Emergency Transportable Housing
Federal Advisory Committee Meeting Summary

September 24-25, 2007
Meeting Number 1
U.S. Access Board Washington, DC

September 24 (10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
September 25 (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Welcoming Remarks: 
Lawrence Roffee, Executive Director of the Access Board, welcomed committee members, thanked them for their willingness to serve on the committee, and emphasized the importance of accessible emergency transportable housing to support Americans with disabilities in times of need.  Mr. Roffee invited committee members and guests to briefly introduce themselves. Mr. Roffee announced that Tricia Mason, Chair of the Access Board, appointed Mr. Robert Solomon, Assistant VP for Building and Life Safety Codes of the National Fire Protection Association to chair the advisory committee. He thanked Mr. Solomon for his willingness to serve in this capacity.

Overview of Committee Purpose and Rulemaking Process and the Access Board’s Authority under the Architectural Barriers Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act: 
David Capozzi provided a briefing on the Access Board, including its mission, services, program goals, and the advisory committee process as it assists in the work of developing guidelines and standards for the Architectural Barriers Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Review and Approval of Protocols for Governance of the Advisory Committee
Marsha Mazz reviewed and discussed the draft protocols.  Committee members offered one minor change to the draft protocols and adopted them with changes.  The change was to Item 18 to specify that people who distribute written materials during committee meetings should provide 25, not 50, print copies. The Board will provide a revised version of the protocols on the Access Board website.

Briefing on the Federal Advisory Committee Act;
Questions & Answers on Federal Advisory Committee Act: 
James Raggio, General Counsel, Access Board provided an overview of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and its provisions governing the structure and operation of advisory committees chartered by Federal agencies.  These include stipulations on:  committee meetings (must be open to the public, notice must be provided at least 15 days in advance, minutes or summaries required), and the option to form subcommittees which can broaden participation beyond committee membership.  It was noted that a video on the Act is available and will be posted on the Committee Page on the Access Board website for committee members to view at their leisure.

Presentations by Committee Members:
Each committee member provided an overview of the mission and services of the organization they represent and addressed the concerns and issues they believe relevant to the Committee work.  Copies of presentations will be provided to Committee members.  Committee members’ concerns regarding emergency transportable housing included:

The Committee discussed priorities and determined that two subcommittees should begin work to provide a basis for its recommendations.  Subcommittees will be staffed by Marsha Mazz, Designated Federal Official, U.S. Access Board.  The subcommittees are:

Task Group:
Chairman Solomon requested that the representatives of RPTIA and RVIA work together to develop an industry response to concerns raised during the meeting regarding the use of travel trailers, park models and recreational vehicles used as “housing” for long term, continuous use periods of up to 24 months as opposed to temporary and seasonal uses.

Public Comment Period:
A public comment period was held.  Ms. Deborah Titus, Independent Living Advocate, Independence Empowerment Center Inc, Manassas, Virginia urged the Committee to consider the needs of individuals with disabilities, particularly those with communication disabilities.  Ms. Titus recommended that providers of emergency transportable housing not overlook any obligations to provide auxiliary aids and services.

Attendance and Quorum:
The required two-thirds quorum was established; thirteen of thirteen Committee Members were present on September 24 and twelve of thirteen were present on September 25.  Mr. Doug Anderson, Access Board Member and Board Liaison to the Committee was in attendance.  Mr. Jim Pecht, Accessibility Specialist for the Access Board and Ms. Peg Blechman, Compliance Specialist to the Access Board also attended the meeting.  Guests included: June Kailes of Playa del Rey, CA, Nancy Mc Nabb of the National Fire Protection Association, Rick Mendlen of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Deborah Titus of Manassas, Virginia.  The Chair requested that Ms. Mazz provide a daily record of attendance.  See Attachment

Future Meetings:
The Committee agreed to the following dates for future meetings:

Resource Materials:
A list of resources provided the Committee to aid in their deliberations is available on the Committee Resources Page