Corporation for National and Community Service


Monday, May 14, 2007

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


U.S. House Passes Resolution Saluting AmeriCorps and Marking First-Ever AmeriCorps Week

Washington D.C. - The U.S. House of Representatives today expressed its strong appreciation for AmeriCorps and its important contribution to our nation by overwhelmingly passing a resolution recognizing May 13-20 as National AmeriCorps Week.

House Resolution 385, which passed this evening by a 346-21 vote, “acknowledges the significant accomplishments of AmeriCorps members, alumni and community partners; recognizes the important contribution to the lives of our citizens by AmeriCorps members; and encourages citizens of all ages to participate in service opportunities in their communities, including in AmeriCorps programs.” (Full text below)

The bipartisan resolution was introduced on May 9 by Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) with original cosponsors Doris Matsui (D-CA), Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), Christopher Shays (R-CT), Todd Platts (R-PA), and David Price (D-NC). The U.S. Senate is expected to take up a similar resolution tomorrow, and 19 Governors have signed or will sign AmeriCorps Week proclamations.

On the House floor, several speakers noted AmeriCorps growth and impact, citing the fact that AmeriCorps half-million members have contributed more than 630 million hours of service since the programs inception in 1994.

“AmeriCorps members live each day with the understanding that when we act as one for progress, we prosper together. Yet, all too often, these life-changing individuals and community building programs go unrecognized. So, I am proud to ask my colleagues to join me for the next seven days in honoring all AmeriCorps members and alumni, to say thank you for all that they have done and continue to do, and to encourage more people to get involved,” said resolution author Congressman John Yarmuth (D-KY).

National Service Congressional Caucus Co-Chair Doris Matsui (D-CA) stated that, “AmeriCorps members are a vital part of our communities. With very little funding, they leverage millions of dollars and perform crucial work, whether in a classroom, in a National Park or rebuilding houses in the Gulf Coast. ”

In his floor remarks, Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA), noted that AmeriCorps works closely with its community partners and thanked AmeriCorps partners that “capture the spirit of service and bring that spirit to bear in a concentrated way to relieve suffering provide opportunities to the needy, clean up our communities, and bring hope to millions.”

The first-ever AmeriCorps Week kicked off yesterday, and more than 200 events are planned including service projects, recruitment fairs, school presentations, alumni gatherings, AmeriCorps-for-a-Day events with elected officials, and awards ceremonies. These events are listed on the AmeriCorps Week website at, along with news, stories, and information about how to join AmeriCorps.

Since its creation in 1994, AmeriCorps members have provided more than 637 million hours of service. Using Independent Sector’s estimate of the dollar value of a volunteer’s time, those hours equate to more than $11.9 billion dollars in value. In addition to their direct service, AmeriCorps members have proved to be a powerful force multiplier for volunteer efforts. In 2006 alone, AmeriCorps members recruited and managed 1.4 million community volunteers. Once they complete their service, AmeriCorps alums remain highly engaged and active in their communities volunteering and entering public service careers at disproportionately high levels.

AmeriCorps is administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which also oversees Senior Corps and Learn and Serve America. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of service, citizenship, and responsibility in America. For more information, visit


The text of the resolutions follows:

House Resolution 385, Recognizing National AmeriCorps Week

Whereas the AmeriCorps national service program, since its inception in 1994, has proven to be an effective way to engage Americans in service to the Nation that meets a wide range of local and national needs and promotes the ethic of service and volunteerism;

Whereas the AmeriCorps program, working closely with its Nationwide network of Governor-appointed state service commissions, has strengthened America's nonprofit sector community nonprofit groups, in every State in our Nation;

Whereas the AmeriCorps programs across our Nation have leveraged additional funds and in-kind donations from other sources to further service and volunteerism in America;

Whereas each year AmeriCorps provides opportunities for 75,000 citizens to serve in and work to improve communities in our Nation;

Whereas since 1994 a total of 500,000 citizens across the Nation have taken the AmeriCorps pledge to `get things done for America' by becoming AmeriCorps members;

Whereas those same individuals have served a total of more than 630,000,000 hours in service to our Nation, helping to improve the lives of our Nation's most vulnerable citizens, protect our environment, contribute to our public safety, respond to disasters, and strengthen our educational system;

Whereas AmeriCorps members last year recruited and supervised more than 1,400,000 community volunteers, serving as a powerful volunteer catalyst;

Whereas AmeriCorps members, in return for their service, have earned nearly $1,300,000,000 to further their own education at our Nation's colleges and universities;

Whereas AmeriCorps members, after their terms of service end, remain engaged in our communities as volunteers, teachers, and nonprofit professionals in disproportionately high levels; and

Whereas the inaugural National AmeriCorps Week , May 13-20, 2007, is an opportune time for the people of the United States to recognize current and former AmeriCorps members for their service to our Nation; thank AmeriCorps' community partners who make the program possible; and bring more Americans into service: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives--

(1) encourages all citizens to join in a national effort to salute AmeriCorps members and alumni to raise awareness about the importance of national and community service;

(2) acknowledges the significant accomplishments of the AmeriCorps members, alumni and community partners;

(3) recognizes the important contribution to the lives of our citizens by AmeriCorps members; and

(4) encourages citizens of all ages to participate in service opportunities in their communities, including in AmeriCorps programs.



VIEWED ON: Wednesday, September 17, 2008