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USAID: From The American People HIV/AIDS A collaborative USAID effort protects health of vulnerable Bolivian children - Click to read this story
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Envelope Contact Global Health

Families Living with and Affected by HIV/AIDS

USAID’s interventions support people living with AIDS, including orphans and vulnerable children, and strengthen the capacity of families, communities, and those affected to respond to the AIDS crisis. HIV/AIDS is a critical element of other development initiatives, which is why USAID links our HIV/AIDS response in areas such as education, food and nutrition, economic strengthening, legal rights, maternal and child health, and family planning.

Photo of Janet Korutaro in Uganda (click here to learn more about her story). Photo of the Yesudoss family in India (click her to learn more about their story).
As part of the President’s Emergency Plan through USAID, Opportunity International is enabling women in Uganda to provide for children affected by HIV/AIDS. Read more...   It was only after Victor, the middle child of the Yesudoss family, suddenly fell ill and died that his parents learned for the first time that he had AIDS. Read more...
Photo of Dr. Hill chatting with a Ugandan family receiving palliative care services from Hospice Africa Uganda (click here to learn more).    
This family home in Uganda comprises 24 people in a small house, including 12 children who have lost a parent to AIDS. Read more...    


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Tue, 16 Aug 2005 10:04:16 -0500