Kansas City Board of Trade

Contract Fees

(Following Effective 7/1/2008)
 Account Type Platform Wheat & Wheat Options Value Line® &
Value Line® Options
Member Open Outcry $0.00 n/a
Electronic $0.15 $0.15
Non-Member Open Outcry $0.55 n/a
Electronic $1.70 $1.00

For purposes of computing fees, a "member" is the "person" (individual) whose name in which the membership is registered, and such person trades in Exchange contracts (for which such person is entitled to trade based on the class of membership) for such person's own account. Further, a member is also defined as a firm, partnership or corporation that such person is registered with the Exchange as representing (referred to as "member firm") and trading is done on behalf of such firm, partnership or corporation. Member does not include employees, associated persons, affiliate companies, subsidiary corporations or parent corporations of such member firm unless they also own a membership.

Exchange contract fees are shown on a "per side" basis and are applicable to exchange for physical (EFP), exchange for risk (EFR), delivery of futures, and exercised, expired or assigned options contracts. Exchange fees are not applicable to transfer trades.

(Following Effective 7/1/2008)

 Account Type Platform Wheat & Wheat Options Value Line & Value Line Options
Member Open Outcry $0.00 N/A
Electronic $0.00 $0.00
Non-Member Open Outcry $0.10 N/A
Electronic $0.10 $0.10

Surcharges Trade Types Open Outcry Electronic
Exchange For Risk (EFR) All Trades $0.50 N/A
Delegate Member CTI Type 1 $0.20 $0.50
CTI Types 2,3,4 $0.10 N/A

*Clearing contract fees are shown on a "per side" basis and are applicable to EFP's, EFR's, delivery of futures, and exercised, expired or assigned options and transfer trades (except for same-day transfers). The EFR surcharge is applicable to both member (defined above) and non-member accounts. The Delegate member surcharges are subject to a monthly minimum of $250.


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