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FHWA Safety: First graphic from left courtesy of ( Burden)


The Safe Routes to Schools Program is a Federal-Aid program of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Program was created by Section 1404 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users Act (SAFETEA-LU). The SRTS Program is funded at $612 million over five Federal fiscal years (FY 2005-2009) and is to be administered by State Departments of Transportation (DOTs).

The Program provides funds to the States to substantially improve the ability of primary and middle school students to walk and bicycle to school safely. The purposes of the program are:

  1. to enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school
  2. to make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age; and
  3. to facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity (approximately 2 miles) of primary and middle schools (Grades K-8).

Each State administers its own program and develops its own procedures to solicit and select projects for funding. The program establishes two distinct types of funding opportunities: infrastructure projects (engineering improvements) and non-infrastructure related activities (such as education, enforcement and encouragement programs). More detail on eligible projects, as well as program set-up is provided in the SRTS Program Guidance document.

The legislation also specifically establishes several entities that are responsible for coordination and information distribution:

  • Safe Routes to School Coordinator

    Each State receiving funds is required to establish a full-time position of coordinator of the State's safe routes to school program. FHWA issued a Memorandum on September 26, 2005 with instructions regarding this position. Also refer to the FAQ section of this website for further guidance.

  • National SRTS Clearinghouse

    The FHWA will make grants to a national nonprofit organization engaged in promoting safe routes to schools to operate a National SRTS Clearinghouse, to develop information and educational programs on safe routes to school, and to provide technical assistance and disseminate techniques and strategies used for successful safe routes to school programs. FHWA issued a Request For Applications for the Clearinghouse in mid-January 2006, and expects to award the work in the Spring of 2006.

  • Task Force

    The FHWA will form a national Safe Routes To School Task Force composed of leaders in health, transportation, and education. The Task Force may include representatives from State and local agencies as well as relevant non-profit organizations and associations. The goals of the Task Force will be to study and develop a strategy for advancing safe routes to school programs nationwide. Congress has requested a report from the Task Force detailing the results of their work.


  • Program Legislation
    Funding and Program Authorization and other related legislative provisions.

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