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Water Level



Water Temperature

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Lake Erie Operational Forecast System (LEOFS)

(Please click on the map pins below to access the time series plots)

Water Level



Water Temperature
(Please click on the categories below to access animated map plots)
Nowcast Nowcast Stations Nowcast Nowcast
Forecast Guidance Forecast Guidance Stations Forecast Guidance Forecast Guidance
    Field Nowcast  
    Field Forecast Guidance  

The Lake Erie Operational Forecast System (LEOFS) is a NOAA project aimed at providing improved predictions of water levels, currents and water temperatures in Lake Erie to the user communities. Similar systems are operational in the other 4 Great Lakes as well. Collectively these form the Great Lakes Operational Forecast System (GLOFS). The objective of GLOFS is to produce nowcast and forecast guidance (displayed out to 24 hours) of total water level, current velocity, and water temperatures in the Lakes to be used by the commercial shipping, recreational boating and emergency response communities. GLOFS nowcast and forecast guidance will provide an increased margin of safety and maximize the efficiency of commerce throughout the Lakes. For more information, please click here.

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