Hazard Identification and Control

Lab Safety Inspections

In response to the call for improvement in documenting EH&S procedures in EETD labs, all the PIs and/or Facility Managers are requested to do the following:

  1. Customize the template for Lab Entrance Placards, using appropriate hazard icons found in Icons for Lab Entrance Placards. Follow the instructions for completing the template, include all relevant information specific to your lab and post it in the hallway right next to the lab entrance. You can choose to laminate the signs or slip them into plastic sleeves and mount them at lab entrances with velcro or double sided tape. (They should not be attached on the door itself or on the wall where an opened door will obscure the sign.)
  2. Contact Cindy Stevenson x4291 and get a plastic rack, one per each laboratory, and place it on the wall inside the lab close to the entrance, if possible.
  3. The rack should be used to hold a copy of:
    • the most recent walkthrough document (EETD Lab Safety Inspection Checklist)
    • any other periodic safety checklists that are required for this lab area e.g., interlock checklist, equipment testing logs etc.

You may also consider including copies of relevant Work Authorizations, Activity Hazard Documents, JHA profile and/or other documents/forms required for your laboratories. All lab employees must know about their location.

PIs and Work Leads are responsible for assuring that these documents are posted and maintained up to date.

  • EETD Lab Safety Inspection Checklist [Download]
  • Lab Entrance Placards Template [Download]
  • Template Instructions [Download]
  • Icons for Lab Entrance Placards [Download]

Office Safety Inspections

In addition to conducting laboratory inspections, supervisors and department heads are expected to complete walkthroughs of all office space occupied by their staff and guests. Walkthroughs must be conducted at least quarterly and must be documented. Supervisors and department heads are responsible for retaining inspection documentation in a readily accessible location should the documentation be requested.

To help with the office walkthrough process, EETD has developed a short office inspection checklist. You need not use the office inspection checklist, but you must ensure that you document your walkthroughs.

  • Office Safety Inspection Checklist [Download]

Project Safety Review (PSR)

The PSR form is needed when a new project is funded, and annually for all continuing projects.

Activity Hazard Document (AHD) and Other Work Authorizations

If your work involves medium or high hazard operations, you may be required to have a formal work authorization. Following are examples of work that need a formal authorization:

  • Reactive or pyrophoric materials (e.g., alkali metals)
  • Flammable gases > 400 cu. ft. per room
  • Class 3b or 4 laser
  • Noncommercial or modified pressure vessel
  • Pressure with stored energy greater than 75,000 ft-lb (not including gas cylinders), pressure > 150 psig (gas) or 1500 psig (liquid)
  • Sealed or unsealed radioactive sources
  • Ionizing produced by X-ray machine

For further information and guidance, see PUB-3000, Chap. 6

If you need an AHD, the EH&S Division staff will assist with the document. Contact your Division Safety Coordinator and/or the EH&S Division Liaison.

Specific Safety Procedure (SSP) Form

Useful for chemical hazards or other procedures needing safety documentation but not requiring an AHD or other authorization.

  • Specific Safety Procedure (SSP) Form [Download]