Gray Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Mountain-Prairie Region
News, Information and Recovery Status Reports
Gray wolf

*NEW* Endangered Species Act Protections Reinstated for the NRM Gray Wolf

February 2008 - Final Rule Delisting the Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of the Northern Rocky Mountain (NRM) Gray Wolf:

FWS Finalizes Delisting of the NRM Gray Wolf

Past Federal Actions On Gray Wolf Status and Management in Northern Rocky Mountains:

FWS Finalizes Revisions to the 10(j) Special Rule

August 1, 2006 - FWS Announces 12-Month Finding on a Petition to Establish and Delist the NRM Gray Wolf Population:

February 2, 2006 - FWS Announces Intent to Remove the NRM Population of Gray Wolves from Endangered Species List:

January 5, 2006 - Norton, Kempthorne Sign Agreement Turning Over Most Management of Wolves in Idaho to the State:

December 9, 2005 - 90-Day Finding on a Petition to Delist the Gray Wolf in Nevada:

October 2005 - 90-Day Finding on Two Petitions to Remove NRM Gray Wolves from the List of Threatened and Endangered Species:

January 2005 - New Regulation (10(j) Special Rule) Allows Greater Management Flexibility of Gray Wolves for the States of Montana and Idaho:

2005 - Final Rule to Change Status of Gray Wolf Throughout Most of the Lower 48 States Overturned:

2003 - Final Rule to Designate 3 District Population Segments and Change the ESA Status of the Gray Wolf throughout Most of the Lower 48 States:

2000 - Proposal to Change the ESA Status of the Gray Wolf throughout Most of the Lower 48 States:

1994 - Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Populations of Gray Wolves:

1978 - Reclassification of the Gray Wolf in the United States and Mexico, with Determination of Critical Habitat in Michigan and Minnesota:

1974 - Gray Wolf Listed as Endangered in the Lower 48 States and Mexico:

Annual Reports:

Weekly Reports:

We are discontinuing the interagency weekly reports, because the NRM wolf population is now delisted and the States have management authority for those wolves. Please contact ID, MT, WY, OR, WA, or UT for updated wolf information in their state.

Last updated: September 2, 2008