Listed by Audience

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Page Contents:
For Educators
Brief Information on Childhood Traumatic Grief for School Personnel (2008) (PDF)

Checklist for School Personnel to Evaluate and Implement the Mental Health Component of Your School Crisis and Emergency Plan (2003) (PDF)

Child Sexual Abuse Fact Sheet For Parents, Teachers, and Other Caregivers (2007) (PDF)

Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators (2008)

Childhood Traumatic Grief Educational Materials - For School Personnel (2004) (PDF)

Children of War: A Video for Educators (2005) (Video)

Children of War: A Video for Educators - Resource Guide (2005) (PDF)

Facts on Traumatic Stress and Children with Developmental Disabilities (2004) (PDF)

Helping Children Cope with the Columbia Space Shuttle Tragedy (2003) (PDF)

Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: Elementary School Students (2008) (PDF)

Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: High School Students (2008) (PDF)

Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: Middle School Students (2008) (PDF)

Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide - 2nd Edition (2007) (PDF)

School Planning for the September 11th Anniversary (2002) (PDF)

Self Care for Educators [Dealing with secondary traumatic stress] (2008) (PDF)

Service Systems Brief (vol 1, no 1): Creating Trauma-Informed Child-Serving Systems (2007) (PDF)

Suggestions for Educators [Helping traumatized children in school] (2008) (PDF)

Teacher Guidelines for Helping Students after a Hurricane (2004) (PDF)

The 3R's of School Crises and Disasters (2005)

Trauma Facts for Educators (2008) (PDF)

Trauma Information Pamphlet - For Teachers (2001) (PDF)

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For the General Public

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For Juvenile Justice Professionals/Law Enforcement/First Responders

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For the Media

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For Mental Health/Medical Professionals
Addressing the Trauma Treatment Needs of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and the Hearing Children of Deaf Parents (2006) (PDF)

Administration and Scoring of the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM-IV (Revision 1) (2004) (Video)

Assessing Exposure to Psychological Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress in the Juvenile Justice Population (2004) (PDF)

Building Community Resilience for Children and Families (2007) (PDF)

Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit (2008)

Childhood Traumatic Grief Educational Materials - For Pediatricians and Pediatric Nurses (2004) (PDF)

Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) Directors' Guide to Mental Health Services for Abused Children (2008) (PDF)

Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents (2003) (PDF)

The Courage to Remember: Training Video on Childhood Traumatic Grief (2005) (Video)

Culture and Trauma Brief (vol 3, no 1): Cultural and Family Differences in Children's Sexual Education and Knowledge (2008) (PDF)

Culture and Trauma Brief (vol 2, no 2): Organizational, Cultural, and Linguistic Competence (2007) (PDF)

Culture and Trauma Brief (vol 2, no 3): Preliminary Adaptations for Working with Traumatized Latino/Hispanic Children and their Families (2007) (PDF)

Culture and Trauma Brief (vol 1, no 1): Promoting Culturally Competent Trauma-Informed Practices (2005) (PDF)

Culture and Trauma Brief (vol 1, no 4): Resources on Culture and Trauma (2006) (PDF)

Culture and Truama Brief (vol 1, no 3): Translation of English Materials to Spanish (2005) (PDF)

Culture and Trauma Brief (vol 2, no 1): Trauma among Homeless Youth (2007) (PDF)

Culture and Trauma Brief (vol 1, no 2): Trauma among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Questioning Youth (2006) (PDF)

Engaging Adolescents in Treatment (2008)

Facts on Trauma and Deaf Children (2004) (PDF)

Facts on Trauma and Homeless Children (2004) (PDF)

Finding Funding: A Guide to Federal Sources for Child Traumatic Stress and Other Trauma-Focused Initiatives (2006) (PDF)

A Guide to Private Funding to Support Child Traumatic Stress and Other Trauma-Focused Initiatives (2007) (PDF)

How to Implement Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) (TF-CBT Implementation Manual) (PDF)

Making the Connection: Trauma and Substance Abuse (2008) (PDF)

Mental Health Interventions for Refugee Children in Resettlement: White Paper II (2005) (PDF)

Pathways to Partnerships with Youth and Families in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (2008) (PDF)

Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress Toolkit for Health Care Providers (2004)

