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Program Goal:

  • In cooperation with Boeing, Pratt & Whitney and the U.S. Air Force, NASA is maturing thrust vectoring technology so as to enable flight critical propulsion system integration into the flight control system. This technology will provide lower life cycle cost, simplified manufacturing, higher reliability, enhanced performance and safety, as well as lower observability for future fighter and transport aircraft.

Projects Objectives:

  • Characterize and mature thrust vectoring technology
  • Evaluate steady-state and dynamic thrust vectoring performance when integrated into the flight control system
  • Demonstrate a generic, real-time adaptive, performance optimization algorithm
  • Mature thrust vectoring to the level of a primary flight critical control

Current Status:

  • Phase IIa last flight completed on 12/3/96
  • HISTEC flights completed August 97
  • F-15E Extended Range Demonstration Phase I flights completed September 97
  • Phase IIb completed on 8/13/98
  • Phase III currently underway