Sat 3 Jan 2009 | 17:56 GMT
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Thousands protest Gaza offensive 5:02pm GMT

LONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of chanting, banner-waving demonstrators marched in cities across Europe on Saturday to demand a halt to Israeli bombing in the Gaza Strip.  Full Article


Reuters Weekend

Five decades after the revolution that put Fidel Castro in power, the rich are gone and a social safety net is in place, but economic hardship remains in Cuba.  Full Article | Factbox  

Women's toil

Small-scale women farmers grow up to 80 percent of crops for food consumption in Africa.  Full Article 

New tunes

Music labels are embracing new free ad-supported download services.  Video 


Take a look back at the top stories, pictures and videos of the past year in Britain and around the world.  Full Coverage 


Credit squeeze set to intensify in 2009 4:35am GMT 

LONDON (Reuters) - The credit squeeze for families and businesses looks set to intensify into 2009 despite unprecedented measures to recapitalise the banking system and get lending flowing again, a survey showed Friday.  Full Article 

Russia gas row disruption spreads 4:44pm GMT 

KIEV/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian gas flows to four European Union countries were below normal levels on Saturday after Moscow cut off supplies to Ukraine in a pricing row, and there were no talks in sight to resolve the dispute.  Full Article 

Crisis in Gaza
Friday, 2 Jan 2009 
Israeli warplanes continue air strikes into the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip as Islamist militants fire rocket salvoes deep inside the Jewish state.