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Remarks With Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi

John Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State
Beijing, China
May 12, 2008

FOREIGN MINISTER YANG: (Words of welcome, inaudible). We attach great importance to this visit and we also value your contribution to the development of constructive and cooperative relations between China and the U.S.

During your stay in Beijing, Vice-President Xi Jinping and State Councillor Dai Bingguo will meet with you, and my colleague Vice-Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold talks with you. I believe your visit will yield positive results in bettering our mutual understanding and expand common understanding. I wish you success.

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: Thank you very much, Mr. Minister, for your warm welcome. I am very happy to be back in Beijing again.

I look forward to the talks that we will have today which are aimed at strengthening the friendship and understanding between our two governments and countries. I look forward to discussing with you and your colleagues, other colleagues in the government, issues both bilateral and regional, and global of mutual concern.

Released on May 12, 2008

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