Library Policies

Tempe Public Library
User Conduct Policy

Approved by the Library Advisory Board
May 7, 2007

The Tempe Public Library’s mission is to be the premier information portal for the Tempe community..  This policy has been adopted to protect all library users’ right of access to library facilities, to ensure the health, peace, and safety of library users and staff, and to protect library resources from damage.  The policy is to be used in conjunction with local, state and federal laws.

 The following conduct, behaviors, or resulting effects are not permitted within the library:

1.      Disorderly behavior of any kind, including loud conversations, excessive noise, running in the building, or otherwise causing a disruption to the peace and order of the library environment.

2.       Using a cellular telephone, audible pager, audio equipment, audio-visual equipment, or computer equipment so that it disturbs others.  For the courtesy of other library users, cell phones must be turned off or set it to vibrate upon entering the building.  Cell phone conversations should be held outside of the building, in a lobby area, or in the Connections Café.

3.       Abandonment of individuals, both adults and children, who are unable to take care of themselves.  A responsible adult must attend children under the age of ten years.  The responsible adult must be close enough to both see and hear the child.

4.       Vandalizing or defacing library materials or property including books, audio-visual materials, furniture, walls, computer equipment or facilities.  A.R.S. 13-1602

5.       Removing library materials, equipment, or property from the building without proper check-out or authorization.

6.       Putting feet or legs on library furniture; rearranging or disarranging library furnishings and equipment.

7.       Indecent exposure, voyeurism, exhibitionism, or other lewd or lascivious acts.  A.R.S. 13-1402 and 13-1412

8.       Bringing firearms or other deadly weapons into the building.  A.R.S. 13-3102

9.       Harassment of library users or staff, either verbally or through actions.  This may include verbal abuse, use of profanity or other abusive language whether oral or written toward other library users or toward library employees, intimidation, staring at or following another person in the library with the effect of annoying a person of reasonable sensibilities,  sexual harassment or harassment on account of race, religion, ethnic background, gender, or sexual orientation.

10.   Violating the provisions of the Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and the Internet Policy.

11.   Not wearing shoes or a shirt.

12.   Bringing a bicycle into the building.  Bicycles must be secured in the racks provided.

13.   Using skateboards, in-line skates, roller skates, scooters, or other sports equipment within the building.

14.   Bringing animals into the building, except those used to assist an individual with a disability. 

15.   Sleeping in the library; using restrooms for washing clothes or bathing.

16.   Bringing bedrolls, suitcases, blankets, shopping carts, and similar articles into the library.

17.   The consumption of food and beverages in computer/equipment areas, the Reference section, and in the aisles where materials are shelved.  Light snacks and beverages, however, may be consumed in reading and study areas and in the Connections Café..  Users are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and for disposing of trash in receptacles.

18.   Smoking or other uses of tobacco or tobacco products in the library.  Tempe City Code 22-42

19.   Possessing or consuming alcohol or illegal drugs, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.  A.R.S. 13-3401 et seq.

20.   Gambling.  A.R.S. 13-3301 et seq.

21.   Blocking library entrances and exits.  Tempe City Code 22-4.

22.   Selling products or services, soliciting for personal gain; or approaching library users for the purpose of obtaining signatures for petitions within the building.

23.   Posting or distributing unauthorized literature.  Approval must be obtained in advance from the Library Administration office.

24.   Leaving personal property in the library unattended.  The library is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property.

25.   Violation of any ordinances, laws, or regulations of the City of Tempe, the State of Arizona, or any of its political subdivisions, or of the United States.


Violations of the above policy guidelines can result in a verbal warning, ejection from the Library by a City of Tempe Park Ranger or member of the Library staff; or loss of library privileges, including borrowing privileges, and access to the library building.  Failure to comply with the policy after being notified of a violation by a library staff member or a Park Ranger may result in the Tempe Police Department being summoned and violators being prosecuted in accordance with applicable ordinances or laws.