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Remarks After Meeting with Defense Minister Ishiba

John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State
Ministry of Defense
Tokyo, Japan
May 9, 2008

QUESTION: Could you tell us what kind of discussions you had with Defense Minister Ishiba?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: In general terms, I’d be pleased to answer that question. We had a very good meeting. We talked about the importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance. We talked about the resumption of refueling activities in the Indian Ocean. We talked about the importance that both of our countries attach to being as supportive as we can of the government of Afghanistan. And we talked, perhaps above all, about the base realignment, the defense realignment process that is taking place here in Japan with respect to United States forces, and the importance that both of our governments attach to implementing the agreements that we have reached on a timely basis. And then lastly, we also had the opportunity to discuss very briefly the importance that our two governments attach to ballistic missile defense and to information-sharing activities between our two governments.

Released on May 9, 2008

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