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GAMS Module 564 in TOMS


L1GNR: a Fortran subroutine for generating test problems for discrete linear
L-sub-1 approximation problems. (See K.L. Hoffman and D.R. Shier, ACM TOMS 6
(1980) pp. 615-617.).
Classes  :  K3 .    Least absolute value (L-1) approximation
            K6d .   Other service routines for approximation
            L6b12 . Linear L-1 (least absolute value) approximation random
            L8a2 .  Simple linear L-p regression for p different from 2 (e.g.,
                  least absolute value, minimax)
            L8c3 .  Multiple linear L-p regression for p different from 2
Type     : Fortran software in TOMS collection.
Access   : Some uses prohibited. Portable.
Precision: Single.
Details  : Fullsource
Sites    : (1) NETLIB

Implementation of 564 from TOMS on NETLIB

NETLIB:    Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
           Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Precision: Single.
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Fullsource   : echo "send 564 from toms" | mail netlib@ornl.gov

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