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Topics - Personal Appraisal - Determine Your Work Preferences
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  What to Do
  The following questions will help you identify your work preferences.
     1. Read each question and click the circle next to your answer.
  2. Once you have answered all the questions, there will be further instructions.
1. I enjoy working with:
a. data (information, ideas, words, numbers)
b. people
c. things (machines, equipment)
2. I prefer working:
a. indoors
b. outdoors
c. some inside and some outside
3. I want to work for a company:
a. with less than 100 employees
b. with 100 to 500 employees
c. with 500 or more employees
d. that I own
4. I would like to work in a:
a. large city
b. medium size city
c. town or suburban area
d. small town or rural area
5. I prefer a job that involves:
a. a lot of travel
b. some travel
c. no travel
6. I want a job that requires:
a. interacting with a lot of people
b. some interaction with people
c. very little interaction with people
d. no interaction with people
7. I would like work duties that:
a. frequently change
b. vary from day to day
c. are fairly routine
d. never change
8. I am willing to work overtime:
a. as much as possible
b. frequently
c. occasionally
d. never
9. For the right job I am:
a. not willing to relocate
b. not able to relocate
c. willing to relocate
d. eager to relocate
10. I want to work:
a. full-time
b. part-time
c. temporary
11. I am more comfortable:
a. working as a team member
b. working as a team leader
12. I prefer to work:
a. day shift
b. night shift
  The next page will display your preferences. This summary will help you clarify which work preferences are most important to you.
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