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Cut 20% on your home electricity consumption. This 20% solution web site identifies energy efficiency measures and their predicted percentage savings to help you save energy. Follow these easy steps:

  1. Click on the button below that best describes where you live in California.
  2. Click on the house type and size that are most like yours.
  3. Click the box "Check if you have an air conditioner." if you do.
  4. Click "To Your 20% Solution".

You will find out how much you can save from no-cost, low cost, and more expensive measures that will reduce your household summer electricity consumption. Learn more about each measure by clicking on its "details."


							Map of California with the North Coast Climate Region indicated in green, 
the South Coast Climate Region indicated in Orange, 
the Central Valley Climate Region indicated in gold, 
the Desert Climate Region indicated in Teal and 
the Mountain Climate Region indicated in maroon.
Small Single
Family Home

1,200 square feet
Small Single Family Home
Medium Single
Family Home

2,000 square feet
Medium Single Family Home
Large Single
Family Home

3,200 square feet
Large Single Family Home
800 square feet
North Coast Mountains
South Coast Desert
Central Valley  
Check if you have an air conditioner.
1,400 square feet
Households vary, to improve your chance of saving 20%, aim for 30%.
Rounded Corner   Rounded Corner
Disclaimer: The savings percentages listed are based on typical houses in each region, with and without air conditioning.
Actual percentage savings may vary.