Detroit News Online

GM enters its second century by finally taking wraps off Volt

With Vice Chairman Bob Lutz driving the Volt on stage during the automaker's 100th birthday party, GM introduced the electric car to a standing ovation from hundreds of employees in the Renaissance Center and thousands more watching via satellite feeds beamed to the automaker's facilities around the world. - 1:07 am

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fed bails out ailing AIG with $85B loan

The Federal Reserve forged an extraordinary $85 billion rescue Tuesday night of insurance giant American International Group Inc., offering a respite from two days of chaos in the American financial system. - 1:07 am

Bridge plans may stop roadwork

As construction crews hustle to finish their work before winter sets in,an impasse over a proposed second Detroit-Windsor bridge threatens to halt 136 Michigan road projects in two weeks. - 1:07 am

Kilpatrick's day in the slammer

Kwame Kilpatrick may not have known it at the time, but his day in jail last month could be a harbinger for what's to come for the mayor who is resigning Thursday and heading behind bars for 120 days on Oct. 28. - 1:07 am

Big Three lobby for $25B loan

Automakers stepped up their lobbying efforts Tuesday to win congressional support for $25 billion in low-interest government loans to retool auto plants with the top executives from Detroit's Big Three personally visiting Capitol Hill lawmakers. - 1:00 am

Editor's Choice


Terry Foster's Blog

Terry Foster: The Lions are obviously the hot story in town. There are so many subplots that you could write a mystery novel about this team as it heads into week … Continued

Autos Blog

Manny Lopez: GM executives were none too pleased with me last week when I said in my column that the photos of the Chevy Volt were uninspiring. They told me it … Continued

Decision 2008: The Lowdown

Gordon Trowbridge: Politico's Ben Smith has the goods on the anti-Obama poll targeting Jewish voters in Michigan and other battleground states. Smith reports that the … Continued

More blogs


Scott Burgess

Audi delivers: Redesigned A4 offers more luxury and performance

Chris McCosky

Four Pistons seek one spot

Vartan Kupelian

U.S. captain insists: 'We are the underdogs'

Brian J. O'Connor

Markets catch their breath as Fed offers tough love

Scott Burgess

Jolting expectations: Inviting electric car is rare example of reality outdoing the concept

Manny Lopez

Volt turnaround proves U.S. automakers' mettle

Neil Winton

Russia booms, but auto investors' nerves must be jangling

Lynn Henning

Dantonio's approach pays

Ellyce Field

Fun family picks for the week

Kate Lawson

Tomato bread pudding keeps fall at bay -- for the meantime

Rex Roy

Bigger cars lose luster as cost rises

Mekeisha Madden Toby

'Doctors' geared to help viewers

Tom and Ray Magliozzi

Jump-start smoke may be from cables

Charles Krauthammer

Gibson identifies wrong Bush Doctrine

Glenn Haege

Try backflow preventer to keep basement dry

Jeanne Phillips

Teen is determined to be less shy in high school

Dr. Paul Donohue

Treatment for hemorrhoids varies

Curtrise Garner

Fresh mango elevates an ice cream float

Madeline Triffon

Italy excites palate with 2 dandies

Daniel Negreanu

How to play small pairs in early position

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My Wednesday

Dearborn's Dan Gheesling wins 'Big Brother 10'

Gheesling, 25, a biology and physical education teacher at Orchard Lake St. Mary's Preparatory, won the series by a unanimous vote of 7-0, based on votes from a jury of ousted houseguests.

Get creative in the kitchen with apple cider

Whether you serve it warm spiked with sticks of cinnamon or use it in salad dressings, sauces or desserts, cider brings a new level to sweet and savory dishes.

Event applauds women's strength

Florine Mark says she invited Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy to be the keynote speaker at the ninth annual Remarkable Women Live! luncheon because, despite criticism, Worthy stands strong.

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