved capabilities in fields such as information technology and biotechnology.

Chemical measurements have become increasingly important on the international scene. NIST, with its program of Standard Reference Materials, has long been the world leader in chemical measurements. But to meet current and anticipated demands we will have to expand our portfolio of SRMs and seek agreements with trading partners assuring mutual recognition of each partner's standards. Target areas will include important U.S. export sectors such as automobiles, fuels, pharmaceuticals, medical diagnostics, and food.

NIST also will develop capabilities to help U.S. industry meet the European Union's new requirements that products generate no harmful emissions and be immune to electromagnetic disturbances. Further, NIST will resolve and unify U.S. and international standards efforts for coordinate measuring machines, which are becoming common in automotive, aerospace, heavy equipment, and machine industries. These machines provide highly accurate dimensional measurements of mechanical parts with complex shapes.

As part of this initiative, NIST will help to increase U.S. participation in international standards development by providing $1 million to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission. An expanded infrastructure of technical measurements and standards coupled with ANSI's strong leadership and participation in the international standards arena will support the growth of U.S. exports by reducing or eliminating technical barriers to trade.

Advanced Technology Program

My third goal, you will recall, was to build greater consensus on the Advanced Technology Program's value.

As the ATP approaches its tenth year, we are massing more and more evidence of the program’s effectiveness. The jury is in on the ATP -- the program works.

The ATP has developed a comprehensive evaluation strategy that includes statistical profiling of projects, real-time monitoring of project developments, microeconomic case studies that detail outcomes over defined periods, and macroeconomic projections of long-term program and project impacts. I believe it to be one of the best developed, most thorough-going evaluation systems in government. And it is demonstrating results.

Already approximately 120 new technologies developed with ATP funding have been commercialized by industry. The ATP is successfully improving the capabilities of U.S. businesses to generate economic returns from scientific and technological innovations for the nation.

For example, the status reports on all ATP projects completed as of March 1997 show that technologies developed by 15 of the 38 completed projects have been incorporated into commercially available products or services, and that the economic benefits are expected to be broad in scope and large in magnitude.

According to a recent ATP study of more than 200 projects funded from 1993 through 1995, ATP is:



What sort of advances have come out of the ATP? They cover a broad range that reflects the diversity of companies, large and small, that have partnered in the program.

The ATP has gained some recognition as one of the early investors in the now burgeoning field of DNA analysis. The ATP provided critical early funding for the development of powerful new technologies that offer extraordinary advances in speed and convenience of DNA analysis. These technologies are rapidly advancing our capabilities to decode genes, manage diseases, discover new drugs, and cut costs in the trillion-dollar U.S. health-care industry.

The first of these systems are initial spin-offs of an ongoing ATP joint venture aimed at making low-cost, hand-held diagnostic devices for quickly analyzing DNA samples in doctors' offices. The devices will feature a combination of technologies developed by two small biotechnology firms in California. Affymetrix, Inc., adapted a photolithography manufacturing process to make postage stamp-sized DNA chips, which contain hundreds of thousands of gene sequences that detect matches in blood or tissue samples up to 100 times faster than conventional methods. Molecular Dynamics has introduced a system that sorts and sequences DNA in 96 tiny capillaries (tubes the size of a human hair) faster and more efficiently than traditional methods.

In electronics, researchers at Texas Instruments and NanoPore, Inc., a small New Mexico company, collaborated on an ATP project to create a practical, new insulating material to meet the requirements of the ultrafast integrated circuits of tomorrow. Entraining air, nature's ideal insulator, in microscopic glass bubbles they developed a novel insulator, xerogel, which was incorporated into an integrated circuit for the first time as part of an ATP project. As a follow up, the researchers combined a specific xerogel formula with a new technique for replacing conventional aluminum wires in integrated circuits with copper, a better conductor. The result: a new technology that could mean a 10-fold increase in microprocessor speed and vastly more powerful computers, cellular telephones, factory control systems, and other products. The innovation demonstrates a practical solution to a critical microelectronics problem: how to pack more circuits into smaller spaces without producing "cross talk", the jumping of signals between unconnected wires.

In manufacturing, the ATP supported major project involving a broad coalition of large and small companies under the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences to developed a suite of advanced technologies for machine-tool spindles -- the part that holds the cutting tool on a rotating shaft. Don't be fooled by the apparently low-tech nature of a spindle. The multidisciplinary team assembled for this project developed a suite of innovations with literally "revolutionary" impact. The new design has the potential to save as much as $6 million annually in the production of a single part. It's unique bearing design won an R&D 100 award for technological innovation.

In the spirit of constant improvement, we continue to examine the ATP for opportunities to maximize our resources, and produce the maximum impact. This year, for example, we are experimenting with a new structure for our project competition that draws on the best features of the general and focused-program competitions we have used in previous years.

With results like those I have mentioned and stable funding for the ATP, I believe we can count on broad and strong industry support for the ATP, even though participating in the program requires industry to commit significant resources to the broadly enabling technologies the ATP fosters. We saw a demonstration of this last November when the ATP held its first large-scale national meeting in Atlanta to discuss program plans and explore technology roadmaps with industry. The meeting threatened to become something of an embarrassment only because the industry turnout was far heavier than our most optimistic dreams, and many sessions were standing-room-only.

Our FY 2000 request for $239 million for the ATP will enable us to continue multi year projects selected in previous years; conduct a new competition open to all areas of technology; and continue to implement a multifaceted economic evaluation program that includes statistical profiling, microeconomic case studies, and macroeconomic projections of long-term project and program impacts. The request, when combined with anticipated carryover and prior year recoveries, will permit approximately $73 million for new awards.

