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Drinking Water Program

The National Drinking Water Clearinghouse (NDWC)

The NDWC is a public service organization dedicated to helping small communities by collecting, developing, and providing timely information relevant to drinking water issues. We provide free and low-cost publications, products, databases, referrals, and more.

Free Technical Assistance Calls

The NDWC can answer common questions involving issues such as federal regulations, cross-connection controls, funding sources, water contamination, and water system troubleshooting. Call our Engineers and technical assistance specialists toll-free at 1(800) 624-8301 or e-mail info@mail.nesc.wvu.edu.

For more technical information download our free Tech Brief Fact Sheets or refer to our Ask the Experts of drinking water section.

U.S. RUSOur Sponsor

The NDWC is sponsored through the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Development (USDA RUS). The program serves as an extension of RUS's commitment to providing technical assistance to America's small and rural drinking water treatment plants.

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