Project Safety Review — FAQ

Q1) What is the definition of "experimental"?
"Experimental" work typically means work involving physical measurements, laboratories, instrumentation, chemicals, tools, field work; or work needing environmental permits or safety documentation (such as Activity Hazard Documents (AHD's), Sealed Source Authorizations (SSA's), etc.). Projects involving just computer modeling, as well as much of the Energy Analysis Department work, is typical of non-experimental work.
Q2) What are the implications of saying yes to the ergonomics question?
Individuals who work more than an average of 4 hrs/day on a computer must take the Ergonomics for Computer Users course, EHS0060. Ergonomic injuries are the most common injuries in EETD (and at the LAB). Taking this course will help assure that the employee knows the proper ergonomic setup for their workstation, how to recognize and take action on any ergonomic related discomforts, and how to request an ergonomic evaluation of their workstation.
Q3) Why do we have to bother with a Project Safety Review form anyway?
At the direction of former Energy Secretary Peña, the Lab has adopted the Integrated Safety Management System, and accordingly, the EET Division has written an Integrated Safety Management Plan. The Project Safety Review is part of this plan to assure the safety of LBL employees and the public. Specifically, the Division is required to do a safety review of all new and periodically of all continuing projects to make sure staff is trained, hazards are identified and controlled, and all the proper authorizations have been issued.
Q4) What tools are available for the PI or Work Lead to use to determine the proper authorizations (such as AHD's, RWA's, and SSA's) for the work they are doing?
PUB-3000, Chapter 6, Appendix B lists "trigger levels" for formal authorizations. The hazards should also be discussed with the Division Safety Coordinator or the Division EH&S Liaison to help determine what authorizations are needed.
Q5) Tell me more about Primary and Secondary Hazards on page 2 of the PSR.
The PI or Work Lead is usually the person most aware of what hazards are associated with his projects or exist in his labs. I am asking the PI to identify 1) what he thinks his most significant hazard is for the project (the circled check mark in the "Primary" column), 2) what other significant hazards exist (other checkmarks in the "Primary" column), and 3) what the less significant hazards are (checkmarks in the "Secondary" column).
Q6) Can I pass on my ideas about making this process better?
Feedback is welcomed as to how these forms are working for you, and any ideas you have that might make satisfying these requirements easier. Contact me at x4703 or

Last Update: 2/5/07