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Albuquerque - Official City Website

A Safe Halloween

The time for monsters, super hero's and ghosts has arrived again. Halloween is a wonderful part of the changing seasons and we should do every thing possible to ensure the night remains a wonderful experience for our children. Most folks are aware of the need for cautionary steps on this haunted evening, particularly in regard to altered treats and safety. Unfortunately, there are dangers associated with this annual goblin festival. The following tips should be considered by all adults and children as a guide to protect our little cherubs during a night of trick-or-treating.

Photographer J Wood leaving, click for disclaimer

For Parents

Photographer Alex Marentes Leaving, click for disclaimer
  • The safest place is a sponsored event at a mall, school, church or neighborhood event.
  • Accompany young children on the route.
  • Send older children out with friends, a watch and flashlight.
  • Agree to the route and an expected arrival time prior to departure.
  • Always check your children's treats prior to consumption.


For Children

Photographer S Porter Leaving, click for disclaimer

Any incident involving injury or violations of the law should be reported to the Albuquerque Police Department by calling 911 (Emergency) or 242-COPS (Non-Emergency).

APD Crime Prevention 924-3600

  • Wear light-colored clothing or costumes.
  • Use make-up instead of a mask for better visibility.
  • Make a map of the route for you and your parents.
  • Carry a flashlight or light stick.
  • Stay in your own neighborhood.
  • Be respectful of other people and their property.
  • Stop only at well-lighted houses.
  • Have a parent check the treats before you eat them.
  • Start early and end early.
  • Use sidewalks or walk facing traffic.
  • Always keep a safe distance between you and moving vehicles.
  • Stop, look and listen at corners or before crossing the street and walk, don't run.
  • Don't go between parked cars or crisscross back and forth across the street.
  • Never go inside a stranger's house or apartment, no matter what anyone says.
  • Don't carry sharp instruments and never carry a lighted candle or open flame.