Mental Health and Developmental Services

…is a Division of the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. MHDS is one of the largest State human services agencies in Nevada, employing more than 1,900 in 8 agencies located in Las Vegas, Reno, Carson City and each of the rural counties.

Latest News

Registration is closed for the 9th Annual SCC: "Caring for the Caregiver"
9th Annual Service Coordination Conference

Click here to read more about the Governor's Committee on Co-Occuring Disorders

A Time for Change

Dr. Cook… has worked in MHDS since 1978.

— Spring 2008

A  message from the Division Administrator...              Since beginning in January as Administrator of MHDS, I have been using this website to share with each of you new developments at MHDS.  In my first message I mentioned my efforts toward strengthening mental health services in Clark County  and also told you how excited I was to have recruited a new Deputy, who was to start in MayDr. Harold Cook - the first Deputy to be located in Las Vegas! 

The good news is that our new MHDS Deputy Administrator, Mr. Richard Failla, did join us in May, and now I would like to tell you a bit about him...
Read more here

Now I feel I must take a moment to mention how concerned I am about the impact of the harsh budget reductions that are now underway.  These cuts will eventually total about fourteen percent of our budget and have already begun.  Let me summarize the impact of this by simply saying that these are serious reductions; possibly the deepest MHDS has ever seen.  MHDS will be losing almost ten percent of existing positions, shutting down several clinics, and changing what services we will offer... 


Nevada Department of Health and Human Services