Manufacturing Extension Partnership

Last year I told you that the challenge for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership was to continue expanding access to services for more small and medium-sized companies and to receive authorization to continue federal support for MEP centers after the sixth year.

We were successful in receiving the latter authorization, and the MEP has continued to expand its client base. More than 2,000 manufacturing specialists and professional staff now provide services through more than 400 MEP-affiliated centers and offices across the country, reaching approximately 26,000 small- and medium-sized enterprises in 1998, a nearly 20 percent increase over the previous year.

As you know, the MEP provides small and medium-sized manufacturers with access to technologies, resources, and expertise specifically tailored to their needs. Working through state and local governments and local extension service providers, MEP centers can design programs based on the unique needs of local businesses.

Key to this effort is keeping abreast of the client’s needs. As part of the Small Business Working Group of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion, for example, the MEP, working extensively and in close coordination with all the MEP Centers, is now offering seminars and a computer-based tool to help small businesses better understand and deal with the year 2000 date problem.

The tool -- called Conversion 2000: Y2K Self-Help Tool -- is helping small manufacturers and others conduct an inventory of equipment, including hardware, software and embedded systems; identify core business systems and rate their importance to the survival of the business; develop contingency plans; and plan and manage remediation projects. MEP’s web site also features resources, tools, and references aimed at helping smaller companies combat the year 2000 computer problem.

In addition, MEP is training field staff from the Department of Agriculture, the Small Business Administration, and others so they will be able to conduct in-depth seminars on year 2000 issues for their constituents across the country.

While we continue efforts to reach greater numbers of small- and medium-sized manufacturers through the existing MEP network, an equally important task is to continue to improve the quality of services offered, and the efficiency with which they are delivered. To this end, MEP is also working with the International Trade Administration and the U.S. Foreign and Commercial Services to assist small businesses in increasing their exports.

To optimize center performance and further increase the competitiveness of smaller manufacturers, two efforts were initiated recently:



Our FY 2000 budget request of $100 million for the MEP includes an initiative of $1 million in new funding to gather, promote, and effectively deploy to all MEP manufacturing extension centers the highest priority best practices in areas such as employee development and service delivery, both to enhance center quality and effectiveness and to introduce new services quickly to help small and medium-sized businesses compete in global markets. Currently, MEP is able to provide only very limited best practice information to centers. Funding under this initiative will enable MEP to accelerate its efforts to meet center demands for best practices information in the areas of center operations, center business practices, and service delivery.

The FY 2000 budget request also proposes a decrease of $9.1 million in MEP funding. This decrease reflects a lower federal share of the centers' operating costs since the federal share changes as the centers mature. In the first three years, the federal share is 50 percent; in year four, 40 percent. In years five and six and for renewals, the federal share is one-third. The number of centers will not change as a result.

Baldrige National Quality Program

The final challenge in last year’s list was to promote performance excellence in health care and education, particularly among non-profit organizations, through the Baldrige National Quality Program.

I’m pleased to report that we are well on the way to achieving this goal. We received authority to make Baldrige awards in both the education and health-care sectors, which join the existing Baldrige categories for manufacturing, service, and small business this year for the first time. The new Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence in health care and education, the products of many months of research and testing with those communities, have just been released.

We’re very excited about this. Since its establishment, the National Quality Program has been recognized as a focal point for strengthening America's competitive position. The program helps many types of companies and organizations deliver ever improving value to customers while improving overall organizational effectiveness. It creates a performance excellence standard that fosters communications and sharing in the private sector, building networks to deliver performance and quality management information and services and to share lessons learned with other economic sectors. Extending this influence to two of the sectors that most profoundly affect our day-to-day lives promises significant benefits for our economy and our society.

The Baldrige National Quality Program has proven to be highly effective in stimulating interest in performance improvement, excellence, sharing and cooperation, and the creation of new information networks within the business and public sectors. Collectively, Baldrige Award recipients, examiners, and NIST staff have given more than 50,000 presentations at conferences worldwide. With a relatively small annual federal investment, the Baldrige program leverages over $100 million in-kind contributions from the private sector and state and local governments.

And the market has demonstrated that quality translates to productivity and profit. The "Baldrige Index," a fictitious stock fund made up of publicly traded U.S. companies that have received the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award between 1990 and 1997, continues to outpace the S&P 500, currently by about 250 percent.

Extending the Baldrige program to health care and education is a development which has received strong support from those communities -- and especially from the business sector. The private-sector Foundation for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award has committed to raise $15 million to endow the health care and education awards.

The FY 2000 appropriations of just over $5 million will be used to manage the annual award competition, conduct a conference at which Baldrige award winners share their performance excellence strategies, maintain a comprehensive database on state and local quality awards, continually improve the performance excellence criteria that serve as the national standard, and facilitate information sharing among all sectors of the U.S. economy.

A year ago I proposed five goals for NIST to pursue as we enter our next century of service to U.S. industry and commerce. In the intervening months we have made strong progress in meeting all of those marks, but -- as usual -- challenges remain.





This year’s budget, Madam Chairwoman, represents a good balance between fiscal restraint and the key initiatives that will allow NIST to meet the needs of technology and commerce as we enter the next century. We are also looking forward to working with your committee on reauthorization of the programs of the Technology Administration.

Thank you for your time. I would be happy to answer any questions the Subcommittee might have.