Preserving and Restoring the Future of America's Traumatized Children [An introduction to the NCTSN] (2004) (Video)

Psychological Impact of the Tsunami in the Solomon Islands (2007) (PDF)
    >Two-page version 2007 (PDF)

Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health (2003) (PDF)

Service Systems Brief (vol 2, no 1): Creating a Trauma-Informed Law Enforcement System (2008) (PDF)

Service Systems Brief (vol 1, no 1): Creating Trauma-Informed Child-Serving Systems (2007) (PDF)

Survey of National Refugee Working Group Sites 2004: Summary Report (2005) (PDF)

Thinking Broadly: Financing Strategies for Child Traumatic Stress Initiatives (2006) (PDF)

Trauma among Girls in the Juvenile Justice System (2004) (PDF)

Trauma-Focused Interventions for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System (2004) (PDF)

Treatment for Youth with Traumatic Stress and Substance Abuse Problems (2008) (PDF)

Understanding Substance Abuse in Adolescents: A Primer for Mental Health Professionals (2008) (PDF)

Understanding the Links between Adolescent Trauma and Substance Abuse: A Toolkit for Providers (2nd Edition) (2008) (PDF)

Understanding Traumatic Stress in Adolescents: A Primer for Substance Abuse Professionals (2008) (PDF)

Victimization and Juvenile Offending (2004) (PDF)

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For Military Families

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For Parents and Caregivers
Addressing the Trauma Treatment Needs of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and the Hearing Children of Deaf Parents (2006) (PDF)

Brief Information on Childhood Traumatic Grief (2008) (PDF)

Child Sexual Abuse Fact Sheet For Parents, Teachers, and Other Caregivers (2007) (PDF)

It's OK to Remember: General Information Video on Childhood Traumatic Grief (2005) (Video)

Childhood Traumatic Grief Educational Materials - For Parents (2004) (PDF)

Claiming Children: Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health newsletter [special issue on trauma in collaboration with the National Child Traumatic Stress Network] (2003) (PDF)
    >En Español [Niños que reclaman atenciõn] (PDF)

Emergency Medical Technician Pocket Card for Children and Families (2006)

Entendamos el estrés traumático infantil (2004)
    >In English [Understanding Child Traumatic Stress] (PDF)

Facts on Traumatic Stress and Children with Developmental Disabilities (2004) (PDF)

Family Preparedness: Thinking Ahead (2003) (PDF)
Armenian, English, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese

Family Preparedness Wallet Card (2003) (PDF)
Armenian, English, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese

Guía informativa para los padres sobre la aflicción traumática infantil (2004) (PDF)
    >In English [Childhood Traumatic Grief Educational Materials - For Parents] (PDF)

Guia para los padres para ayudar a los niños despues de un huracan (2004) (PDF)
    >In English [Parent Guidelines for Helping children After a Hurricane] (PDF)

Guía Para Padres Con Hijos Que Han Sido Afectados por Incendios (2007) (PDF)
    >In English [Parent Guidelines for Helping Children Impacted by Wildfires]

Helping Children Cope with the Columbia Space Shuttle Tragedy (2003) (PDF)

Helping Your Teen Cope with Traumatic Stress and Substance Abuse (2008) (PDF)
    >En Español [Ayudando a Su Adolescente a Enfrentarse al Estrés Traumático y Abuso de Sustancias]

It's OK to Remember General Information Video on Child Traumatic Grief (2005) (Video)

Los Incendios y su Cobertura en las Noticias: Recomendaciones para los Padres (2007) (PDF)
    >In English [Wildfires: Tips for Parents on Media Coverage (2007)] (PDF)

Niños que reclaman atenciõn: Boletín [número esppecial centrado en los traumas-Federaciõn de Familias para la Salud Mental de los Niños/Red Nacional para el Estrés Traumático en el Niño](2003) (PDF)
    >In English [Claiming Children Newsletter] (PDF)

Pandemic Flu Fact Sheet: A Parents' Guide to Helping Families Cope with a Pandemic Flu (2008) (PDF)

Parent Guidelines for Helping Children after a Hurricane (2004) (PDF)
    >En Español [Guia para los padres para ayudar a los niños despues de un huracan] (PDF)

