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Home » King County Board of Health » Resolution 05-04

King County Board of Health (BOH)
Resolution 05-04


WHEREAS, the county is responsible for providing regional public health services to the 1.8 million citizens of King County including food service and drinking water inspections, emergency medical services, community health clinics, vaccine distribution, communicable disease control, and emergency preparedness planning.

WHEREAS, influenza pandemics are inevitable and unpredictable outbreaks that can result in a public health emergency with high levels of illness and death, societal disruption, and economic losses; and

WHEREAS, influenza pandemics can severely stress or overwhelm the healthcare delivery system and disrupt the continuity of operations for provision of other essential community services including governmental and businesses functions; and

WHEREAS, planning and coordination between Public Health – Seattle & King County and King County hospitals and healthcare professionals, emergency management agencies, municipal governments, social service agencies and the business community is essential to limit illness and death from pandemic influenza and decrease social disruption and economic losses; and

WHEREAS, pandemic influenza preparedness planning is consistent with other emergency preparedness needs and would be both relevant and applicable in effectively responding to other naturally-occurring disasters as well as non-communicable disease emergencies; and

WHEREAS, RCW 70.05.070 directs the local health officer, acting under the direction of the local board of health, to “control and prevent the spread of any dangerous, contagious or infectious diseases” within King County ; and

WHEREAS, the local health officer has the authority to issue orders for community outbreak containment and response that would have wide-ranging effects on hospitals and healthcare organizations, municipal governments, and businesses;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE KING COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH directs Public Health - Seattle and King County to coordinate and facilitate pandemic influenza planning and development of response capacity according to federal guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and in collaboration with relevant local and State agencies and stakeholders.

To that end, King County hospitals and other healthcare organizations, municipal governments, social service agencies, businesses, and related professional organizations are asked to engage in pandemic influenza response planning in collaboration with Public Health Seattle & King County.  Whenever applicable, influenza preparedness planning should be integrated into existing emergency preparedness and response planning efforts.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE KING COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH approves the authorizing the preparation of a pandemic influenza preparedness plan.

s/Carolyn Edmonds/s

Carolyn Edmonds, Chair

Date of adoption

Updated: Friday, May 12, 2006 at 10:36 AM

All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. For more information please call (206) 296-4600 (voice) or TTY Relay: 711. Mailing address: ATTN: Communications Team, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300, Seattle, WA 98104 or click here to email us.

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