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Performs univariate and multivariate analysis of variance for balanced data,
including Latin-square, certain balanced incomplete block designs,
completely nested (hierarchical) designs. Options: numerous means
comparisons, missing values.
Classes  :  L7d1 . Multi-way analysis of variance for balanced complete data
            L7d2 . Multi-way analysis of variance for balanced incomplete data
            L7e .  Multivariate analysis of variance
Type     : Stand-alone program using SAS command language.
Access   : Proprietary. Many implementations available.
Precision: Single.
Sites    : (1) ITL

Implementation of ANOVA from SAS on ITL

ITL:       Unix Workstation Network, National Institute of Standards and
           Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Precision: Single.
Access available only to NIST staff on internal Unix systems. They may access this
package provided the /itl tree is cross-mounted.
   Run          : sas (on linden)
   Documentation: help ANOVA (in SAS)

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