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Compute a constant times a vector, y = ay. (Level 1 BLAS).
Classes  :  D1a6 . Multiplication of a vector by a scalar
Type     : Fortran subroutine in BLAS1 package.
Access   : Public domain. Portable.
Precision: Double.
Usage    : CALL DSCAL(N, DA, DX, INCX)
Details  : Fullsource Source
Sites    : (1) ARNO (2) NETLIB

Implementation of DSCAL from BLAS1 on ARNO

ARNO:      Silicon Graphics Origin 2000, National Institute of Standards and
           Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Precision: Double. (Single: SSCAL)
Those logged in to arno.nist.gov or amur.nist.gov may access this module as
   Access       : f90 prog.f -lscs (or -lscs_mp for multiprocessor version)
   Documentation: man dscal

Implementation of DSCAL from BLAS1 on NETLIB

NETLIB:    Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
           Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Precision: Double. (Single: SSCAL)
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Source       : echo "send only dscal from blas" | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Fullsource   : echo "send dscal from blas" | mail netlib@ornl.gov

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