City of Philadelphia

Who to Contact for Service, Supplies & Equipment


The first sales contact should be with the Procurement Department.  The purchasing staff will acquaint prospective bidders with the procedures and may direct them to the operating agencies most likely to use their goods and services.


The Procurement Department also maintains a list of vendors for the goods and services regularly purchased by the PWD and other agencies throughout the city and it would be in the best interest of prospective bidders to get on the list.  The PWD as well as the other operating departments has been delegated the authority to solicit competitive quotations for goods and services $25,000 and under (small order purchases) but only the Procurement Department can authorize or commit the agency for the purchases.  No payment will be made for any goods delivered or services rendered without a purchase order.


For further information on how to do business with the City of Philadelphia you may contact:  

Procurement Department - Public Information Unit

Municipal Services Building - Room 170
1401 JFK Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19102-1685
(215) 686-4720
(215) 686-4716 (Fax)


If you have new products or services that the PWD may be interested in you may contact us directly. You may make sales demonstrations and offer trial materials, etc. but without obligation to the PWD. Remember, only the Procurement Department is authorized to commit the PWD, on behalf of the city, for the purchase of materials, services or equipment.

For further information on who to contact at PWD about new products or product demonstrations see below:


The Operations Division budgets in excess of 66 million dollars for the purchase of services, supplies, and equipment. Many of these purchases utilize existing contracts established by the procurement department. Services required range from the disposal of biosolids (sludge cake) to numerous repair and maintenance contracts. These services assist our employees in operating and maintaining 3 water treatment facilities, 3 wastewater treatment plants, a biosolids recycling center, a central laboratory, numerous pumping stations, and several field offices. Supplies and equipment needs range from water treatment chemicals to gas powered jackhammers. This utility employs approximately 1600 people engaged in the operation and maintenance of the mentioned facilities, over 3,200 miles of water mains and appurtenances, along with 3,000 miles of sewer pipes. These activities require all manner of purchases to fulfill our mission.

Joseph Galante, Operations Administrative Coordinator
ARAMark Tower - 3rd Floor
1101 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 685-4914
(215) 685-6207 (Fax)


The Materials Management Unit is responsible for purchasing and maintaining a large variety of inventory for the department's operating units. Our inventory ranges from first aid supplies through large 48" gate valves. Our current inventory consists of more than 12,000 different items.

Leslie Ford, Manager
NEWPC - Store Facility
3899 Richmond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19137
(215) 685-2825
(215) 685-1457 (Fax)

The Public Affairs Division requires services, supplies, and equipment in a wide variety of categories (e.g. mailing, communication, presentations, and displays, customer contact, etc.) that assist us in fulfilling our mission as a dedicated, customer-focused team committed to enhancing the quality of life of the customers we serve.


The Public Affairs name and contact information below is ONLY for vendors interested in exploring opportunities working with the Public Affair Division. For customer inquires, to report water and sewer complants and for water billing question, please call 215-685-6300.

Barbara Scott, Public Relation/Government Assistant
ARAMark Tower - 3rd Floor
1101 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 685-6156
(215) 685-6162 (Fax)

The Planning and Engineering Division prepares and implements the Capital Budget Program including research, design, and project control, inspects ongoing construction to insure compliance, operates a Certified Environmental Laboratory and Water Treatment Pilot Plants. Purchases include services of Engineering, Research, and Laboratory consultants; and supplies & equipment for the Laboratory, Pilot Plants, and Field Water Quality investigations. Examples of equipment are GC/MS, ICP/MS, and Arc Spark Optical Emissions Spectrometer.

Geoffrey Brock, Laboratory Manager
Bureau of Laboratory Services
1500 E. Hunting Park Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19124
(215) 685-1411
(215) 743-5594 (Fax)

The Information, Science, and Technology Division coordinates the acquisition, installation, and management of all hardware, software, and professional services required to support the Water Department's information infrastructure including networks, workstations, desktops, peripherals, IBM and HP host computers, applications, and communications.

Philip Downs, Water Information Center Director
ARAMark Tower - 3rd Floor
1101 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215)685-6154 (Fax)


The Finance and Administrative division budgets approximately $3 million annually for the purchase of services, materials, supplies and equipment. The division although primarily responsible for financial management and facilities management also provides procurement support to other divisions including Public Affairs and the PWD Operations center located at 29th & Cambria.


Supplies and services required range from building materials, paper, office supplies, software, communications equipment (phones, radios, beepers, celluar devices) and office equipment, including pc's, printers, copiers and fax machines. Approximately 500 clerical, administrative and executive personnel currently work in PWD's executive offices located on four (4) floors of 1101 Market Street in dowtown Philadelphia.

Joseph Clare, Deputy Water Commissioner

ARAMark Tower - 5th Floor
1101 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215)685-4915 (Fax)