The NewsRoom
Release: #3567
Date: October 24, 2006

The Minerals Management Service Issues Scoping Report on Long Island Offshore Wind Park

Scoping Allowed Agency to Receive the Views of Various Constituencies to Express Issues and Concerns

WASHINGTON – The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has posted a Scoping Report on its government web site for the environmental evaluation of the Long Island Offshore Wind Park (LIOWP). Scoping for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) took place from June 19 through August 21, 2006. The MMS received a total of 2,940 comments from all sources, defined as a name or an address, in letters, public hearing testimony, e-mails, hand-delivered reports, documents, written statements, comment forms, and our Public Connect commenting web site during the 60-day scoping period. Originating sources included concerned individuals and businesses, environmental organizations, interest and trade groups, homeowner or civic associations, and agencies representing New York State, and the Federal government.

Scoping allowed the MMS to solicit and receive the views of various constituencies, including their concerns, at the outset of our EIS evaluation. Other influences on the form the EIS will take include the expertise provided by the cooperating agencies that have established a relationship with the MMS for this environmental review. A list of Federal and New York State cooperating agencies is available at

The Scoping Report provides a means for the MMS to trace the input received back to those who offered it. Volume 1 of the report explains how inputs were categorized and provides a cross reference between those categories and the person or groups who offered the comments. Volume 2 contains a scanned image of all of letters and submitted materials received during scoping.

Over the next few months the MMS will be reviewing the data and reports generated by LIOWP and identifying any needed additional information. The MMS will also be defining the work to be carried out as part of the EIS in consultation with the cooperating agencies. In the next several months the MMS will be defining: 1) the table of contents for the draft EIS, 2) the range of alternatives to be given a hard look in the EIS, 3) the physical, biological, and socioeconomic resources that could be impacted by the proposed wind park, 4) the severity of impacts, and 5) how impacts could be mitigated.

Interested parties are encouraged to visit the MMS’s web page periodically where updates of the evaluation will be posted.

Relevant Web Site:
   MMS Main Website

   Scoping Report of the LIOWP

Media Contact:
Nicolette Nye   202/208-3985

MMS: Securing Ocean Energy & Economic Value for America
U.S. Department of the Interior


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