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Remarks at ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference

John Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State
Remarks with International Press
Manila, Philippines
August 1, 2007

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: I just want to say that from the point of view of the United States, we have had a very good day of meetings, particularly the ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference consultations with the ASEAN countries. I had a very good meeting with the 10 Foreign Ministers and had an opportunity to emphasize the great importance that the United States attaches to our relationship with ASEAN -- a group of countries comprising 100 million people, the fourth largest market for the United States economically, and essentially an area of peace and tranquility, where all of the conflict situations between the countries of the region have been resolved and are part of history. This is really an excellent basis and excellent platform for working together between the United States and ASEAN countries, to take advantage of the future opportunities for expanded trade, increased economic development and reciprocally beneficial opportunities.

We are particularly excited by the fact that the ASEAN countries plan to form a single unified market by the year 2015, and we think this will represent great, great opportunities for our relationship with the group of ASEAN countries. So, again, I just want to say we have had a very good day of meetings with the ministers and leave this day very satisfied with what has taken place. Maybe I will take one or two questions.

QUESTION: Did you have a bilateral with the DPRK?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: The short answer to that is no, although I did --

QUESTION: Why not?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: Our purpose in coming here was to attend the ASEAN ministerial meeting, and the DPRK happened to also be here. I had an opportunity to greet the DPRK foreign minister last night in Malacanang Palace when the six ministers met with President Arroyo. But what I would say in reply to your question is that the working group meetings under the Six-Party arrangement for the month of August are on track. We look forward to the work that is going to be done in the Six-Party format during the next several weeks, and we expect and are hopeful of continued progress towards the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. This is obviously a very, very important element of establishing a long-term and enduring peace in this part of the world.

QUESTION: What will you bring up with your counterparts tomorrow [at the ARF]?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: I think tomorrow in the ARF discussions we will be principally in a listening mode. This is a large group of countries, and there are a couple of new members -- Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. We will want to welcome their membership and their participation, and I expect that we will be very attentive to what everybody has to say.

QUESTION: Can you give a rough date of the summit, the ASEAN summit that was postponed? Is there a date yet?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: No, but it is certainly something that we hope to be in a position to do in the not-too-distant future.

QUESTION: Would early next year be –

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: I would be reluctant to give you a specific time.

Thank you.

Released on August 1, 2007

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