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Foreign Relations, 1961-1963, Volume XIV, Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962
Released by the Office of the Historian

List of Persons

Acheson, Dean, former Secretary of State and Special Consultant to the President

Adenauer, Konrad, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

Adzhubei, Alexei I., Khrushchev's son-in-law, and Editor in Chief of Izvestiia

Alphand, Herve, French Ambassador to the United States

Amrehn, Franz, Deputy Mayor of Berlin

Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, February-December 1961; thereafter Under Secretary of State

Bohlen, Charles E., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State

Bolshakov, Georgi N., Editor of USSR magazine

Bowles, Chester E., Under Secretary of State, January-December 1961

Brandt, Willy, Governing Mayor of Berlin

Brentano, Heinrich von, German Foreign Minister until October 1961

Bruce, David K.E., Ambassador to the United Kingdom from March 1961

Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

Burdett, William C., Jr., Director of the Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

Burke, Admiral Arleigh A., Chief of Naval Operations until August 1961

Cabell, General Charles P., Deputy Director of Central Intelligence

Caccia, Sir Harold, British Ambassador to the United States until October 1961

Carstens, Karl, State Secretary in the German Foreign Ministry

Cash, Frank E., Jr., Office of German Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

Chayes, Abram J., Legal Adviser, Department of State, from February 1961

Clarke, General Bruce C., Commander in Chief, U.S. Army, Europe

Clay, Lucius D., President's Special Representative in Berlin with the rank of Ambassador from August 1961

Couve de Murville, Maurice, French Foreign Minister

Davis, Richard H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs

Day, Arthur R., Office of German Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

de Gaulle, Charles, President of France

Dillon, C. Douglas, Secretary of the Treasury from January 1961

Dowling, Walter C., Ambassador to Germany

Dulles, Allen W., Director of Central Intelligence until November 1961

Fessenden, Russell, Office of European Regional Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

Finletter, Thomas K., Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council from March 1961

Fowler, Henry H., Under Secretary of the Treasury

Freshman, C. Arnold, Officer in Charge of German Economic Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

Gavin, James M., Ambassador to France from March 1961

Gilpatric, Roswell L., Deputy Secretary of Defense from January 24, 1961

Gray, Major General David, Head of the Joint Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Grewe, Wilhelm C., German Ambassador to the United States

Gromyko, Andrei I., Soviet Foreign Minister

Guthrie, John C., Director of the Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador at Large, February-December 1961

Hillenbrand, Martin J., Director of the Berlin Task Force and the Office of German Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

Holloway, Jerome K., Jr., Office of German Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

Home, Lord Frederick Douglas, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Hood, Viscount Samuel, Minister of the British Embassy in the United States

Johnson, Lyndon B., Vice President of the United States from January 1961

Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from May 1961

Kaysen, Carl, President's Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs

Kennan, George F., Ambassador to Yugoslavia from May 1961

Kennedy, John F., President of the United States from January 1961

Kennedy, Robert F., Attorney General of the United States from January 1961

Khrushchev, Nikita S., Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union

Kissinger, Henry A., National Security Council Staff member until November 1961

Klein, Gunther, Berlin Senator for Federal Affairs

Kohler, Foy D., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs

Krapf, Franz, Minister of the German Embassy in the United States until September 1961

Kroll, Hans S., German Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Laloy, Jean, Minister of European Affairs, French Foreign Ministry

Lazarev, Colonel, Soviet Deputy Political Adviser in Berlin

Lebel, Claude, Minister-Counselor of the French Embassy in the United States

Legere, Colonel Lawrence J., Assistant to the President's Military Representative

Lejins, Nora, Department of State interpreter

Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Lightner, E. Allen Jr., Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission at Berlin

Lucet, Charles, Director of Political Affairs, French Foreign Ministry

Lyon, Cecil B., Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy in France

Macmillan, Harold, British Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury

Mautner, Karl F., member of the Berlin Task Force

McCloy, John J., former High Commissioner for Germany and, from January 1961, President's Adviser on Disarmament

McCone, John A., Director of Central Intelligence from November 1961

McGhee, George C., Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, February-December 1961; thereafter Under Secretary of State of State for Political Affairs

Mende, Erich, Chairman of the West German Free Democratic Party

Menshikov, Mikail A., Soviet Ambassador to the United States until December 1961

Mikoyan, Anastas I., First Vice Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union

Millar, Sir Frederick Hoyer, British Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Murrow, Edward R., Director of the United States Information Agency from March 1961

Nitze, Paul H., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from January 1961

Norstad, Lieutenant General Lauris, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe

Ormsby Gore, David, British Ambassador to the United States from October 1961

Owen, Henry D., National Security Council staff member until December 1961; thereafter member of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State

Pelen, Pierre, Counselor of the French Embassy in the United States

Pervukin, Mikhail G., Soviet Ambassador to the German Democratic Republic

Roberts, Sir Frank, British Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Rostow, Walt W., Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until December 1961; thereafter Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council

Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State from January 1961

Salinger, Pierre E.G., the President's Press Secretary

Schroeder, Gerhard, German Foreign Minister from November 1961

Seydoux, Francois, French Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany

Shuckburgh, Sir Evelyn, British Deputy Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Smirnov, Andrei A., Soviet Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany

Smirnovsky, Mikhail N., Minister-Counselor of the Soviet Embassy in the United States

Solovyev, Colonel A.I., Soviet Commandant in Berlin

Sorensen, Theodore C., President's Special Counsel

Spaak, Paul-Henri, Belgian Foreign Minister from February 1961

Steele, Christopher, British Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany

Stevenson, Adlai E., Permanent Representative to the United Nations from January 1961

Stikker, Dirk U., NATO Secretary General from April 1961

Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., Director of the Executive Secretariat, Department of State, until April 1961; thereafter Counselor at SHAPE

Strauss, Franz Joseph, German Minister of Defense until October 1961

Taylor, General Maxwell D., President's Military Representative from July 1961

Thompson, Llewellyn E., Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Thomson, John A., First Secretary of the British Embassy in the United States

Tyler, William R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs

Ulbricht, Walter, Chairman of the Council of State and of the Socialist Unity Party of the German Democratic Republic

Watson, Major General Albert, II, Commandant in Berlin from May 1961

Winckler, Jean-Claude, Counselor of the French Embassy in the United States

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