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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Inspector Training

New Inspectors

Inspector Classroom

A computer administered pre-test is required for admission to the initial training course. This pre-test is conducted at the VPMD headquarters and the potential inspector must have a passing score prior to being admitted to the class. This helps to ensure that new inspectors possess the basic skills and automotive knowledge necessary to successfully complete the course.

For new Inspectors, a minimum three-day initial training course is required. Course work involves two days of classroom and one to three days of practical training on the emission analyzer units.

Volunteer vehicle testing is scheduled for the general public, at no cost, during the new inspector training course. Volunteer tests are scheduled on one half hour intervals. In addition to the voluntary tests the students also test vehicles that come in for re-testing during the practical part of the training. All tests are supervised by our technicians to ensure that the test is conducted properly and that the information given to the motorist is correct. This hands on testing allows students to practice on a variety of vehicles and ensures that they have the basic knowledge to conduct an emissions test.

Hands on Training

Existing Inspectors

Inspectors must re-certify each year by completing a four-hour re-certification course and exam. Re-certification training maintains Inspector competence and ensures quality testing. For station managers and service writers, a special class is presented to give a program overview.

The "VPMD Update" newsletter is distributed periodically to inform Air Care stations and Inspectors about program changes and technical updates.

Class Schedules

The September 2008 class for new inspectors will be offered the week of September 8, 2008. A pre-test must be passed prior to being admitted to the next available class. If the class is full you will be placed on a waiting list for the next available opening.

Re-certification classes for existing inspectors, with a certification that expire in September 2008, will be offered on September 4, 2008 at 8:30am.The last re-certification class offered in September will be on September 18, 2008 at 8:30am. You must call to be scheduled for the class of your choice.

The October 2008 class for new inspectors will be offered the week of October 6, 2008. A pre-test must be passed prior to being admitted to the next available class. If the class is full you will be placed on a waiting list for the next available opening.

Re-certification classes for existing inspectors, with a certification that expire in October 2008, will be offered on October 2, 2008 at 8:30am.The last re-certification class offered in October will be on October 16, 2008 at 8:30am. You must call to be scheduled for the class of your choice.

Inspector Information


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