Chart 2. Estimated Percent Net Undercount for Race and Hispanic Origin Groups: 2000 A.C.E. and 1990 PES
2000 A.C.E. 1990 PES

Estimation Grouping
Net Standard Net Standard

Estimation Grouping


Error Undercount Error
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Total Population in Households 1.18 0.13 1.61 0.20 Total Population 1/
Race and Hispanic Origin Race and Hispanic Origin
American Indian and Alaska Native (on reservation) 4.74 1.20 12.22 5.29 American Indian and Alaska Native (on reservation)
American Indian and Alaska Native (off reservation) 3.28 1.33
Hispanic Origin (of any race) 2.85 0.38 4.99 0.82 Hispanic Origin 2/
Black or African American (not Hispanic) 2.17 0.35 4.57 0.55 Black or African American
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (not Hispanic) 4.60 2.77
Asian (not Hispanic) 0.96 0.64 2.36 1.39 Asian and Pacific Islander
White or Some Other Race (not Hispanic) 0.67 0.14 0.68 0.22 White or Some Other Race (not Hispanic) 3/

Notes: Notes:
  • •The race and Hispanic categories shown on the left side of this chart represent estimation groupings used in developing estimates based on the A.C.E. Survey and do not conform with race and Hispanic categories that will appear in the redistricting (P.L. 94-171) files and other Census 2000 data products. In developing the estimation groupings used to evaluate the coverage of Census 2000, the principal consideration was to combine people who were expected to have the same probability of being counted in Census 2000. Consequently, the race and Hispanic origin groupings used to create the A.C.E. estimates of coverage are exceedingly complex. For a complete description of the estimation groups, see DSSD Memorandum Q-37, which will be provided on request.
  • •The final category includes most people who marked only White or only Some Other Race or marked three or more races but did not fall into the categories described above

  • •The race and Hispanic categories shown on the right side of this chart represent selected population groupings used in conducting the PES and do not conform exactly with race and Hispanic tabulations that were released from the 1990 Census.

  • •The data in this chart contain sampling and non-sampling error.
    • •In general, American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) are included in that category, regardless of whether they marked another race or are Hispanic. A few exceptions apply, especially for those who do not live on a reservation, on trust lands, or in an AIAN statistical area.

    • •Similarly, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders (NHPI) generally are included in that category, unless they lived outside of Hawaii and marked more than one race or marked Hispanic.
    1/ Includes household population and some Group Quarters; excludes institutions, military group quarters.
    • •Hispanics are mostly in that category, unless they marked AIAN and lived on a reservation, on trust lands, or in an AIAN statistical area, or marked NHPI and lived in Hawaii.
    2/ Excludes Blacks or African Americans, Asian and Pacific Islanders, and American Indians on reservations.
    • •People who marked Black or African American are generally in that category unless they fell in the categories described above; similarly those who marked Asian are generally in that category, unless they fell in the categories described above.
    3/ Includes American Indians off reservations.