Parent Guidelines for Helping Children Impacted by Wildfires (2007) (PDF)
    >En Español [Guía Para Padres Con Hijos Que Han Sido Afectados por Incendios] (PDF)

Parenting in a Challenging World (2005) or (HTML/Video)

The Promise of Trauma-focused Therapy for Childhood Sexual Abuse (2007)

Questions & Answers about Child Physical Abuse (2008) (PDF)

Questions & Answers about Child Sexual Abuse (2007) (PDF)

Questions & Answers about Child Sexual Abuse Treatment (2007) (PDF)

Questions & Answers about Domestic Violence (2008) (PDF)

Recognizing Drug Use in Adolescents: A Quick Guide for Caregivers and Adults (2007) (PDF)

Sugerencias para la familia que anticipa reacciones adversas al aproximarse el aniversario de un acontecimiento traumático (2002) (PDF)
    >In English [Tips for Families on Anticipating Anniversary Reactions to Traumatic] (PDF)

Talking to Children about War and Terrorism (2003) (PDF)

Talking with Children in the United States about the Tsunami (2007) (PDF)

Tips for Families on Anticipating Anniversary Reactions to Traumatic Events (2002) (PDF)
    >En Español [Sugerencias para la familia que anticipa reacciones adversas al aproximarse el aniversario de un acontecimiento traumático ] (PDF)

Tips for Parents and Caregivers on Media Coverage of Traumatic Events (2004) (PDF)

Trauma Information Pamphlet For Parents (2001) (PDF)

Traumatic Grief in Military Children: Information for Families (2008) (PDF)

Understanding Child Traumatic Stress: A Guide for Parents (2008) (PDF)

Wildfires: Tips for Parents on Media Coverage (2007) (PDF)
    >En Español [Los Incendios y su Cobertura en las Noticias: Recomendaciones para los Padres (2007)] (PDF)

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For Policy Makers
Child Traumatic Stress: What Every Policymaker Should Know (2008)

Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit (2008)

Children and Trauma in America: A Progress Report of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (2004) (PDF)

Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) Directors' Guide to Mental Health Services for Abused Children (2008) (PDF)

Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents (2003) (PDF)

Facts on Trauma and Deaf Children (2004) (PDF)

Facts on Trauma and Homeless Children (2005) (PDF)

Finding Funding: A Guide to Federal Sources for Child Traumatic Stress and Other Trauma-Focused Initiatives (2006) (PDF)

A Guide to Private Funding to Support Child Traumatic Stress and Other Trauma-Focused Initiatives (2007) (PDF)

Helping Children in the Child Welfare System Heal from Trauma: A Systems Integration Approach (2005) (PDF)

Mental Health Interventions for Refugee Children in Resettlement: White Paper II (2005) (PDF)

National and Community Partners (2008) (PDF)

Policy Brief: Supporting High-Quality Mental Health Services for Child Trauma: Family, Youth, and Consumer Involvement (2008) (PDF)

Policy Brief: Supporting High-Quality Mental Health Services for Child Trauma: Workforce Strategies (2008) (PDF)

Preserving and Restoring the Future of America's Traumatized Children [An introduction to the NCTSN] (2004) (Video)

Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health (2003) (PDF)

Service Systems Brief (vol 2, no 1): Creating a Trauma-Informed Law Enforcement System (2008) (PDF)

Service Systems Brief (vol 1, no 1): Creating Trauma-Informed Child-Serving Systems (2007) (PDF)

Service Systems Brief (vol 2, no 2): Judges and Child Trauma: Findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network/National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges Focus Groups (2008) (PDF)

Suggestions for Educators [Helping traumatized children in school] (2008) (PDF)

Survey of National Refugee Working Group Sites 2004: Summary Report (2005) (PDF)

Serving America: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network Responds to September 11 (2002) (PDF)

Thinking Broadly: Financing Strategies for Child Traumatic Stress Initiatives (2006) (PDF)

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For Youth

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Additional Resources

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NCTSN Knowledge Bank
An online tool for accessing resources of the NCTSN, including resources from individual centers not available on
NCTSN-Affiliated Resources
Resources developed through significant NCTSN collaboration with other organizations.
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