City of Philadelphia

Drinking Water Cross Connection Control Program


What is a drinking water cross connection?

A cross connection is an improper and illegal plumbing arrangement between a potable and non-potable water supply. This connection, under certain hydraulic conditions, can lead to a dangerous "backflow" from a contaminated water system to drinking water.


Why is the City of Philadelphia concerned with improper cross connections?


The quality of Philadelphia's drinking water supply could be compromised if backflow from a non-potable supply containing hazardous substances occurs. The City of Philadelphia has Cross Connection Control Regulations to protect the public health and the integrity of its drinking water supply.


The 2006 Cross Connection Control Manual -- Standard Specifications for Prevention of Contamination


Backflow Prevention Forms:

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions concerning the information on this site or the Cross-Connection Control Regulations, please contact us at (215) 685-1419, or 1420. You can fax us at (215) 743-5594.