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Appendix F


Staff Memorandum, Latest Cost Estimates for OASDI and HI Programs, February 26, 1982

Staff Memorandum, Development of the Social Security Program, February 27, 1982

Memorandum No. 1, Basic Method of Computing Social Security Benefits, March 9, 1982

Memorandum No. 2, History of Replacement Rates for Various Amendments to Social Security Act, March 10, 1982

Memorandum No. 3, Measurement of Actuarial Status of OASDI Program, March 11, 1982

Memorandum No. 4, Survey as to Valuation Period for OASDI and HI Programs, March 12, 1982

Memorandum No. 5, Annual Actuarial Balances of the Social Security Program, March 13, 1982

Memorandum No. 6, Progress of OASDI Trust Funds over the Years, March 14, 1982

Memorandum No. 7, Sensitivity Analysis of Assumptions in Alternative I and II-B of 1981 Trustees Report, March 15, 1982

Memorandum No. 8, Actuarial Status of OASDI Program over Next 25 Years under Alternative Assumptions, March 16, 1982

Memorandum No. 9, Analysis of Various Marginal Changes in Assumptions in Actuarial Cost Estimates, March 25, 1982

Memorandum No. 10, Short-Range Cost Estimates Made by CBO, March 29, 1982

Memorandum No. 11, Reimbursements to the Social Security Trust Funds from General Revenues, April 6, 1982

Memorandum No. 12, Comparison of Status of OASDI and HI Trust Funds as Shown in 1981 and 1982 Trustees Reports, April 6, 1982

Memorandum No. 13, Survey of Public Confidence as to Financial Status of the Social Security Program, April 7, 1982

Memorandum No. 14, History of Net Replacement Rates for Various Amendments to the Social Security Act, April 22, 1982

Memorandum No. 15, Past Trends of Actuarial Imbalances of OASDI and HI Trust Funds, April 7, 1982

Memorandum No. 16, Possible Method of Revising Social Security to a Self-Adjusting, Self-Stabilizing Basis, April 29, 1982

Memorandum No. 17, Background Information on Private Pensions, May 4, 1982

Principal Consultant Memorandum, Problem Areas in Private Pensions and State and Local Government Pensions, May 4, 1982

Memorandum No. 18, Analysis of Various Marginal Changes in Assumptions in Actuarial Cost Estimates, May 6, 1982

Memorandum No. 19, Possible Method of Revising Social Security to a Self-Adjusting Self-Stabilizing Basis (continued), May 27, 1982

Memorandum No. 20, The Low-Cost Demographic Period in the 1990s and Early 2000s, May 25, 1982

Memorandum No. 21, Further Information on Cost of OASDI Program According to 1982 Trustees Report, May 27, 1982

Memorandum No. 22, Increasing the Normal Retirement Age Under Social Security by an Automatic-Adjustment Method, June 4, 1982

Memorandum No. 23, How a Proposal for Automatic Changes in OASDI Tax Rates Would Operate, June 4, 1982

Memorandum No. 24, Possible Solutions to Long-Range Financing Problems of OASDI Program, June 4, 1982

Memorandum No. 25, Prevalence of Elections of Joint-and-Survivor Annuities under Private Pensions, June 7, 1982

Memorandum No. 26, Possible Method of Revising Social Security to a Self-Adjusting, Self-Stabilizing Basis (continued #2), June 4, 1982

Memorandum No. 27, Pension Receipt and Pension Coverage by Sex, June 14, 1982

Memorandum No. 28, Illustrative Cost Effects on Year-by-Year Basis for Several Proposals Affecting OASDI Long-Range Costs, June 21, 1982

Memorandum No. 29, Cost Aspects of Increasing the Normal Retirement Age under Social Security by an Automatic-Adjustment Method, June 28, 1982

Memorandum No. 30, Investment Procedures for the Social Security Trust Funds, June 28, 1982

Memorandum No. 31, Changes in Tax Treatment of Employee Contributions to Social Security and of Benefits and Faster Implementation of Currently Scheduled Payroll Tax Increases, July 1, 1982

Memorandum No. 32, Advantages of Social Security Coverage for Federal Employees, June 30, 1982

Memorandum No. 33, Relative Changes in Social Security Benefit Levels, June 30, 1982

Memorandum No. 34, Constitutionality of Prohibiting Withdrawal of Nonprofit Organizations Which Elected Social Security Coverage, July 1, 1982

Memorandum No. 35, Various Possible Funding Methods for OASDI Program, July 1, 1982

Memorandum No. 36, Cost Aspects of Indexing OASDI Benefit Formula by 75% of Wage Increases for a Limited Period, July 2, 1982

Memorandum No. 37, Comparison of Social Security Benefits and Replacement Rates Under Present Law and Under Proposal to Index Benefit Formula by 75% of Wage Increases for a Limited Period, July 12, 1982

Memorandum No. 38, Long-Range Cost Effect of Advancing the 1990 OASDI Tax Rate to 1983 or 1985, August 2, 1982

Memorandum No. 39, Ways in Which Civil Service Retirement System Provides Greater Benefit Protection Than Social Security, July 29, 1982

