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WSR-88D Common Operations and Development Environment (CODE)


WSR-88D CODE: The Common Operations and Development Environment

Description of CODE

CODE is an algorithm development environment for the WSR-88D radar. CODE contains the software and guidance required to create the algorithm development environment on an Intel PC running Red Hat Enterprise Workstation Linux.

  • CODE provides a 'clone' of a WSR-88D Radar Product Generator on a workstation which can run existing and user-created algorithms by ingesting WSR-88D Archive level 2 data.
  • A secondary use of CODE: studying past weather events by ingesting Level 2 data obtained from the NCDC Web site and creating products for analysis.
CODE is Produced in Two Versions:
  1. National Weather Service Edition - This is the complete version of CODE. Distribution is limited to within the National Weather Service and other U.S. Government Agencies.

  2. Public Edition - This version of CODE is intended for public release. Certain proprietary software components have been removed to permit release outside the U.S. Government.

Latest Updates

Name Date Posted Description
CODE B10r1.14 Public Edition May 1, 2008 A Public Edition of CODE based upon the Build 10 Release 1.14 of the ORPG.
Archive 2 data sets September 20, 2007 Super-Resolution Archive II data vcp121SR.tar is available for download.
CODE B9r1.27 Public Edition June 19, 2007 A Public Edition of CODE based upon the Build 9 Release 1.27 of the ORPG.

CODE Contact Information

All inquiries regarding CODE should be directed to:

Inquiries regarding obtaining CODE or CODE Training Sessions:

Mr. Michael Istok
NEXRAD Product Improvement (NPI) Development Manager
NOAA's National Weather Service
Inquiries regarding CODE Technical Issues:

Mr. Tom Ganger
CODE Lead Engineer
Noblis, Inc.

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