Memorandum No. 40, Crediting Unnegotiated Social Security Checks to the Trust Funds, July 30, 1982

Memorandum No. 41, Pros and Cons Regarding Proposals to Dedicate Alcohol and Tobacco Excise Taxes to Hospital Insurance or Disability Insurance Trust Funds, August 4, 1982

Memorandum No. 42, Earnings Sharing at Divorce under Social Security Programs in Canada and Germany, August 5, 1982

Memorandum No. 43, The Effects of Redeeming Trust Fund Assets, August 6, 1982

Memorandum No. 44, The Relative Economic Status of the "Young-Old" and the "Old-Old'', August 12, 1982

Memorandum No. 45, Money's-Worth Comparison for Social Security Benefits, August 12, 1982

Memorandum No. 46, Recent Legislation Passed by Congress, September 1, 1982

Memorandum No. 47, "Personal Security Accounts: A Proposal for Fundamental Social Security Reform", by Boskin, Kotlikoff, and Shoven, September 1, 1982

Memorandum No. 48, An Independent Social Security Agency, September 1, 1982

Memorandum No. 49, Conceptual Difference Between the Open-Group and Closed-Group Methods of Determining the OASDI Long-Range Unfunded Liability, September 1, 1982

Memorandum No. 50, Adjusting the Payroll Tax Rate to Compensate for the Erosion of the Tax Base Due to the Growth of Fringes, September 7, 1982

Memorandum No. 51, Amounts Needed in Short Run to Restore Financial Soundness of OASDI System, and Possibility of Obtaining Them from Increases in Tax Rates, September 9, 1982

Memorandum No. 52, Actuarial Cost Estimates of the Early 1970s in the Light of Current Conditions, September 8, 1982

Memorandum No. 53, Inclusion of Operations of Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds in the Unified Budget, September 8, 1982

Memorandum No. 54, Additional Information on CBO Estimate of Outlay Reductions and/or Revenue Increases Needed by OASDI Program in FY 1984 and 1985, September 9, 1982 -Table, Comparison Of Combined Employer-Employee OASDI Tax Rate With OASDI Cost Rate For Various Future Years Under Different Economic Assumptions, September 28, 1982

Memorandum No. 55, Comparison of Two Alternative Wage Rate Measures That Could be Used in Indexing Social Security Benefits, September 29, 1982

Memorandum No. 56, Cost Effect of Increasing Contribution Rate for Self-Employed Persons to Combined Employer-Employee Rate, October 8, 1982

Memorandum No. 57, Reconciliation of Cost Estimates of CBO and SSA as to Amount of Additional Funding Needed by OASDI Trust Funds in 1982-85 in Order to Have Specified Fund Ratio at Beginning of 1986, October 14, 1982

Memorandum No. 58, The Effect of a Combination of Proposals on OASDI Long-Range Costs Assuming (1) Revocation of the 1985 and 1990 Tax Rate Increases or (2) Revocation of Only the 1990 Increase, October 15, 1982

Memorandum No. 59, Investment of the Social Security Trust Funds, October 20, 1982

Memorandum No. 60, Selected Temporary Sources of Revenues for the OASI Trust Fund for the 1980s, November 2, 1982

Memorandum No. 61, Number of Months Required for Total Benefit Payments to Exceed Accumulated OASDI Taxes, November 4, 1982

Memorandum No. 62, Amounts Needed in Short Run to Restore Financial Soundness of OASDI System Under "More Realistic" Pessimistic Cost Estimates, November 5, 1982

Background Book, Actuarial Cost Estimates for OASDI and HI and for Various Possible Changes in OASDI and Historical Data for OASDI and HI, November 1982

Table, Various Packages Which Will Meet the Shortfall in 1983-89, According to Alternative III Assumptions of 1982 Trustees Report, November 10, 1982

Tables, Comparison of Estimates of OASDI Income, Outgo, and Trust-Fund Balances Made by Social Security Administration and by Department of Commerce, November 10, 1982

Memorandum No. 63 (Revised), Methods to Assure Adequate Financing of OASDI Program Through Loans or Through Automatic Adjustment of Either Benefits or Taxes, November 22, 1982

Memorandum No. 64, Amounts Needed in Short Run to Restore Financial Soundness of OASDI System Under "More Realistic" Pessimistic Cost Estimates (extension of Memorandum No. 62), November 18, 1982

Decision Memorandum, Adoption of Certain Recommendations, December 3, 1982

General Memorandum, Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, December 9, 1982

General Memorandum, A Proposal to Index Benefits in Eligibility Status by Increases in Wages Minus 1 ½ Percentage Points, on a 15-Year Moving-Total Basis, December 9, 1982

Decision Memorandum, Adoption of Certain Recommendations (Revision and extension of Memorandum of December 3), December 13, 1982

Memorandum No. 65, Two Proposals as to Stabilizing the Cost of the OASDI Program With Regard to the Indexing of Benefits in Eligibility Status (Revised), December 15, 1982

Memorandum No. 66, Dilemma of Making Cost Estimates for Indexing by "Lesser of Wages or Prices", December 15, 1982

Decision Memorandum, Adoption of Recommendation on Extension of Coverage, December 15, 1982

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